6月8-9日,塔蘇斯展览集团首席执行官Douglas Emslie发起了会展慈善长跑。他在24小时内跑完了120公里的路程,募捐到4万美元,分别捐献给了 EventWell等三个会展行业的慈善机构,用于资助在疫情中受损严重的会展同仁。该次慈善活动还有来自北京、悉尼、墨西哥城和芝加哥的业内人士共同远程参与,并得到了多家行业内外机构的支持。
Douglas Emslie initiates runs for the industry
On June 8 to 9, 2021, Tarsus Groups CEO Douglas Emslie completed that promise as part of the Event Industry Backyard Ultra and ran 75 miles (120 km) in a 24-hour period, raising more than $40,000 for three charities – EventWell, The Meetings Industry Fund and The Indian Red Cross Society, on behalf of S. Balasubramanian (Bala), who headed the Indian Exhibition Industry Association. “Over the past year, our industry has been devastated by the pandemic, and Im pleased that the Event Industry Backyard Ultra has done a little bit to help those most impacted. I would like to personally thank all the runners (physical and virtual).
Along with the running, there were more than 17 sessions livestreamed that featured 54 speakers and five country host moderators in the U.S., Mexico, Dubai, China, Australia and the U.K. Along with sponsors ASP and Swapcard, the event was supported by Charterhouse Capital Partners, Clarion Events, Diversified Communications, Emerald, SISO, GES, Freeman, Raccoon Events and Tarsus Group.