紐约礼品家居批发展览会(NY NOW)将于今年8月8-11日在重新开业的贾维茨会展中心举办,这也将成为该会展中心疫后承接的首个大型会展活动。该展会将严格按照纽约州卫生局的相关防疫政策举办。
会展中心首席执行官Alan Steel表示:“纽约礼品家居批发展览会一直是我们承接的最为隆重的双年展之一,这也是我们重启以来承办的第一个大规模展会,我们非常激动。”展会高级副总裁Tim Hart表示:“我们非常高兴按照往年的常规档期携展会回归。我们一直以扶持中小企业群体的业务发展为己任,这一点在如今更加意义非凡。”
NY NOW returns to floor in August
N Y N O W , t h e m o d e r n wholesale market for retailers and specialty buyers seeking diversity and discovery, will be the first major event to run at the reopened Jacob K. Javits Center in New York from August 8 to 11, 2021.
The event will be operated in accordance with capacity a n d s a f e t y p r o t o c o l s established by the New York State Department of Health. “NY NOW has always been one of the most successful biannual events at the Javits Center, and we are thrilled it will return as our first major event since the pandemic,” said Alan Steel, president a n d C E O o f t h e J a v i t s Center.
“The NY NOW team is delighted to be back in person at the Javits Center this August, on the traditional dates of the NYC gift and home market. Our role has always been to support our community of small businesses, and that role has never been more important than now,” said Tim Hart, SVP NY NOW.