Message from President of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry H.E.Mr.Mian Nasser Hyatt Maggo
I am pleased to learn that China Trade News of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) is launching a Special Issue on the 70th anniversary of the establishment of Pakistan and China diplomatic relations. The CCPIT is playing a vital role for the promotion of Pakistan-China trade and economic relations.
China has made a valuable contribution to Pakistans economic development particularly in the development of infrastructure and setting up of basic industries. China is one of the leading partners of the economic development of Pakistan. Chinese assistance to Pakistan especially in the development of seaports, mining projects, power generation, bio-technology, the fishing sector, corporate farming, and science and technology is appreciated. Pakistan and China have been enjoying amicable economic relations for a long time. China has provided Pakistan technical and financial assistance for some of its major projects like the Karakoram Highway, heavy mechanical complexes, the Forge and Foundry Project, the Heavy Rebuild Factory, the Guddu Thermal power Station, and assistance in agriculture.
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a massive bilateral project to improve infrastructure within Pakistan for better trade with China and to further integrate the countries of the region. The CPEC will transform Pakistans economy by modernizing its road, rail, air, and energy?transportation?systems and to connect the deep-sea Pakistani ports of?Gwadar?and?Karachi?to Chinas?Xinjiang?province and beyond by overland routes. (Xinjiang borders the countries of Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan,?Kyrgyzstan,?Tajikistan,?Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, and the ancient?Silk Road?ran through its territory).
Chinas support to Pakistan, extended on government and private-level to fight COVID-19, was a testimony of the two countries true friendship that is rooted in the hearts of their people. Although the Chinese government and people are fighting against COVID-19 themselves, still they are trying their best to help Pakistan. China gifted halfa-million free doses of Chinas Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine as a goodwill gesture in view of the strategic relationship between the two countries.
The Chinese economy is expected to become the worlds biggest by 2030, when it will be double the size of the United States. In terms of R&D expenditure globally China ranks 6th, in terms of R&D personnel it ranks 7th, in terms of acquiring patents on invention it ranks 5th and in terms of global percentage of publishing scientific articles it ranks 2nd.
I am sure that the CCPIT will serve to increase economic cooperation and enhance trade between the private sectors of Pakistan and China.
I am confident that the efforts of the CCPIT will go a long way in stimulating export-oriented activities and I congratulate them for their marvelous achievement of launching the Special Issue of China Trade News.
I wish them great success.
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