

时代英语·高三 2021年3期

France 法國

Lower secondary education ends at 15 when pupils take a lower secondary leaving exam, the brevet, which comprises tests French, maths, history/geography and civics education together with continuous assessment from 13—15. After one year of upper secondary education, pupils can leave or continue their education. Those that stay on can choose from a range of baccalaureate, a technical brevet or vocational certificates.


Finland 芬兰

At age 18 to 19 students usually take the matriculation examination. This comprises at least four tests:

· mother tongue (compulsory);

· three other compulsory tests from second national language, foreign language, maths, and one test from sciences or humanities;

· one or more optional tests.


· 母语(必修);

· 其他三门必修考试,包括第二民族语言、外语、数学,以及一项科学或人文学科的考试;

· 一项或多项可选测试。

South Korea 韩国

No national examination on completion of lower secondary phase education. However, students may need to take an entrance exam at age 15+ for some upper secondary schools.

At age 18+, pupils receive either a High School Certificate or a Vocational High School Certificate. All students who wish to go to junior college after upper secondary school (high school) have to take the national College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT). CSAT involves written tests in subject domains: Korean, maths, English, social studies, science and vocational education (pupils choose 9 tests from a range of options), and a second foreign language.

Higher education institutions announce annually their student admission criteria which include elements such as CSAT score, comprehensive high school records, institution-administered examinations, interviews, essays and recommendation letters.




Japan 日本

No national assessment. Individual institutions arrange assessment at the end of lower secondary education (age 15) which may influence entry to senior high school although entry tests for these are often administered by municipal boards of education. Each local senior high school selects its own pupils under supervision of boards of education and in accordance with individual boards regulations. National and private upper secondary schools conduct their own entrance exams. Individual institutions issue a Certificate of Upper Secondary Education at age 18. This Certificate is just one of the requirements for entry to higher education.


The Netherlands 荷兰

At age 15, schools assess whether students have acquired the knowledge, understanding and skills described in the attainment targets for basic secondary education (known as the first cycle). Pupils then enter the second cycle which prepares students for specific, differentiated terminal examinations:

· VMBO, pre-vocational secondary education qualification: comprises a compulsory common component (Dutch, English, social studies I, physical education and arts I), an optional component, and a sector-specific component (chosen from: engineering and technology, care and welfare, business or agriculture).

· HAVO, senior general secondary education qualification: common component as above, specialized components and an optional component chosen from subject combinations: “science and technology”, “science and health” and “economics and society”. As well as terminal exams, pupils have to write a project which is expected to take 80 hours.

· VWO, a pre-university qualification: as HAVO but with a greater study load.


· VMBO,职前中等教育学历:包括必修公共部分(荷兰语、英语、社会科学Ⅰ、体育和艺术Ⅰ)、可选部分和特定专业部分(从工程和技术、护理和福利事业、商业或农业中选择)。

· HAVO,高级普通中等教育学历:包括如上所述的公共部分、专业部分和从学科组合中选择的可选部分(“科学与技术”“科学与健康”和“经济与社会”)。除了期末考试,学生们还必须完成一个项目,预计需要80个小时。

· VWO,大学预科学历:类似HAVO,但学习负担更重。

New Zealand 新西蘭

The National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) is the main qualification at all levels of the senior secondary school. It allows a diverse range of students in an increasingly wide variety of courses in schools to have their achievements recognized and reported. Students completing Year 11—the final year of compulsory education (age 15/16) obtain credits towards the NCEA. Approved courses are listed in the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).

Students can achieve the NCEA from a wide range of studies within the school curriculum and beyond. Each subject is assessed externally and by internal assessment  using achievement standards developed by education, industry and national standards bodies. These standards are in place for general/academic (school curriculum) subjects and for vocational and technical subjects.

NCEA is intended to be a comprehensive record of what pupils achieve and a “launching pad” for their ongoing learning and future careers. It is standards-based and complements external assessment with internal assessment in all conventional school subjects at three levels (Level 1 NCEA, Level 2 NCEA, and Level 3 NCEA, broadly equivalent to Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13).




Word Study

comprise /k?m'pra?z/ v. 包括;包含

The collection comprises 327 paintings.

domain /d?'me?n/ n. 领域,范围,范畴

Physics used to be very much a male domain.

administer /?d'm?n?st?(r)/ v. 管理;施行;执行

The questionnaire was administered by trained interviewers.

supervision /'sju?p?'v??n/ n. 监督;管理;指导

Children should not be left to play without supervision.

complement /'k?mpl?ment/ v. 补充;补足;使完美

The team needs players who complement each other .


出生率下降 日本中学出新招
日本加强大学入学制度改革 注重学生的可塑性
两面夹击 让恶意证书无处遁形