欧增开 杨慧菊 卜庆鑫
摘 要:輪胎破损漏气较为隐蔽,轮胎胎压异常肉眼不易察觉。行驶中的汽车胎压过低或过高都十分危险。因此胎压监测系统是车辆主动安全系统中的重要组成。从2020年1月1日起,在我国生产的所有车辆必须强制安装胎压监测系统。本文以某车型胎压监控系统在行驶过程中后轮胎压信号出现偶发丢失的故障为例进行具体阐述。介绍了胎压监测系统的组成,分类,作用,工作原理以及影响因素,并通过零部件替换、机理分析等锁定某车型胎压信号丢失故障要因为AVM视频线破损导致车内电磁环境干扰过大,进而导致胎压信号丢失。
关键词:胎压监测 BCM TPMS
Research on the Tire Pressure Monitoring System based on a Certain Vehicle Type
Ou Zengkai Yang HuiJu Bu Qingxin
Abstract:Tire breakage leakage is hidden, and tire pressure abnormal to the naked eye is not easy to detect. It is dangerous to drive a car with too low or too high tire pressure. Therefore, the tire pressure monitoring system is an important component of the active safety system of the vehicle. From January 1, 2020 on, all vehicles manufactured in China must be forced to install a tire pressure monitoring system. This paper gives a specific explanation of the failure of the tire pressure monitoring system after the tire pressure signal is occasionally lost during driving. This paper introduces the composition, classification, function, working principle and influence factors of the tire pressure monitoring system, and locks the failure of the tire pressure signal of a certain model by component replacement, mechanism analysis, etc. because the AVM video cable breakage causes the electromagnetic environment interference in the car to be too large, which leads to the loss of the tire pressure signal.
Key words:Tire pressure monitoring, BCM,TPMS