中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A
Research Survey of Cloud Computing in Improving Health Care Services
OU Zhuo-yue1, ZHAO Feng3, HUANG Guo-quan1,SUN Xiao-cui1,2*
(1.Department of Computer Science, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou 510006, China;2.Medicinal Information and Real World Engineering Technology Center, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou 510006, China;3.China Railway Engineering Consulting Group CO., LTD, Beijing 100071, China)
Abstract: Cloud computing is a new network application mode that provides network computing resources and services. Many managers and experts believe that it can improve health care services, promote health care research, and change the appearance of health information technology. Foreign and domestic medical institutions vigorously promote information construction. With the popularization of network technology, medical information sharing has been achieved to a certain extent, but the real information sharing between hospitals and patients has not been established. By using cloud computing services, medical institutions can integrate various businesses of the hospital. Doctors or patients can log in to the cloud to obtain the information they need that stored in the database in the cloud. This paper expounds the basic concept of cloud computing, discusses the basic service architecture and model of cloud computing, analyzes the status and application of cloud computing in medical care services at home and abroad, introduces different applications of cloud computing medical services, and summarizes the relevant research work around cloud computing and different medical services.
Key words: healthcare; electronic health records; cloud computing; bioinformatics; medical services
1 引言
云計算是指一种按需自取的互联网基础设施,允许用户随时随地访问计算资源。它并不是一种新型技术,只是一种新的网络计算资源交易模式。常用的非医疗保健应用程序示例包括Microsoft Hotmail和Google Docs,而一些知名的医疗保健领域应用程序包括微软健康保险库和曾经的谷歌健康平台。与传统计算相比,该模型提供了三大新优势:按需提供大量计算资源,消除了用户的预先承诺,可根据需要支付短期使用费。许多研究学者研究了云计算在工业、商业、交通、教育和国家安全方面的应用。与任何其他服务运营一样,医疗保健需要持续、系统的创新,以保持成本效益、效率和及时性,并提供高质量的服务。许多管理者和专家预测云计算可以改善医疗保健服务,促进医疗保健研究,并改变信息技术(IT)的面貌[1]。例如,文献[2]认为,云计算可以降低电子健康记录(EHR)的启动费用,这些费用有硬件、软件、网络、人员和许可费等。文献[3]的研究表明,在生物医学信息学界,云计算可以加强共享数据和应用程序的结合。生物医学研究数据管理和分析中的主要问题是数据处理问题、复杂性以及昂贵或不可用的计算研究问题。几项信息学创新表明,云计算有潜力克服这些困难[4]。尽管将云计算应用于医疗保健相关服务中有许多好处,但也存在一些管理、技术、安全和法律方面的问题有待解决。本文的目的是讨论云计算的概念以及当前云计算在医疗保健领域的应用和地位。