School in England
England has got a very interesting system of education. Education is class-divided in Eng- land. There are some state schools in England. They are primary schools and secondary schools.
British boys and girls begin to go to school at the age of 5. They draw pictures, sing songs, play games and listen to the stories and tales.
British children begin to read and write when they enter infant① school.
Little children are divided into two groups, according to their mental abilities. Children leave infant school when they are 7 years old. They begin to study at junior school where they learn to write, to read and to do mathematics.
Boys and girls have many interesting school subjects. They are History, English, Geography, Mathematics, Art, Music, Sport, Computing and Cooking.
When pupils enter junior school, they have a special test. According to the results of the tests and their intellectual② abilities they are divided into three groups.
Boys and girls study at junior schools for four years.
Then they take their examinations and enter secondary school.
There are two types of secondary schools in England. They are grammar schools and comprehensive③ schools.
English boys and girls go to a secondary school from 11 till 16 years old. They dont go to school on Saturdays and Sundays.
If pupils go to a grammar school theyll have a good theoretical④ secondary education. The other secondary school is a comprehensive school. Almost all secondary school pupils (90 per cent) go there.
There are many private⑤ schools in Eng- land. Boys and girls dont often study together at these schools. The sons of the aristocracy⑥ go to public schools and their parents pay a lot of money for their education.
Independent and preparatory⑦ schools are private schools too. They often prepare pupils for public schools for money. Teachers at private schools pay personal attention to each pupil.
It is possible to enter the best English Universities after leaving public schools. After finishing grammar schools pupils have a good education and may continue to study in colleges or universities.
Pupils have school uniforms in England. It is an old tradition in the country. A boys uniform consists of a special suit, a school cap, a tie and a blazer⑧. A girls uniform consists of a hat, a coat, a skirt and a blouse. Usually their uniform is dark.
1. Education is class-divided in England, isnt it?
2. Are there any state schools in England?
3. Are there any private schools in England?
4. When do British boys and girls begin to go to school?
5. What subjects do English boys and girls study
at school?
6. Who goes to public schools?
7. Why do teachers pay personal attention to each pupil at private schools?
8. Can you compare our schools and English schools?
9. Have you read anything about the uniform at
schools in England?