在本次纺机展中,我们没有像往年一样,有很多瑞士的参展商参加。尽管市场对我们来说依然非常重要,但对于一些公司来说,想要积极参展,阻碍太大了。准入限制和物流问题是两大挑战。虽然我们不能参加此次展览,但是我们相信,我们会积极参加ITMA ASIA + CITME 2022。参展商将展示机械、操作和搬运方面的许多新进展。从纺纱到编织、针织、非织造布到整理和刺绣,包括装饰,瑞士纺织机械制造商一直在为整个纺织价值链提供解决方案。在纺织价值链的所有环节中都可以发现令人兴奋和创造性的创新。
中国对于是纺织机械制造商来说,仍然是一个十分有吸引力的市场,这一事实增强了我们的信心。尽管2020年全球经济环境非常困难,但中国纺织品出口同比增长29%,达到1540亿美元。随着疫情在中国得到控制,非织造行业作为一个关键市场,这场展会的意义更加重要。此外,ITMA ASIA + CITME 2020 是疫情后唯一一次大型纺织机械展览会,为纺织机械制造商与客户进行面对面交流提供了交流的桥梁。
China is the key market of global textile machinery industry
Interview with Cornelia Buchwalder, Secretary General of Swissmem
After quite a few years with "best-ever" order volume and results, Switzerland, as many other industrial countries, encountered a heavy slowdown of our industry. It has become apparent that 2020 and 2021 will be very difficult years for all market players due to the global corona pandemic. In Switzerland we never had an imposed lockdown for the industry. So most of companies continued production – on a lower level, due to postponement of orders and projects, supply chain difficulties and the unsecure situation in general. The 2020 export statistics of the Swiss Textile Machines showed a minus of around 25% compared to 2019, the top five export countries being China, Germany, Turkey, the US and India. But knowing that the textile machinery industry is an early cyclical industry, the industry was not only hit early, but it also upswinged earliest. Accordingly, our member companies are currently already talking about a good order intake again.
Fortunately, the pandemic situation is calming down in Switzerland. We are now making good progress with the vaccination programme, which is creating new freedoms. Of course, our member companies continue to be affected by the global situation. This is because global supply chains and demand will only stabilise again once the situation is under control worldwide. I expect that we will see a gradual return to normality only from 2022 onwards.
In the first quarter of the current year we see a stabilisation of order intake. In particular, orders have picked up in the following markets - China, Germany, USA, Italy and Bangladesh. Not surprisingly, incoming orders in the nonwovens and technical textiles sector are developing very well. But the other segments along the textile value chain also have a positive development - from spinning all the way to embroidery and quality control.
We will not have the same number of Swiss exhibitors at this exhibition as in previous years. Although the market is still eminently important for all our members, the hurdles are too great for some companies to actively participate in the exhibition. Entry restrictions and logistics problems remain two current challenges. However, we are convinced that the participation of Swiss companies at the upcoming ITMA ASIA + CITME 2022 will recover and even grow. With a good number of exhibitors, many new advancements in machinery, operation and handling will be on display. The Swiss Textile Machinery manufacturers present solutions for the entire textile value chain from spinning to weaving, knitting, nonwovens to finishing and embroidery, including garmenting. So exciting and innovative novelties can be discovered in all steps of the textile value chain.
With regard to innovation and progress, the important trends for our industry continue to be sustainability, digitisation and the circular economy. Digitalisation offers various possibilities, be it in product or process optimization or in the development of completely new business models. Our textile machinery companies use these possibilities to generate maximum customer benefit. With regard to sustainability, the optimized utilisation of resources is again one of the major topics. Raw materials are scarce and energy is expensive, therefore making the machines and solutions more efficient in both aspects is key. I believe that the whole issue of sustainability and the circular economy will be our main challenge for many years to come. The purchasing power of the worlds population, which is increasing every year, is also leading to a disproportionate increase in textile production. This is why all players along the textile value chain are challenged to find creative and sustainable solutions.
China has been by far the most important export market, not only for the Swiss textile machinery industry, for many years. In 2020, 15% of Swiss Textile Machinery exports went to China. If you add to this the many production plants and branches of our member companies in China, the importance is massively increased. China will remain the most important global market for the textile industry for a long time to come. But of course other markets in the Asian region are also important and developing. To name just a few, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand. India , another important hub of the textile industry is somewhat weakened at the moment due to the global Corona situation. But I am convinced that the Indian market will also recover well.
I am definitely positive about the textile industry. Whether it will be in 2021 or the following year remains to be seen. The pandemic has shown the importance of the textile industry, especially in European countries, which was forgotten for many years. When suddenly no masks and protective equipment were available, the importance of the industry was rediscovered and various products and technologies were regionalised again.
Our confidence is strengthened by the fact that China continues to be an attractive market for textile machinery manufacturers. Despite a very difficult global economic climate in 2020, Chinas textile exports increased 29 percent yearon-year to now $154 billion. With the COVID pandemic under control in China, holding this combined show will become even more important as a key marketplace for the textile industry for both the traditional and growing nonwoven sectors. In addition, ITMA ASIA + CITME 2020 will be the only major show to take place after a difficult year, giving textile machinery manufacturers the opportunity to reconnect with the market after a year of minimal face-to-face interactions with customers and partners.