

世界建筑导报 2021年3期



设计单位:Extudio 事务所


建筑面积:5 508.90 平方米

Client:Easter Meeting Council

Location:Zamora,Castilla y León,Spain


Design Team:Alberto Martínez,Beatriz Matos,Néstor Montenegro y AntoniGelabert

Building Area:5,508.90 m²



如此,我们首要关注点在于城市,尤其是博物馆为在它对面的圣玛丽亚教堂所提供的——不仅是物质层面的回应——更重要的是几何化与城市性的空间。在对SigismondTalberg 重新规划后,我们为博物馆创造了一个小的室外空间。这个欢迎场所重组了教堂周围的布局,并提供了观察教堂的新的视角。

我们决定依据南北方向来构建博物馆交通展览空间的主轴线。这个与场所轴线略微偏离的方向巩固了新建筑与圣玛丽亚教堂的关系。这条轴线使我们理解其源头空间中承载的宗教礼仪。从这里开始,博物馆发展成既是一连串的 “教堂”,又是大小不一的情感空间,既考虑场地条件,又要考虑博物馆自身技术要求和展出的艺术品。



The New Museum of Holy Week in Zamora is a unique opportunity to describe,with the proposal of its new building,the necessary evolution of cities and their cultural constructions,respect for the memory of citizens and their projection into the future,the historical transit between the physical and the digital,the processes of change and those of permanence.

In our proposal we respect and qualify by responding not only to such a specific and exciting program,but to a complex city that is an inescapable part of the event of the Easter week.That is its great value,the New Easter Museum must remain within the walls,and in its historical position linked to the cultural routes of the city.And its new volume allows the development of the Board's desire:to have a new functional,impressive and international building.

In this way,the first decisions lead us to talk about the city,and specifically about the front that the building offers to the Church of Santa María la Nueva,understanding that a material response is not only necessary,that it is also done,but above all of geometry and urban space.With the redrawing of the alignment to SigismondTalberg street,we propose a small outdoor space for the New Museum.A welcoming space,a space that reimagines the layout next to the Church and provides new points of view on the architecture.

We decided on the north-south direction for the construction of a main axis of circulation and organization of the exhibition space.Specifically,itisa direction slightly deviated from the strict geographical axis to consolidate the relationship with the Church of Santa María.This axis refers us to the cult status of the space from which they come.From here,the Museum develops as a succession of chapels,emotional spaces of greater or lesser dimension,taking into account the conditions of the site,but also those of the museum and technological blueprints and the pieces on display.

The exhibition space is divided into two types of space.On the one hand,the great voids crossed by intrepid chiaroscuro,built with an architecture of walls and skylights,of clear spiritual reference;spaces of the senses typical of the event and great artistic pieces being exhibited.On the other hand,smaller spaces attached to each room in which to exhibit smaller artistic pieces,but also where to concentrate technology and didactics in the form of an event.

We dress the building exterior in stone,to neutralize its presence and allow a calm background on which to project the city.Inside,powerful tinted and textured concrete walls build the spatiality.


布尔诺Beatified Restituta教堂
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