

重庆与世界 2021年9期

刘鹤宣读贺信并致辞 陈敏尔致辞 万钢出席

斯诺普科夫 诺罗夫 扎夫基佐达 杨莉明致辞 肖亚庆 李晓红致辞

唐良智主持 张轩等出席

A congratulatory Letter from H.E. Xi Jinping for China-SCO Forum on the Digital Economy Industry and Smart China Expo 2021 held in Chongqing














The China-SCO Forum on the Digital Economy Industry and the Smart China Expo 2021 opened in Chongqing on August 23rd. H.E. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the Peoples Republic of China, and Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission sent a congratulatory message to the Forum.

H.E. Xi Jinping has rightly pointed out that in an era of rapid development of the digital economy, new technologies, new forms of businesses and new platforms, such as 5G, artificial intelligence and smart cities are emerging and exerting profound influence on global scientific and technological innovation, industrial structural adjustment and socioeconomic development. In recent years, China has actively promoted the development of digital industry and digital transformation, as well as the deep integration of digital technologies and socioeconomic development.

H.E. Xi Jinping has also emphasized that on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the SCO, China stands ready to carry forward “Shanghai Spirit” with other SCO countries, deeply participate in international cooperation on digital economy, make the application of digital, Internet and smart technologies a new momentum of economic and social development and open up new prospects for digital economy cooperation.

H.E. Liu He, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the opening ceremony and delivered the congratulatory message from President Xi Jinping and an address via video link. He has said that President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the digital economy and to this event, and has put forward keen expectations and concrete requirements, which should be fully implemented in a conscientious manner. Openness, sharing, and win-win cooperation are the intrinsic requirements of the digital economy. At the 20th anniversary of the SCO, all members should seize the opportunities generated by digitization, joint hands to create an open and inclusive environment for development, and deepen all-round substantive cooperation in order to build a new type of international relations and a community of shared future for mankind.

H.E. Liu He has highlighted that the digital economy is an important driver for Chinas economic growth. Places and industries that have aptly applied digital technologies are witnessing positive changes in their development whereas those that have not are faced with profound challenges. It is imperative to follow the trend of times and redouble efforts to advance sci-tech innovation and the digital economy so as to achieve high-quality development. In the meantime, attention should also be paid to the new issues arising from the digital economy. In this regard, more international cooperation and communication is needed to study and discuss such issues in order to find effective solutions.

The digital economy calls for a market-based and law-based environment that is in line with international standards. Therefore, creating a sound institutional environment should be regarded as the top priority. We should uphold the direction of developing the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics and the basic economic system for the primary stage of socialism. We should remain committed to unswervingly consolidating and developing the public sector and unswervingly supporting and developing the non-public sector. We should also continue to pursue high-quality opening-up, the rule of law, as well as high-quality and sustainable socioeconomic development. Efforts should also be made to establish and improve laws and regulations, regulate market competition, protect property rights and intellectual property rights, and enhance international cooperation on artificial intelligence, the Internet, and other areas of the digital sector in order to elevate the digital economy to a new height.

H.E. Chen Miner, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee delivered an address on the opening ceremony. H.E. Wan Gang, Vice Chairman of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference and President of China Association for Science and Technology also attended the event. H.E. Snopkov Nikolay Gennadievich, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, H.E. Norov Vladimir Imamovich, Secretary-General of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, H.E. Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, and H.E. Josephine Teo, Minister for Communications and Information and Second Minister for Home Affairs, Republic of Singapore made video speeches. H.E. Xiao Yaqing, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, and H.E. Li Xiaohong, President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, delivered speeches offline. The opening ceremony was moderated by H.E. Tang Liangzhi, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and Mayor of the Chongqing Municipal Government. Also present are H.E. Zhang Xuan, Chairwoman of the Standing Committee of Chongqing Municipal Peoples Congress and H.E. Wu Cunrong, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee.

In his address, H.E. Chen Miner expressed warm welcome and sincere gratitude to all the guests on behalf of the CPC Chongqing Committee and the Chongqing Municipal Government. He said that the congratulatory message from General Secretary Xi Jinping speaks to the great care and close attention from the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. In recent years, Chongqing has paid equal attention to digital transformation and digital industries to promote the close integration between the digital economy and the real economy. The Municipality has also strengthened strategic planning, accelerated the construction of new infrastructures, worked hard to become a renowned smart city and a smart manufacturing powerhouse, focused on fighting the pandemic with digital technologies, and pooled a wide-range of innovative talents in an effort to empower economy and enrich life with big data and smart technology.

