Theyve got good genes.
Not happy with the way your body looks when you stray from your otherwise healthy diet? Blame Mom and Dad. Dr Korner says genetics program your “set point”, the weight your body strives to maintain. Some people may have a set point at a BMI of 22, while other bodies have a tendency to maintain a BMI of 28 or 30, depending on their genes and hormones. “If you try and alter that set point, your body definitely fights against it.”
Dr Korner continues, “There have been studies where you take people of any size, thin or obese, and if you underfeed them, there are changes in the body that try to get them back to their original weight. It also works the other way too—the body will try to burn up that extra food to get them back to the set point.”
Their metabolisms are at road runner level.
The formula for weight gain is pretty simple: consume more calories than you burn, and vice versa. But how many calories you burn daily is much more dependent on your metabolism than hours spent at the gym. In fact, basic functions, like breathing and circulation, account for nearly three-quarters of the calories you burn daily, and your genetics determine this basal metabolic rate.
“If your friend is really having many more calories than you are, then his metabolism is probably faster and his body uses up calories much, much more quickly. Thats probably how he was born,” says Dr Korner. “(Its like how)some people are born with blue eyes and some with brown eyes.”
Theyre eating less energy dense foods.
A pound of lettuce may weigh the same as a pound of fried chicken, but they certainly dont have the same effect on the body. That chronically thin friend whos constantly eating might actually be consuming foods that are less caloric than you think, Dr Korner points out. “It looks like someones eating a lot, maybe theyll have this giant bowl in front of them, but the bowl may contain a salad of beans, chicken, and no dressing,” she says, “It looks like theyre just chewing and chewing and chewing, but their foods are less energy dense.”
There are people who say they eat whatever they want without gaining weight—and theyre not lying. While that might conjure up feasts of fried chicken, mac&cheese, and cream puffs in your mind, their palates may prefer less-caloric foods, allowing them to eat a much larger quantity.
They probably dont actually eat that much.
Reality is not always as it seems. People tend to eat more and indulge in their favorite foods when theyre out with friends, calorie counts be damned. Even if you saw your friend consume more chicken nuggets last night than you eat in six months, their regular diet is likely more modest.
Word Study
metabolism /m?'t?b?l?z?m/ n. 新陈代谢
chronically /'kr?n?kli/ adv. 长期地;慢性地;习惯性地
conjure up 使……呈现于脑际;使想起
That smell always conjures up memories of holidays in France.
indulge /?n'd?ld?/ v. 沉湎;沉迷;沉溺(于……)