egg 是“鸡蛋”吗?
egg和bird这两个词简单易记,是中国的英语学习者最早学会的单词,记住的意思分别是“鸡蛋”和“鸟”。很多年前,我审校一位理工科朋友的译文,发现他将“he may have the egg of a species of bird domesticated in Indo-China”误译为“他可以吃鸡蛋,那是在印度支那驯化的一种鸟下的蛋”。在这里,“鸟下鸡蛋”,十分可笑。我的朋友在翻译时信手拈来,并未意识到这个错误。
bird的意思是a creature that is covered with feathers and has two wings and two legs,即“禽类”,可能是鸟,也可能是鸡。而与bird相关的egg的第一个意思是“a small oval object with a thin hard shell produced by a female bird and containing a young bird”,可能是鸟蛋,也可能是鸡蛋或其他家禽下的蛋。
1. The female duck sat on the eggs until they hatched. 这只雌鸭趴伏在蛋上直至小鸭孵出来。
egg的第二个意思是“a birds egg, especially one from a chicken, that is eaten as food”,指的是作为食物的“蛋”,多指“鸡蛋”。因为人们在日常生活中多食用鸡蛋,所以我们的英语初学者就牢牢记住了egg是“鸡蛋”的意思。例如:
2. Some people like to eat fried eggs while the others like to eat boiled eggs. 有人喜欢吃煎鸡蛋,有人则喜欢吃煮鸡蛋。
在美國俚语中,egg常常指a person。good egg的意思是“a person who is good, honest, or reliable”,即“讨人喜欢的人”或“大好人”。例如:
3. He is such a good egg that everyone likes him. 他是那样一个讨人喜欢的人,大家都喜欢他。
反过来,bad egg的意思是“a person who is bad, dishonest, or unreliable”,即“坏蛋”。例如:
4. The bad egg has served several years in prison on a charge of fraud. 这个坏蛋因诈骗罪已在狱中服刑若干年。
“双黄蛋”指一个蛋壳中含有两个卵黄的蛋,英语是double-yolked egg或double yolker,在中西文化中具有不同的含义。由于双黄蛋稀少,汉语中被赋予了美好的意思,预示好兆头。例如:
5. As an old Chinese saying goes, good things come in pairs. If you crack an egg to make breakfast with two yolks falling down, it predicts that good luck is on its way. 中国有句老话,好事成双。如果早餐做鸡蛋敲出双黄,那预示好运将要降临。
6. Bad egg as an insult for an “obnoxious person” was popularized in the 1920s. A particularly bad egg was a double-yolker. 20世纪20年代开始流行用“坏蛋”来羞辱“可恶的人”。特别坏的人是“双料坏蛋”。
由于蛋壳可以染色或涂色,蛋成为具有文化含义的载体。在中国,红喜蛋(red-dyed egg)是民间庆贺婚事和添丁生子的馈赠礼物。例如:
7. After the woman gave birth to a child, her mother had a basket of eggs dyed red and gave them to their relatives and friends as gifts, which celebrated the birth of their new-born baby. 这个妇女生了孩子以后,她的母亲染了一篮红鸡蛋作为礼物送给亲朋好友,庆贺新生婴儿的诞生。
西方有在复活节食用复活节彩蛋(Easter egg)的习俗。例如:
8. An Easter egg is an egg eaten symbolically at Easter to mark the birth of new life and the coming of spring. The egg may be that of a hen, with a painted or decorated shell. 复活节彩蛋是在复活节象征性食用的蛋,标志新生命的诞生和春天的到来。复活节彩蛋可以是鸡蛋,蛋壳带有彩绘或装饰。
由于egg形状像数字0,中国和西方的学生不约而同用其表示“零分”,只是汉语说“大鸭蛋”,而英语说a goose egg(鹅蛋)。例如:
9. The student failed in the math examination, and got a goose egg. 这个学生数学考试考砸了,得了个大鸭蛋。
英语习语 to put all ones eggs in one basket 的字面意义是“把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里”,比喻意义是 to rely on one particular course of action for success rather than giving yourself different possibilities,即“死心眼地寄希望于一种选择”,汉语有“在一棵树上吊死”的类似说法。例如:
10. John has thought of several ways to dodge his creditors. To his mind, he doesnt want to put all his eggs in one basket. 约翰已想好了几个躲债的办法。在他看来,他不想在一棵树上吊死。
这个习语常用来比喻“投资单一项目”,意思是“to invest all ones capital, financially or otherwise, in a single enterprise”。例如:
11. Following the advice from a financial expert, the investor put his money in different projects, instead of putting all his eggs in one basket. 这位投资者遵循一位金融专家的建议,把钱投资于不同项目,而不是把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。
英语习语to teach ones grandmother to suck eggs的字面意义是“教奶奶吸吮鸡蛋”,比喻意义是to try to instruct or show a more knowledgeable or experienced person how to do sth,相当于汉语的“班门弄斧”,或“关公面前耍大刀”。例如:
12. I advised my wife not to show my mother how to knit, as it is simply like teaching your grandmother to suck eggs. 我劝妻子不要给我母亲展示如何织毛衣,因为那简直就是班门弄斧。
英语习语as sure as eggs is eggs的字面意义是“像鸡蛋就是鸡蛋一样肯定”,常用来表示“绝对肯定”(absolute certainty)。英语说eggs is eggs,不说eggs are eggs,是为了便于连读,流畅,不是语法错误。例如:
13. If he goes on driving at that speed, hell end up in hospital, as sure as eggs is eggs. 如果他開车还那么快,最后肯定会出车祸进医院的。