王胜永 赵红 张向锋 肖志玲 张德海 宋学谦 李育文 董焱章
摘 要:保险杠吸能盒的变形特性及吸能效果对新能源汽车的安全保障具有重要意义。压缩试验和测量得到的压力-变形曲线表明,虽然泡沫铝试样和泡沫铝填充吸能盒试样均经历了弹性变形、初始压缩稳定性失效坍塌、连续坍塌和压实的过程。然而,泡沫铝填充吸能盒试样在压缩过程中表现为泡沫铝与吸能盒内壁摩擦力、钢质吸能盒结构、泡沫铝及胞孔内气体相互耦合作用的过程,其塑性变形平台明显高于泡沫铝试样。可见,泡沫铝填充吸能盒结构既具有较宽的应力平台曲线,同时又具有较好的变形刚度性能,可以同时满足新能源汽车保险杠吸能盒应具有的大能量吸收和良好抵抗变形的能力。
中图分类号:TB122 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5168(2021)21-0030-04
Performance Analysis of Energy Absorption Bumper with Aluminum Foam of New Energy Vehicles
WANG Shengyong1 ZHAO Hong2 ZHANG Xiangfeng3 XIAO Zhiling1 ZHANG Dehai1 SONG Xueqian1
LI Yuwen1 DONG Yanzhang4
(1.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhenzhou Henan 450002; 2. College of Energy and Power Engineering,Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou Henan 450002;3.State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Dalian University of Technology,Dalian Liaoning 116023;4.College of Automotive Engineering,Hubei University of Automotive Technology,Shiyan Hubei 442000)
Abstract: The deformation characteristics and energy absorption effect of the energy absorption bumper are of great significance to the safety of new energy vehicles.Compression test and force-deformation curves show that both aluminum foam specimen and aluminum foam-filled energy-absorbing specimen have exhibited elastic deformation, initial compression stability failure, continuous collapse, and compaction. However, the plastic deformation phases of the aluminum foam-filled energy-absorbing specimen is significantly higher than that of the aluminum foam specimen, which is due to the interaction between the fiction of the aluminum foam and the inner wall energy absorption bumper, the structure of the steel energy absorption bumper, the aluminum foam and the gas in the cells. It can be seen that the aluminum foam-filled energy-absorbing bumper not only has a wide stress plateau curve, but also has good deformation rigidity performance, which could simultaneously meet the large energy absorption and good resistance to deformation for a new energy vehicle bumper.
Keywords: aluminum foams; energy-absorbing bumper; deformation characteristics; energy absorption properties