王珊 朱艳芬 尤慧华
[摘要] 目的 探討多学科协作模式出院护理临床路径构建对喉下咽肿瘤术后出院患者提高自我护理能力的影响。 方法 随机选取2018年5月至2020年1月在我科住院并行喉下咽肿瘤手术术后的60例患者作为研究对象,随机分为试验组和对照组,每组各30例,对照组进行常规出院护理,试验组按照多学科协作出院临床路径表分阶段进行干预,分别在出院前、干预3~6个月后分别应用自我护理能力测定量表(ESCA)、医学结局研究简表36项健康调查表(简称SF-36)进行调查评分,比较两组患者自我护理能力和生存质量。 结果 试验组干预3~6个月后自我护理能力为(115.88±11.25)分,较对照组的(96.62±10.25)分明显升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。试验组干预3~6个月后生活质量评价总分为(78.22±6.63)分,较对照组的(62.22±4.86)分明显升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 多学科协作出院护理临床路径构建可以显著改善喉肿瘤患者自我护理能力和生存质量。
[关键词] 多学科协作;出院临床路径;自我护理能力;生存质量
[中图分类号] R473.7 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)21-0180-04
Effects of the construction of clinical pathway of discharge nursing in the multidisciplinary collaborative model on the self-care ability of patients after hypopharyngeal tumor surgery
WANG Shan ZHU Yanfen YOU Huihua
Department of E.N.T. and Head and Neck Surgery, Jinhua Central Hospital in Zhejiang Province, Jinhua 321000, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the effects of the construction of clinical pathway of discharge nursing in the multidisciplinary collaborative model on the improvement of self-care ability of patients after hypopharyngeal tumor surgery. Methods A total of 60 patients who were hospitalized in our department and given hypopharyngeal tumor surgery from May 2018 to January 2020 were randomly selected as the study subjects in the study. They were randomly divided into 30 cases in the experimental group and 30 cases in the control group. The control group was given routine discharge care, and the experimental group was given intervention in stages according to the clinical pathways of discharge in the multidisciplinary collaborative model. Before discharge from the hospital and 3-6 months after intervention, the Self-Care Ability Assessment Scale (ESCA) and the Medical Outcome Research Summary 36-item Health Questionnaire (SF-36 for short) were used for survey scores. The self-care ability and quality of life were compared between the two groups. Results The self-care ability in the experimental group was (115.88±11.25)points,which was significantly higher than that of (96.62±10.25) points in the control group after 3-6 months of intervention. The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). After 3-6 months of intervention in the experimental group, the total score of quality of life evaluation of (78.22±6.63) was significantly higher than that of (62.22±4.86) in the control group. The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The construction of clinical pathway of discharge nursing in the multidisciplinary collaborative model can significantly improve the self-care ability and quality of life for the patients with laryngeal tumors.