摘 要:在电力系统中,电流互感器将大电流转换为一定比例的小电流,起到测量电流、自动控制和继电保护的作用。作为重要的变电设备之一,电流互感器按照绝缘介质可分为干式、浇注式、油浸式和气体绝缘式。油浸式电流互感器制造成本较低,在35~500 kV等級变电站内使用广泛。随着设备投运年限的增长,油浸式电流互感器故障率也显著提升。电容量及介质损耗试验作为一种检测容性设备绝缘状态的试验方法,针对不同结构的油浸式电流互感器也有不同的试验要点。本文对油浸式电流互感器的基本结构进行阐述,并针对性提出介损试验重点。
中图分类号:TM452.94 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5168(2021)21-0040-05
The Basic Structure of Oil-immersed Current Transformer and the Key Points of Dielectric Loss Test
LIN Zhongli
(State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co., Ltd Maintenance Branch Company, Fuzhou Fujian 350000)
Abstract: In the power system, a current transformer converts a large current into a certain proportion of a small current, which plays a role in current measurement, automatic control and relay protection. As one of the important substation equipment, current transformers can be divided into dry type, pouring type, oil-immersed type and gas-insulated type according to the insulating medium. Oil-immersed current transformers have low manufacturing costs and are widely used in 35~500 kV substations. With the increase in the operating life of the equipment, the failure rate of oil-immersed current transformers has also increased significantly. The capacitance and dielectric loss test is a test method for detecting the insulation state of capacitive equipment. There are also different test points for oil-immersed current transformers of different structures. This article describes the basic structure of the oil-immersed cur- rent transformer, and puts forward the key points of the dielectric loss test.
Keywords: dielectric loss test; oil-immersed current transformer; upright current transformer; inverted current trans- former
1 前言
电流互感器的原理与变压器基本相同,与线路串联的一次绕组匝数较少,与继电保护装置相连的二次绕组匝数较多,一次负荷电流通过一次绕组时,产生的交变磁通感应产生按比例减小的二次电流。油浸式电流互感器发展历史较长,种类较多,广泛应用于35~500 kV等级变电站。油浸式电流互感器结构较为复杂,油浸式电流互感器主要由油箱、储油柜及膨胀器、变压器油、一、二次绕组及端子、瓷套、器身等组成。电流互感器按主绝缘结构不同,可以分为纯油纸绝缘的链形结构和油纸绝缘电容式结构两种。电流互感器绕组绝缘结构不同,造成对其电容量及介质损耗试验(下称介损)时侧重点也不一样。
2 链形结构电流互感器
2.1 结构特点
链形结构电流互感器主要应用在66 kV及以下电压等级,其一、二次绕组分别由绝缘皱纹纸包扎后形成吊环螺栓结构,并浸入在变压器油中,其产品外观见图1,内部绕组结构见图2。
2.2 介损试验重点