Task 1


疯狂英语·新悦读 2021年7期


Florence,a 17-year-old senior student in high school,was busy composing(作曲)a song.She planned to release an album(唱片)with three other music lovers whom she met at the 2016 Campus Singing Competition.Edward,18,is another one of the four students to make their own album.Actually,he was the one who came up with this fun idea in the first place.

“Everyone loves music.Being a good way to express our feelings and emotions,music can tell something about who we are and our experience of the world.We hope we can use our music to touch our peers(同龄人),”Edward said.

The album includes 15 songs across three themes—love,campus life,and youth,with pop and electronic music styles.The inspiration for the songs came from the students'lives.Take the song Sea of Tranquility for example—it was written by Edward during a flight back to Chengdu after he took part in the China High School Biology Olympiad in summer.“The sky is clear and the ground looks small from the plane.This scene makes me feel calm and peaceful,”Edward explained.

The songs were created one by one with the efforts of the four writers.But a challenge soon appeared.The students found that they didn't have enough money to produce the album.So to cut down their budget,they used an iPad and headphones to record the songs in an empty classroom on the weekend.

Apart from reducing their cost,they also tried to raise money through crowdfunding on the Internet.They raised more than 7,000 dollars before the album was released in October.“Thanks to all the supporters,we'll keep working on our own music,”Edward said.

1.Why did they make the album?

A.To earn money. B.To be famous.

C.To influence young people. D.To make friends.

2.Which of the following best describes Edward and his music team?

A.Upset. B.Stubborn.

C.Generous. D.Determined.

3.What was the problem when they produced the album?A.Lack of money. B.Disagreement on the theme.

C.Stress from teachers. D.Poor abilities on making music.

4.What's the best title for the text?

A.Album collections B.Student musicians

C.Theme music D.School life


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