设计团队:Carla Tamariz,Christian Böttger
施工单位:Héctor Suasnabar
场地面积:545 平方米
建筑面积:650 平方米
摄影:Juan Solano
Architect:Longhi Architects
Principal in charge:Luis Longhi
Project Team:Carla Tamariz,Christian Böttger
Construction:Héctor Suasnabar
Supervision:Longhi Architects
Site area:545 m2
Built area:650 m2
Program:Beach House
Photography:Juan Solano
我们寻求的是这样一种理解,即设计是跟随神圣决策的指引,(Signum=指示,DiVini=神),专注于寻找属于我们自己的语言,我们想首先把它与秘鲁建筑师在上个世纪所做的尝试联系在一起,然后将它称之为“新印加21 世纪”。
Our search from the understanding that designing is the act of making divine decisions(signum = signal.Divini = divine),has focused on finding our own language that we would like to associate in the first instance with the attempts made by Peruvian architects in the last century,to call it “Neoinca XXI century”.
From this perspective,what we present is not only the design of a house but the materialization of this search,where we highlight some fundamentals in our practice such as:
- The happy marriage between the natural and the artificial,thus the relationship that we finally established with the place gives us the guidelines to make a respectful intervention in that place.
- The acceptance of our origin as modern Peruvians (a mixture of two worlds) guides us to express ourselves with identity.
- The interpretation of the dreams of our clients through the gift of emotional perception in addition to the traditional dialogue,in order to respond to the commission not only with correct architecture but above all with non-predictable,unexpected architecture,one that can move.
They lead us to a practice in which we try to understand the nature of the place and the nature of the user from our own nature to define architecture as the "Nature of Nature".
The Verónica house is only the materialization of that "thought",it is the response to the nature of the place,to the stone hills that form a small bay in which pre-Columbian fishermen once carried out their work,a place in which today it is to accommodate the summer activities of the new Peruvian elite whose nature is hard to find.
From our own nature we have invented circumstances such as:sculpting the hill,caressing it with architecture,using materials that seem to have always belonged to the place to serve and meet the user's claims,which guided our design towards what we believe is the most representative for it:contemporary Peruvian of that social stratum.
剖面图 Section
一层平面图 First plan