

世界建筑 2021年8期


1 位于古井上方的民宿/The Well House above the well

大利村位于贵州黔东南地区,是一个有着600 年历史的侗寨,它基本上保持了传统农耕文化的原始样态,古老的木制建筑、河流、水井和梯田,都反映了旧生活方式的和谐。“井上民宿”是由ATLAS设计改造的一家全新乡村精品酒店,旨在将自身定位于村庄简朴自然的生活方式中。

井上民宿坐落在村口半山腰上、一座古井的正上方,面向村落的中心鼓楼坪,3 层楼的体量对村落风貌有一定程度的影响,这次改造我们谨慎地处理传统民居与新的旅社机能之间的冲突,在保有室内良好视野的同时,也维持立面上村庄原有的构造秩序。



2 外景/Exterior view

3 总平面/Site plan

Dali Village,is a 600 years old Dong village in Guizhou that has largely kept its traditional culture intact.The old wooden buildings,river and wells,and terraced rice fields all reflect the harmony of a much older way of life.The Well House,designed by ATLAS Studio,is a new boutique hotel that aims to situate itself contextually in the simple and austere lifestyle of the village.The challenge was to find ways to update the traditional methods of building with contemporary amenities and evolved design without loosing the integrity that makes Dali what it is.

The hotel is perched on the mountainside high up in the village,directly looking down on an ancient well.Like all the structures in Dali,it faces the centre of the village where the Drum Tower resides.From its perch it offers a panoramic view of the village.Modern elements such as large windows take advantage of the views,while still attempting to keep the rhythm of the neighbouring structures so as not to disturb the overall skyline.

4 立面/Elevation

In Qiandongnan,the southeast region of Guizhou,traditional wooden buildings have largely been preserved and continue to be built today.Yet,modernity has managed to creep in– one way being that concrete is used for the ground floor of the building.The challenge then is to develop building language that can negotiate the differences between the two and create a unified whole.

Traditional building has intrinsic knowledge about how to deal with local climatic conditions in clever yet,simple ways.Elevating the structures on poles,open fire-pits,and even using a bit of smoke help traditional southwestern houses relieve the damp in winter.The goal of the hotel was to elevate the comfort inside the building through the use of energy-efficient heating and weatherproofing.Another issue is the way sound is carried throughout the wooden house through the thin partitions and floors.Soundproofing was added to the construction to try to give a bit more privacy and serenity to the space.To keep the construction as sustainable as possible the whole system of building was designed to make air-conditioning unnecessary– instead cooling the building through passive methods.The façade was designed with wind scoops to capture air from the valley and ensure ventilation in the space clearing out the stuffy feeling of summer.

5 剖面/Section

The material choice is local,in particular by using cedar wood the region is famous for.Bricks often seen as lowly due to their common usage in building pig sheds,were elevated here in their deep earthy feel to something luxurious.Burnt and blackened bricks were hand-picked to give a textural sensuousness to the first floor.

As the village finds a bridge to the future and looks to tourism as a chance to do so,the hope is that the Well House presents thoughtful solutions for merging the old with the new.By rooting design in the local aesthetics and material culture– the hope is to see Dali Village find a sustainable path forward that honours and values the past.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client:侗天井上民宿/Dongtian the Well House

设计团队/Design Team:周贞徵,李立丞,Catherine McMahon/Jenny Chou,Troy Lee,Catherine McMahon

材料/Material:杉木,红砖/Fir wood,red brick

面积/Area:440 m2

造价/Cost:850,000 CNY

设计时间/Design Period:2019.11-2020.08

摄影/Photos:ATLAS,朱锐/ZHU Rui

6 外景/Exterior view(摄影/Photo:朱锐/ZHU Rui)

7 楼板保温工程/Floor heating system

8 铺装/Flooring

9 木工/Woodworking

11 壁炉区/Fireplace

12 房间/Bedroom

13 首层平面/Ground floor plan

14 二层平面/First floor plan

15 走廊空间与公共空间/Corridor and the living area(摄影/Photo:朱锐/ZHU Rui)


吉祥猫事务所 红砖楼的秘密