A Flower Card
What you need: fresh, delicate and thin flowers and leaves, phone book, good quality paper, scissors, glue and tweezers 新鲜、清香、细小的花和叶子,电话簿,好质量的纸,剪刀,胶水和镊子
What you do:
1. Pick some fresh, delicate and thin flowers and leaves. 選择一些新鲜、清香、细小的花和叶子。
2. Press each flower and leaf in a thick phone book. It takes at least a week or two to completely dry. 将每一朵花和叶子压在厚的电话薄中,至少需要一周或两周的时间使之完全干燥。
3. Carefully remove the dried flowers from the book. Arrange them on your paper artistically. You may trim some stems with a pair of scissors. 小心地将干燥的花从书中移走,艺术地将它们安排在你的纸上。你可以用剪刀修剪枝叶。
4. Remove the plants, remembering where the plants were so you can put them back later. Brush a thin layer of glue on the paper where the dried plants were. 取走花叶,记住花、叶的位置以便你以后能将它们放回原位。在放置干植物位置的纸上刷一薄层胶水。
5. Carefully put the plants back in place. This can be difficult. It is helpful to use tweezers to place them on the glue. Make sure all the plant material is touching the glue and lying flat on the paper. Let the glue dry completely. 小心地将植物放回原处。这可能有些困难。镊子能帮助在胶水处放置于花叶。确信所有的花、叶材料接触到胶水,并平铺在纸上。让胶水完全风干。
You now have a beautiful and delicate card. Watch and smell it. How happy youll be! 你现在有一个美丽、芬芳的卡片。看着它、闻着它,你会多么高兴啊!