Currently, a new round of technological and industrial revolution is going deeper. Innovation on big data and smart technology is empowering every industry and changing the world at an unprecedented speed and in a way unseen before. We will fully implement the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinpings congratulatory message, ground our efforts in the new development stage, apply the new development philosophy, and fit into the new development paradigm. In the sphere of the digital economy, we will make solid efforts to apply industrial Internet, stimulate digital economy innovation, improve digital governance, strengthen digital economy regulation, and maintain a sound digital ecosystem to create an updated version of the digital economy that is in line with the times, and to inject new impetus into socioeconomic development through digitization, Internet application, and smart technologies.

This year, Smart China Expo 2021 was held concurrently with the China-SCO Forum on the Digital Economy Industry. Together, they offer an immense space for deeper and more substantive cooperation. We sincerely hope to work with friends from all countries and people from all sectors to engage in closer international cooperation on the digital economy to create a better digital future.

Other distinguished guests also made speeches based on the theme of the event. Snopkov said that the digital economy is a new driver for national development and global trade, making the China-SCO Forum on the Digital Economy Industry highly relevant. Held in Chongqing, this forum can provide new opportunities for cooperation on the digital economy. Belarus is ready to play a greater part in Chinas Large-Scale Western Development, enhance our exchanges and cooperation in the business sector, advance technological innovation, and open up new space for win-win economic development.

Norov said that, in the 20 years since the SCO was founded, the digital economy always has a role to play. Chongqing is a renowned smart city in China. The SCE serves as an important platform for global communication on smart technologies and for industrial cooperation. He hopes that the event can spark in-depth communication among participants so that the digital economy ecosystem can take root and bear fruit in the SCO.

Zavqizoda said that the digital economy has evolved into a key engine for economic growth and the SCO is becoming a new magnet for global investment. This Forum will bring key opportunities of communication and cooperation. He hopes that the SCO will fully play out its role to advance the development of the digital economy and enable sustained and sound economic growth.

Josephine Teo said that ICT is one of the priority areas of the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity (CCI). Singapore is actively developing the Singapore Trade Data Exchange and accelerating the digitization of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor. Singapore stands ready to work with all to advance cooperation on the digital economy and explore new use cases for the Singapore-China (Chongqing) International Dedicated Connectivity so as to link West China to ASEAN digitally.

Xiao Yaqing said that accelerating digitization and fostering a new advantage of the digital economy is a strategic goal in Chinas 14th Five-Year Plan. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is ready to work with Chongqing, a leading player in the digital economy, and others to tap into the strengths of platforms and carry out in-depth interaction and communication to take the smart industry to a new height.

Li Xiaohong said that the SCE has played a powerful role in accelerating the digitization of and innovation in traditional industries. It has grown into the best platform for us to embrace the global smart industry. The Chinese Academy of Engineering will continue to support the SCE and Chongqings sci-tech innovation and provide a strong pillar to our society and economy.

In the afternoon on August 22nd, Chen Miner, Xiao Yaqing, Li Xiaohong, Tang Liangzhi, Zhang Xuan, and other guests visited the exhibition zones. In the Chongqing Pavilion, the Industrial Internet Infrastructure for Data Processing, Humis National-Level Cross-Industrial and Cross-Sector Platform, Geely Groups Industrial Internet + Smart Factory and other scenarios allowed visitors to see for themselves how much industrial Internet has empowered manufacturing. The pavilions of companies including China South Industries Group, Huawei, Tencent, and iFlytek displayed a promising future where smart technology empowers economy and enriches life.

In the pavilions of SCO countries such as Russia, Tajikistan, Belarus, Iran, and Sri Lanka, a booming “Digital Silk Road” was unfolding before visitors eyes. The Singapore pavilion, under the theme “Building a Digital Future for All”, showcased the latest achievements of CCI. During his visit, Chen Miner listened to the presentations of different pavilions while put forth new measures for international cooperation on the digital economy.

Other participants in the opening ceremony include leaders from Chinese national ministries and commissions; guests from SCO countries; VIP of the SCE; leaders from the Standing Committee of the CPC Chongqing Committee, the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Municipal Peoples Congress, the Chongqing Municipal Government, the Chongqing CPPCC Committee, Chongqing Higher Peoples Court, Chongqing Peoples Procuracy, brother provinces and municipalities, relevant municipal departments, as well as Chongqing University and renowned enterprises; and diplomats of foreign Embassies and Consulate-Generals in China.

The China-SCO Forum on the Digital Economy Industry and the Smart China Expo 2021 lasted three days with an “online + offline” model. The China-SCO Forum on the Digital Economy Industry was held under the theme of “Promoting the Digital Economy for Common Prosperity”, consisting of the Forum, signing ceremonies, parallel sessions, exhibitions, and other events. The Smart China Expo 2021 was held under the theme of “Smart Technology: Empowering Economy, Enriching Life” with over 610 participating companies. It includes the Forum, competitions, and over 70 online deliverable presentations.

Source: Chongqing Daily


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