Unit 7 口语酷行动


考试与评价·七年级版 2021年4期



1. —Hows the weather in Toronto? 多伦多的天气怎么样?

—Its raining, as usual.  像往常一样在下雨。

2. —Its cold outside, isnt it?  外面很冷,不是嗎?

—No, its sunny and warm. 不,天气现在晴朗又暖和。


Mary: Im in Mexico now! Im calling to say,  Happy birthday!

Eric: Oh, thanks!

Mary: So, hows it going there?

Eric: Great! Hows it going with you?

Mary: Not bad. What are you doing?

Eric: Im having a party. My family is here.

Mary: Oh, that sounds fun. Hows the weather?

Eric: Terrible! Its cold and its raining. Hows the weather in Mexico?

Mary: Hot. Hot, dry and sunny.

Eric: Sounds good.

Mary: Uh-huh.

Eric: So, what are you doing there?

Mary: Im visiting my grandmother.


I. 补全对话。

A: Hello, Peter. This is Maria. Happy New Year!

B: (1) ____

A: (2) ____

B: Pretty good. Hows the weather in Beijing?

A: (3) ____

B: What are you doing now?

A: (4) ____ What about you?

B: Im playing chess with my father.

A: Well, please say “Happy New Year” to your father instead of me.

B: OK. (5) ____

A. It rains a lot.

B. Thank you very much.

C. Hows it going there?

D. Happy New Year!

E. Its very cold.

F. Im watching TV with my family.

G. What are you doing?

II. 根据对话内容及首字母提示,在空白处填上适当的单词。

A: Hello, Tom?

B: Maria? Hi! (1) W____ are you (2) d____?

A: Im lying (躺) on the beach.

B: Oh, its a (3) f____ day, isnt it?

A: Yes, its (4) s____. My parents and I are (5) a____ on the beach. They are (6) p____ beach volleyball. What are you doing, Tom?

B: Im (7) w____ TV.

A: Why (8) n____ go out and play with your friends? Whats the (9) w____ like?

B: Its (10) r____ cats and dogs outside. I cant go out. Im bored.


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Unit 2 STEP BY STEP 随堂通Section A
新目标英语八年级(上)Unit5 STEP BY STEP随堂通
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