

阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2021年8期




A burned child lived in the ashes. She looked like charcoal andashes because she lived in the ashes since her mother died and thehot ashes burned her so she was scarred. The burned child lived onthe hearth, covered in ashes, as if she were still mourning.

After her mother died and was buried, her father forgot the motherand forgot the child and married the woman who used to rake theashes, and that was why the child lived in the ashes, and there wasnobody to brush her hair, so it stuck out like a mat, nor to wipe the dirtoff her scarred face, and she had no heart to do it for herself, but sheraked the ashes and slept beside the little cat and got the burned bitsfrom the bottom of the pot to eat, scraping them out, sitting on thefloor, by herself in front of the fire, not as if she were human, becauseshe was still mourning.

Her mother was dead and buried, but felt great pain of love whenshe looked up through the earth and saw the burned child covered inashes.

“Milk the cow, burned child, and bring back all the milk,” said thestepmother, who used to rake the ashes and milk the cow, once upona time, but the burned child did all that, now.

The ghost of the mother went into the cow.

“Drink milk, grow fat,” said the mother”s ghost.

The burned child pulled on the udder and drank enough milkbefore she took the bucket back and nobody saw, and time passed, she drank milk every day, she grew fat, she grew breasts, she grew

There was a man the stepmother wanted and she asked him intothe kitchen to get his dinner, but she made the burned child cook it, although the stepmother did all the cooking before. After the burnedchild cooked the dinner the stepmother sent her off to milk the cow.

“I want that man for myself,” said the burned child to the cow.

The cow let down more milk, and more, and more, enough forthe girl to have a drink and wash her face and wash her hands. Whenshe washed her face, she washed the scars off and now she was notburned at all, but the cow was empty.

“Give your own milk, next time,” said the ghost of the mother insidethe cow. “Youve milked me dry.”

The little cat came by. The ghost of the mother went into the cat. “Your hair wants doing,” said the cat. “Lie down.”

The little cat combed her hair with its clever paws until the burnedchilds hair hung down nicely, but it had been so tangled that the catsclaws were all pulled out before it was finished.

“Comb your own hair, next time,” said the cat. “Youve maimedme.”

The burned child was clean and combed, but naked.

There was a bird sitting in the apple tree. The ghost of the motherleft the cat and went into the bird. The bird struck its own breast with itsbeak. Blood poured down on to the burned child under the tree. It ranover her shoulders and covered her front and covered her back. Whenthe bird had no more blood, the burned child got a red silk dress.

“Make your own dress, next time,” said the bird. “Im through withthat bloody business.” The burned child went into the kitchen to showherself to the man. She was not burned any more, but lovely. The manleft off looking at the stepmother and looked at the girl.

“Come home with me and let your stepmother stay and rake theashes,” he said to her and off they went. He gave her a house andmoney. She did all right.

“Now I can go to sleep,” said the ghost of the mother. “Noweverything is all right. ”







