文/刁艳杰 图/何延海
山东博物馆内的“80后”文物保护修复团队,用匠心让文物重现光华。The “Post-80s” heritage conservation and restoration team in the Shandong Museum reproduce the brilliance of cultural heritage with their ingenuity.
马瑞文正在用超景深显微镜观察文物微观形貌。Ma Ruiwen is using an ultra-depth-offield microscope to observe the microscopic appearance of the cultural relics.
李晶正在检测博物馆展厅内的环境指标。Li Jing is testing the environmental indicators in the exhibition hall of the museum.
经纺织品修复师的巧手缝补,千年纺织品得以“化腐朽为神奇”。Mended by textile restorers, millennia-old textiles have been transformed from “Rotten to Rare”.
排笔是文物修复师刷宣纸、浆糊的好帮手,毛要软且细腻。The combined brush (comprising a row of brushes) is a good helper for heritage restorers to brush rice paper (Chinese art paper) and paste. Its bristles are required to be fine and soft.
纸张修复对干湿度要求严苛,如何用水成为修复的关键。Paper restoration has a strict requirement for dryness and humidity. How to use water is the key to restoration.
文物修复师许刚正在对书画进行吸尘。Heritage restorer Xu Gang vacuums calligraphy and painting works.
鲁元良正在将书画进行上墙平整,一幅书画作品的修复至少需要上墙三次。Lu Yuanliang is putting paintings and calligraphy on the wall and leveling them. The restoration of a painting and calligraphy work needs to be on the wall at least three times.
在任伟看来,文物修得好看不是目的,最大程度地保护文物才是宗旨。In Ren Wei’s view, the goal is not to restore cultural relics beautifully, but to protect them to the maximum extent.
Entering from the north gate of the Shandong Museum, walking into the Laboratory of Cultural Heritage Conservation and Restoration on the fourth floor, you will see a group of “Post-80s” heritage restorers using their techniques to bridge the gap of history, to awaken those cultural relics sunk in sleep for thousands of years, and to make them come to life again. Assigned to different posts, they maintain a passion for heritage conservation and restoration.
Ren Wei is responsible for restoring the metal ware in the museum. Engaged in the profession for nine years, he has participated in the restoration of more than 1,000 cultural relics. In his view, the goal is not to restore cultural relics beautifully, but to identify “Rusts” and protect cultural relics to the maximum extent.
With the development of society and the progress of science and technology, more new elements have been integrated into traditional heritage restoration, which has gradually become part of the concept of “Heritage Conservation”. Now, the importance of the environment to cultural heritage has been widely recognized, the awareness of preventive conservation has been greatly improved.
In restorer Li Jing’s laboratory, all data of each exhibition hall, including temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, luminance, and volatile organic compounds, is flashed on the environmental monitoring platform in real time. From the microenvironment to the small environment, from the big environment to the outdoor environment, 230 sensors covering the entire museum are connected to a black database application controller, which will immediately inform Li Jing of any abnormality.
Meanwhile, with the progress of science and technology, and the application of various spectroscopic and microscopic techniques to heritage information extraction, composition and disease cause analysis, and so forth, heritage restoration has become more accurate and efficient. As an important way of cultural inheritance and conservation, heritage restoration is a dialogue across millennia. In the dialogue, heritage restorers hold heritage in awe, and pass on restoration techniques.