Rainbow Ceiling 彩虹屋顶
Meaning: Rainbow ceiling, or pink ceiling, refers to business practices and prejudices that create an unseen and unofficial barrier to personal advancement for gay employees.
Women have complained for years about the glass ceiling in the workplace. But gay and lesbian workers have to clear the rainbow ceiling as well.
Gaydar 同性恋感应雷达
Meaning: Gaydar refers to the intuitive ability of a person to assess others sexual orientations as gay and ensures they pay more attention to detail, allowing them to pluck potential partners out of a crowd.
Scientists say women really do have “gaydar”, which helps them spot whether a man is straight or gay just by looking at his face.
Lavender Language 同性恋语言
Meaning: Lavender language functions as a kind of homosexual code, characterised by acronyms, plays on words and double meanings only intended to be understood by the gay community.
当你看到lavender时只想到薰衣草那你就错了。在“基”次元里,lavender language相当于一种同性恋密码,以使用缩略字、文字游戏以及雙关语为特点,主要服务于同性恋人群内的沟通交流,所以称为“同性恋语言”。
淡紫色(lavender)通常都被认作“同性恋友好”类环境的标志,因此,与lavender相关的专用术语多与同性恋有关。这种用法出现在各种与同性恋有关的主题中,比如lavender texts(同性恋文本)、lavender phonology(同性恋语音体系),以及lavender lexicon(同性恋词汇表)等。
We need to develop a research agenda for lavender language inquiry to empower scholars to speak more directly to LGBTQ issues under the new administration.
Pink Tourism 粉色旅游
Meaning: Pink tourism, also known as gay tourism or LGBT tourism, is a form of niche tourism marketed to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.
粉色旅游,也叫同性恋旅游或LGBT旅游,是针对同性恋、双性恋以及变性人群(统称“同志”)开拓的小众旅游市场。粉色旅游业的主要组成部分为:希望吸引同志游客的城市和国家、希望到对同志人群友好的目的地旅游的游客、不计较目的地只希望与其他同志人群一同出游的人,以及关注文化和安全因素的同志游客。Gay们手牵手,来一场说走就走的pink tourism吧!
Pink tourism is expected to continue to grow as a result of the ongoing acceptance of LGBT people and changing attitudes towards sexual and gender minorities.