“中国文莱文化艺术节” 在京举办
7月27日,为庆祝中国文莱建交30周年, 北京市人民对外友好协会与文莱中国友好协会共同主办的“中国文莱文化艺术节”艺术家交流会在线上举办。北京画院4位知名艺术家与文莱5位青年艺术家就艺术创作思路以及今后如何通过艺术加强互动、促进中文两国文化的交流等话题进行了充分的交流。此次交流会为2021首都(北京)民间友好交流与合作云对话第十二场活动。
7月16~18日,在中国陕西省举办的2021西安丝绸之路国际旅游博览会上,柬埔寨旅游部向中国民众推介柬埔寨旅游市场以及柬埔寨的美食、美景,并介绍了 “2022年东盟旅游论坛” 将于2022年1月16~22日在西哈努克省举办。在此次国际旅游博览会上,柬埔寨旅游部展位获得了两个奖项:“最佳组织展位奖”和“最佳展台设计奖”。
7月25~26日,泰国相继迎来三宝佛节(Asarnha Bucha Day)和守夏节(Buddhist Lent Day),这是泰国最盛大的佛教节日,佛教徒在此期间要净化思想,积功德,并停止一切诸如喝酒、赌博和杀戮等恶行,他们相信做好事可以给自己带来终生幸福和兴旺发达。此外,7月12日,泰国十世王玛哈·哇集拉隆功谕令泰国帕差拉吉帝雅帕长公主前往律实宫殿参加点烛仪式,迎接双节的到来。
7月23日,菲律宾总统发言人洛克(Harry Roque)表示,菲律宾将于7月25~31日禁止来自马来西亚和泰国的入境旅客入境,以防止传染性极强的新冠肺炎变异毒株的传播。洛克说,直接来自这两个国家或在过去14天内有旅行历史的旅客将被禁止入境。洛克在一份声明中说:“采取这一行动是为了防止新冠肺炎变异毒株在菲律宾的进一步传播和社区传播。”
泰国 “沙盒计划”面临挑战
继7月1日普吉岛“沙盒计划”开启之后,泰国紧接着推出“Samui Plus Model”旅游新模式,于7月15日开放苏梅岛、帕岸岛和龟岛迎接外国游客。不过,7月7日出现了“沙盒计划”实施后的首名新冠确诊病例,而泰国总理巴育也因前往普吉参加启动仪式成为密切接触者。普吉岛沙盒计划实施近1个月以来,该地确诊个案从每天个位数上升到十位数,当地政府决定出台更严格防疫管控措施,如学校延长关闭,部分百货暂时停业等。
7月3日,新加坡石叻路锡克庙(Silat Road Sikh Temple)翻新工程竣工,新加坡总理李显龙主持了开幕仪式。拥有近百年历史的石叻路锡克庙坐落在惹兰红山路(Jalan Bukit Merah),建于1924年,是新加坡第一座以传统锡克风格打造的庙宇,于1999年被列为新加坡历史古迹。整修工程于2020年2月开始,今年6月底结束,耗资约250万新加坡元(约1193万人民币),包括扩建祷告堂、厨房和更换电梯等设施。
Asia's largest cross-border waterfall turns golden
July 4, 2021 (CGTN) — Due to constant rain in south Chinas Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the flow of Detian Waterfall suddenly increased and brought more mud along the banks, turning the waterfall into a splendid golden one. Detian Waterfall is Asias largest cross-border waterfall. The part named Detian Waterfall is on the Chinese side.
Precious cultural relics on display in central China
July 8, 2021 (Xinhua) — A museum in central Chinas Hunan Province kicked off an exhibition on July 8, displaying more than 220 pieces of cultural relics from 10 countries including China, Syria, Lebanon, Cambodia and Pakistan. The event, displaying the origin and development of Asian civilization, has attracted a large number of visitors.
Shanghai ramps up efforts to develop red tourism
July 9, 2021 (China Daily) — The eastern Chinese city of Shanghai has released a guideline to develop the city into one of the most attractive red tourism destinations in the country by 2025, local authorities said Thursday. The city plans to develop 90 red tourism scenic spots and promote 50 red tourism routes by 2025, according to the guideline.
World's largest planetarium opens in Shanghai
July 18, 2021 (CGTN) — The Shanghai Astronomy Museum, the worlds largest planetarium, officially opened on Saturday and will welcome the public starting Sunday. Located in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Lingang Special Area, the museum features innovative architecture, exhibition areas with various themes, immersive technologies, and precious collections. It is a branch of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum (SSTM).
Xinjiang Muslims start celebrating Corban Festival
July 21, 2021 (CGTN) — Muslims in China have started celebrating the annual Corban Festival, also known as Eid al-Adha or the feast of the sacrifice. Local Muslims usually start preparing for this important festival half a month in advance, cleaning their houses, preparing special food and purchasing new clothes for the celebrations.
Wild animals thrive as environment improves
July 13, 2021 (China Daily) — A special “squirrel map” triggered public interest in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province. The map, released by the newspaper Chengdu Daily, marked about 20 areas where squirrels are frequently seen in a number of public places. For animal lovers nationwide, the chances of coming into closer contact with such creatures have risen in recent years.
China's Palace Museum starts promoting "zero waste" tours
July 14, 2021 (China Daily) — Chinas Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, has started promoting “zero waste” tours among tour guides and the public. A training session was held on July 13 for tour guides who should encourage visitors to participate in garbage sorting and recycling during their tours. A no-waste approach has been adopted for office work at the museum over last year.
Water fun town opens in Beijing
July 16, 2021 (China Daily) — A resort that offers water recreation and health preservation experiences opened in northern Beijing on July 15. Cutting-edge entertainment equipment have been introduced, including wave making pool, exotic spa and whirlpool. It also provides access to artificial beach, riverway and ski. VR video game and catering businesses are also present. The idea is to make Wave Town a leisure and fun destinations for urbanites in the capital.
Light entertainment beckons for night owls
July 20, 2021 (China Daily) — Stepping aboard the Zhiyin for a nighttime cruise almost makes time travel to China in the early 1930s possible.While strolling the decks of the three-floor steamer, passengers can freely explore and watch any number of short scenes being played out by professional performers dressed up in period costume. Before boarding, passengers, too, can don period clothing to immerse themselves more fully into the experience.Since debuting in May 2017, the innovative, immersive show is held from Tuesday to Sunday in Wuhan, Central Chinas Hubei province, along the Yangtze River.Its a popular evening activity among both group and independent travelers who want to enjoy something a little different after a days sightseeing.