Death Valley


考试与评价·高一版 2021年1期


Death Valley doesnt sound like a very inviting place. It is one of the hottest places in the world. The highest temperature ever recorded there was 134 degrees Fahrenheit. That is the highest ever recorded in the Western Hemisphere. And that was in the shade! Death Valley in California covers nearly 3,000 square miles. Approximately 555 square miles are below the surface of the sea. One point is 282 feet below sea level — the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. In Death Valley, pioneers and explorers faced death from thirst and the searing heat. Yet despite its name and bad reputation, Death Valley is not just an empty wilderness of sand and rock. It is a place of spectacular scenic beauty and home to plants, animals, and even humans.

Death Valley is the driest place in North America. Yet far from being dead, it is alive with plants and animals. They have adapted to this harsh region. In the salt flats on the valley floor, there are no plants to be seen. But near the edge, there are grasses. Farther away, there are some small bushes and cactus. On higher ground there are shrubs and shrub-like trees. Finally, high on the mountainside, there are pine trees.

What is not visible are the seeds lodged in the soil, waiting for rain. When it does come, a brilliant display of flowers carpets the once barren flatlands. Even the  cactus  blossome. It is the most common of all desert plants. As the water dries up and the hot summer nears, the flowers die. But first they produce seeds that will wait for the rains of another year.

At noon on a summer day, Death Valley looks truly devoid of wildlife. But in reality, there are 55 species of mammals, 32 kinds of birds, 36 kinds of reptiles, and 3 kinds of amphibians. During the day many seek shelter underrocks and in burrows. As night approaches, however, the land cools. The desert becomes a center of animal activity. Many of these animals, like the desert plants, have adapted to the dry desert. They use water very efficiently. They can often survive on water supplies that would leave similar animals elsewhere dying of thirst. Humans have also learned how to survive in this land.

Going to Death Valley once meant danger, hardship, and even death. Today, visitors can drive there in air-conditioned comfort. They can stay in hotels. They dont have to worry about dying of hunger or thirst. They can look upon the hills, canyons, and cactus with appreciation rather than fear. They can admire the beauty of this strange land. They can leave with happy memories.

Choose the best answer according to the passage.

1. Rain in Death Valley causes ____.

A. flowers to bloom    B. minerals to form

C. animals to come out and hunt

2. Death Valley is home to plants and animals that have____.

A. adapted to the environment

B. been brought there by humans

C. not been able to survive anyplace else

3. Of all places in North America, Death Valley is the _____.

A. highest B. driest C. least populated