解玉艳 马燕霞 宋娟 李雪雪 许圣菊
[关键词] 短波紫外线;剖宫产;产妇;切口愈合
[中图分类号] R719.8 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)22-0176-04
Effect of short wave ultraviolet irradiation on incision healing after cesarean section
XIE Yuyan1 MA Yanxia1 SONG Juan1 LI Xuexue2 XU Shengju1
1.Department of Obstetrics,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University,Tai′an 271000,China; 2.School of Nursing,Shandong First Medical University,Tai′an 271000,China
[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the application effect of short-wave ultraviolet irradiation in incision healing after cesarean section. Methods One hundred and thirty puerperas with cesarean section admitted in our department between May 2019 and January 2020 were selected.They were randomly divided into the control group and the observation group. The control group (60 cases) received routine nursing according to obstetric care after cesarean section. The observation group (70 cases) received short wave ultraviolet irradiation 24 h after cesarean section surgery, based on obstetric care routine,once per day,for 3-day continuous treatment. The incision healing and the drying time between the two groups were compared. Results The incision healing degree of the observation group on day 2,3,and 4 after the operation was significantly higher than that of the control group (P<0.05), and the incision drying time of the observation group was shorter than that of the control group (t=8.095, P<0.05). Conclusion Short wave ultraviolet radiation can promote the healing of incision after cesarean section, reduce the infection,and achieve rapid recovery.
[Key words] Short wave ultraviolet; Cesarean section; Puerpera; Incision healing
全球分娩方式中,剖宮产率约为20%[1],而我国部分地区剖宫产率高达57.84%,其中无医学指征者36.23%[2]。进行剖宫产手术属于有创的分娩方式,会导致产妇出现术后子宫复旧不良、产后出血、产后子宫切口愈合不良等并发症,其中以子宫切口愈合不良最为严重,可导致术后感染,产后大出血等严重危害患者生命的不良后果[3]。冯秀清[4]的研究表明,妊娠并发症、产程延长、胎膜早破、夏季手术等因素均会导致剖宫产术后切口出现愈合不良现象。近年来,广大医务人员愈来愈关注促进切口愈合的问题。短波紫外线治疗仪具有杀菌、消炎、镇痛、促进组织再生和加速伤口愈合的作用,研究发现[5],280 nm紫外线可以形成有效的杀菌效果,并且对于一些创面的炎症亦具有良好作用。因此本文通过研究短波紫外线治疗对剖宫产产妇切口愈合的影响,旨在为促进剖宫产产妇切口愈合提供有效手段,现报道如下。
1 对象与方法
1.1 研究对象
选择2019年5月至2020年1月期间于山东第一医科大学第二附属医院产二科剖宫产住院患者130例纳入研究。将其随机分为试验组70例,对照组60例。纳入标准:所有纳入人员均自愿配合此项研究;精神状态好且依从性强者;产妇年龄25~35岁;体重60~80 kg者;孕龄37~42周;新生儿体重2500~4000 g;无妊娠期合并症或产后并发症者;剖宫产指征为瘢痕子宫者;切口均为水平褥式缝合者;产妇130例均为剖宫产,均为单胎、头位枕先露,胎儿情况良好,无头盆不称;本研究经医院医学伦理委员会审核批准。两组产妇在年龄,体重,孕周,新生儿性别及新生儿出生体重等一般资料比较,均无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。见表1。