看见重庆女性的力量 驻渝领事官员参观“母亲影像展”


重庆与世界 2022年1期


Appreciating the Female Power of Chongqing

A Visit at the “Mothers Photo Exhibition” by Consular Officials in Chongqing

By Liu Dingrui / The World and Chongqing

It is mother who give birth to us. Mother is a symbol of our nation and love. On December 21st, 2021, initiated by the Foreign Affairs Office of Yuzhong District and assisted by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government, consular community of the Philippines and the Netherlands in Chongqing, as well as foreign friends in Chongqing were invited to visit Chongqing Female Power · Mother Photo Exhibition (1921-2021) organized by Chongqing Female Talent Research Association and Chongqing Art Museum, and to feel the warm and strong power in mothers spirit.

Zhang Yaxi, Deputy Director-general of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government; Jiang Yonghong, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Yuzhong District; Flerida P. Mayo, the Philippine Consul-general in Chongqing; Mafalda Nunes, spouse of the Dutch Consul-general in Chongqing; SharonAnn, representative of the British Chamber of Commerce and General Manager of Crowne Plaza Hotel; Kelen Leong, General Manager of Chongqing Raffles Hospital; Zou Xiaoping, Chairwoman of Chongqing Womens Talent Research Association; and Dai Ling, Vice Chairwoman of the Association, attended the event.

Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, women have played a significant and irreplaceable role. Themed as Female Power in Chongqing, the exhibition is arranged by timeline over the past century, namely from 1921 to 1949, 1949 to 1978, 1978 to 2018, and 2018 to present. Presenting photos over the past one hundred years, the exhibition aims to display the evolution of womens roles and images in the changes of the time, and therefore to reflect the grand theme of the centennial of the Communist Party of China from a specific perspective.

“She is a martyr who lives in the prison on Gele Mountain and believes in sincerity and love of human beings; she is an incognito and diligent scientist who finally builds her fame in Asia; she is a member of the art troupe who crosses the Yalu River, plays allegro and sings; she is a leader of the catering team who protects everyone in difficulties; she is an ordinary female worker who braves adversities in an emergency; she is a reformer who stands up to the forefront, with bravery of thought, action and exploration; she is a hardworking teacher who stays active even in her 80s and 90s.” Vice Chairwoman Dai Ling tells the stories of the women in the photos.

“To be frank, this exhibition is not only to display photos but also to pay tribute to mothers contribution over the past century. These are photos and videos recording the actual history. Some old photos are already broken and blurred which touches the softest part of our hearts.” Dai Ling said that this exhibition reviews the history our mother experienced, and the warm memory given by mother is a lifetime company to all of us.


市政府外办副主任张娅茜、渝中区政府外办主任江永红,菲律宾驻重庆总领事玛友、荷兰驻重庆总领事夫人包睦菲,英国商会代表、皇冠假日酒店总经理富莎瑞,重庆莱佛士医院总经理Kelen Leong,重庆女性人才研究会会长邹小平、副会长戴伶等参加活动。




Part of the Exhibition Photos



