Train tickets to some of the most popular destinations fbr this year's May Day holiday sold out the moment they became available, causing platforms to temporarily crash, foretelling an explosive holiday season starting on May 1.
“I tried wearing and taking off my glasses, binding and not binding my hair, and walked to the brighter living room to pass the facial recognition check on the app, but failed five or six times,” a Beijing resident surnamed Zhang told the Global Times.
“Only when I browsed social media did I realize it wasn't my problem, it was that 12306 was down,” Zhang said. She was trying to purchase a ticket to her hometown, Luoyang in Central China' s Henan Province, which also has many historical sites and tourist spots.
Apart from railway travels, China's domestic civil aviation industry has also come up with a vengeance, based on bookings for the coming holiday. According to the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), the five- day May Day holiday will “fully release” the transportation demand in China that had been previously suppressed by the pandemic.
今年五一假期一些熱门目的地的火车票一开售就售罄,导致售票平台暂时瘫痪, 这预示着一个火爆的五一假期。
张女士说:“后来我浏览社交媒体平台才发现这不是我的问题,而是123064崩了 '。”据悉,当时她正试着购买回家乡洛阳的车票。洛阳坐落于中国中部的河南省,是一座拥有许多历史古迹和旅游景点的城市。