日本驻重庆新任总领事高田真里: 重庆的魅力,希望让更多日本民众、企业了解


重庆与世界 2022年1期

刘丁睿 贺煜

Takada Mari, New Japanese Consul-General in Chongqing:

Enabling More Japanese People and Companies to Appreciate Chongqings Charm

By Liu Dingrui/ The World and Chongqing   Photo by He Yu/ The World and Chongqing

“I am committed to promoting economic cooperation and trade, people-to-people exchanges, and mutual understanding between Japan and Chongqing”, said by Takada Mari, new Consul-General of Japan in Chongqing after coming to her post one month later.

Before she came to the Municipality on November 15th, 2021, Takada Mari worked in diplomatic and consular missions in Beijing and Hong Kong SAR in China, Pakistan, and Indonesia. “Compared with the city that I visited 25 years ago on an official trip, the Chongqing today has gone through tremendous changes. This is a totally different city than that in my memory.” She has developed a love for Chongqing where the old and new buildings are orchestrated perfectly. Hongyadong has a striking resemblance of architectures in the Japanese animated film Spirited Away. Modern skyscrapers and ancient temples form a skyline unique to this city. All of these have enabled people to sense the extensive and profound culture behind Chongqing.

“I like the food here, Chongqing Hotpot, Xiaomian (Chongqing Noodles), and fermented tofu. I want to know more about the tea culture and explore hot springs as well.” She was confident in bringing Chongqing-Japan friendship and interactions closer by tapping the enormous potential of development and peoples spending in this Emerging Tier-1 City in China. Many young Chongqing people have been fascinated by Japanese comics and animations. After COVID-19, more Chongqing tourists are welcomed to visit Japan, feeling the Japanese culture in a more up-close way.

“Ahead of Chongqing are unprecedented development opportunities presented by Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Hub Mega-Region.”

Japan established its consular post in Chongqing in 1998 which was the earliest one in this city. Since its establishment, the Japanese Consulate-General in Chongqing has been committed to promoting exchanges and cooperation in politics, economy, education, culture, etc. between China and Japan. Consul-General Takada Mari said that her team will do their best as always, play their role in the consular districts, and expand Chongqing-Japan interactions and collaborations.

“Over the past few years, Chinas great achievements and its strong economic momentum have been felt in the inland, particularly in southwestern places like Chongqing and Sichuan. They are booming and burgeoning, developing even faster than the national average.” Consul-General Takada Mari believed that ahead of Chongqing are unprecedented development opportunities presented by Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Hub Mega-Region. During this process, the Consulate-General will work actively to engage in and contribute to the development of this national strategy and enable more Japanese people and companies to appreciate Chongqings charm.

As we speak, Chongqing is fast-tracking its pace to become a center of international exchanges in Western China. However, there are challenges as well. Consul-General Takada Mari noted that a lot of Japanese companies would like to find more about Chongqings latest development. She suggested that Chongqing should continue to enhance its international outreach efforts so as to let the world know about Chongqings strong socio-economic development momentum, the open doing-business environment, and so on. Chongqing should strengthen its foreign trade, make the city more well-known in the world, and improve its influence in the region. She expected to see Chongqing as a hub of regional and international exchanges in Western China.

“I look forward to enhancing cultural interactions with Chongqing as an important part of greater mutual learning between China and Japan.”

From January 1st, 2022, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement has entered into force, signed among 15 countries including China and Japan. Consul-General Takada Mari was positive about the enormous boosting effect of RCEP to the economic globalization as it has fostered the worlds largest free trade area. It will also make Chinese and Japanese markets more open, stimulate economic growth, and generate more benefits to the peoples of our countries.

“China is pursuing green development and carbon neutrality. Chongqing is taking actions such as garbage sorting, environmental protection, and energy conservation. These are opportunities to team up with Japanese companies in these sectors.” As Consul-General Takada Mari presented, Japan values environmental protection and has leading experience and technologies in the green sector and clean energy. The two sides could exchange ideas in these sectors and work together for green development.

2022 celebrates the 50th anniversary of the normalization of China-Japan diplomatic relations. A series of events have already been held, Consul-General Takada Mari said, such as Sichuan-Chongqing Japanese Essay/Speech Contest, China-Japan Online Symposium on Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, and Japan Festival. She looked forward to more exchanges with Chongqing in culture, education, and among the young people to further promote mutual learning of the two civilizations.













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