
Beijing Review 2021年44期

By Zhong Cheng

This year marks the 50th an- niversary of the restoration of the Peoples Republic of Chinas lawful seat in the UN. With this historic event, the Chinese people, accounting for one fourth of the worlds population, were able to return to the UN family.

In the five decades since, China has stood for sovereign equality and non-interference in other countriesinternal affairs, while opposing power politics and hegemony. It has safeguarded international justice, adhering to equity and impartiality, and opposed geopolitical rivalry and exclusive blocs. The country has also supported the political settlement of hotspot issues in line with the spirit of the UN Charter and stood up to the use of force or unilateral sanctions.

Constructive and comprehensive

Strongly committed to democracy, the rule of law and equity in international relations, China put forth the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as early as the 1950s, contributing to the formulation and development of the basic norms governing international relations.

The country has joined almost all universal intergovernmental organizations, such as the World Trade Organization, and signed more than 600 international conventions. It has fulfilled its obligations, honored its commitments, stood for greater democracy in international relations, and advocated making economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all.

The past 50 years have seen Chinese leaders taking the UN stage many times. From the Three Worlds Theory to the proposal for a new international political and economic order, from building a harmonious world to a community with a shared future for humanity, China has shared its wisdom and solutions for world peace and development at every historical moment.

Since President Xi Jinping first proposed the building of a community with a shared future for humanity in 2013, the initiative has been constantly enriched both at the conceptual level and through diplomatic practice. Rising above differences in social systems and development stages, it rejects the zerosum mentality and geopolitical calculations, while setting the common goal for different countries, nations and civilizations. China will continue to take on an active role in the reform and improvement of the global governance system under this framework.

At the bilateral level, China is forging communities with a shared future with more and more partners. At the regional level, China has reached agreements with relevant parties on building communities with a shared future in its direct surroundings and the Asia-Pacific region, and with Southeast Asian, African, Arab, Latin American and Caribbean countries. At the global level, Chinas calls for the creation of communities with a shared future in the fields of cyberspace, nuclear security, ocean governance and health all have been warmly received.