(1. 江西省生态气象中心,南昌 330096;2. 江西省气候中心,南昌 330096)
为探明鄱阳湖流域潜在蒸散的变化特征,揭示不同季节潜在蒸散趋势差异及其气候成因,该研究基于1981-2019年鄱阳湖流域74个气象站点的逐日气象资料,利用Penman-monteith公式计算各站点逐日潜在蒸散量(ET0),结合敏感性-贡献率法,分析了1981-2019年鄱阳湖流域ET0在年、季尺度上的变化趋势及其主导气候因子。结果表明:1)1981-2019年鄱阳湖流域年尺度ET0具有先降后升的特点,21世纪以前呈下降趋势,进入21世纪后下降趋势减弱,并在21世纪头10年后半段转为上升趋势。整体上,鄱阳湖流域ET0呈显著增加趋势(1.50 mm/a,<0.05),其中春季增加速率最快(0.81 mm/a,<0.05),秋季次之(0.64 mm/a,<0.05),冬季和夏季分别呈不显著增加和下降趋势(>0.05);2)最高气温升高是年均ET0和春、秋季ET0增加的主导因子,冬季ET0增加的主导因子为最低气温的升高,而辐射下降是夏季ET0下降的主导因子;3)不同气象要素贡献率的年代际变化分析表明,鄱阳湖流域年均ET0由降转升的原因是2000年以后气温增加的正贡献超过风速和辐射下降的负贡献。该研究对鄱阳湖流域农田水分管理和季节性干旱监测具有重要意义。
0 引 言
作为陆地水文循环中的第二大水分通量[1],潜在蒸散是评价气候干湿程度和水资源亏缺状况的重要指标,也是农作物需水估算和农田灌溉政策制定的基本依据[2]。在气候变暖的背景下,全球各地潜在蒸散量大多呈显著下降的趋势,即“蒸发悖论”现象[3]。中国总体上存在“蒸发悖论”现象,但在空间上具有不一致性。例如,从流域上看,东北松花江流域潜在蒸散显著上升,而全国其他大部分流域呈下降趋势[4-5];基于气象站蒸发皿蒸发量的趋势分析亦指出1956-2005年东北地区蒸发量逐渐上升[6]。同时,在年代际尺度上,有研究指出,中国大部分地区年平均潜在蒸散在20世纪90年代初期由下降趋势转为上升趋势[2, 7],并且这种转折与气象因子趋势的转折密切相关[8]。
1 材料与方法
1.1 气象资料来源
鄱阳湖流域地处24°29′~30°04′N、113°34′~118°28′E之间。本文收集了1981-2019年流域内及周边共93个气象站逐日观测资料,资料来源为江西省气象信息中心,气象要素包括最高气温、最低气温、气压、日照时数、水汽压和风速。其中日照时数通过联合国粮食及农业组织推荐的方法[24]计算为地表净辐射。经过数据质量及有效性检查后,筛选出数据较齐全的74个气象站点(图1)。某日数据缺测时,采用该日相邻2 d该要素的平均值替代[2]。
1.2 潜在蒸散计算方法
式中ET0为潜在蒸散量,mm/d;为温度随饱和水汽压变化的斜率,kPa/℃;R为地表净辐射,MJ/(m2·d);为土壤热通量,MJ/(m2·d),在日尺度上可认为0;为湿度表常数,kPa/℃;2为离地2 m高处风速,m/s;e为饱和水汽压,kPa;e为实际水汽压,kPa;为日平均气温,℃。、、2和e分别为气温、气压、风速和气温的函数,计算方法见文献[24],其他变量均来自气象站实测资料。
1.3 分析方法
1.3.1 敏感性-贡献率法
1.3.2 数据处理方法
2 结果与分析
2.1 潜在蒸散的变化趋势与大型蒸发皿的比较
1985-2019年研究区北部、中部和南部典型站点ET0实测值与计算值对比见图2。由图2可知,6个典型站点ETp和ET0的年际变化趋势大部分表现出一致的变化方向,并且变化趋势的季节性差异亦较为一致。北部以上饶站为例,春季ETp和ET0的增加速率最快,分别为8.6和10.4 mm/10a,大于秋季和冬季,而夏季均表现为下降趋势,其中ETp的下降速率更快;中部以南城站为例,各季节ETp的变化速率以春季最高(21.8 mm/10 a),其次为秋季(16.3 mm/10 a)、冬季(15.3 mm/10 a)和夏季(4.9 mm/10 a),各季节ET0亦表现为春季(13.0 mm/10 a)、秋季(9.6 mm/10 a)、冬季(mm/10 a)、夏季(2.2 mm/10 a)依次减小;南部的龙南站,其夏季ETp的增加速率高于春季,而ET0则表现为春季高于夏季,但两者均表现为春、夏季高于秋、冬季,并且在同处南部的赣县站,同样表现为春、秋季高于夏、冬季。因此可认为本文计算的ET0能够反映出鄱阳湖流域大气蒸发能力的实际变化趋势及其季节性差异。
2.2 潜在蒸散的变化趋势
整体看(图3a),1981-2019年鄱阳湖流域年均潜在蒸散(ET0)呈上升趋势(1.50 mm/a),增加趋势以春季最大(0.81 mm/a,图3c)、秋季次之(0.64 mm/a,图3g)、冬季最小(0.28 mm/a,图3i),而夏季呈下降趋势(−0.23 mm/a,图3e)。
Note: UF and UB are the Mann-Kendall test results for the forward time series and the reverse time series, respectively.
图3 1981-2019年鄱阳湖流域年均及各季节潜在蒸散量时间变化及其Mann-Kendall (MK)突变检验
Fig.3 Change and Mann-Kendall (MK) mutation test of annual and seasonal potential evapotranspiration for the Poyang Lake Basin during 1981-2019
2.3 潜在蒸散对气象要素的敏感性
表1 不同季节潜在蒸散变化对各气候要素的敏感性系数
Note: Win represents wind speed, Rad represents radiation, Pre represents pressure, MinT represents minimum temperature, MaxT represents maximum temperature, Vap represents vapor pressure, same as below.
2.4 潜在蒸散变化的主导气候因子
2.4.1 季节差异
表2 1981-2019年各季节气候要素的相对变化率及对ET0变化的贡献
2.4.2 贡献率年代际变化
3 讨 论
目前,关于鄱阳湖流域蒸发量的研究成果丰富。基于互补相关蒸发模型估算的1955—2001年实际蒸发量[30]、基于气象站监测的1960—2005年蒸发皿蒸发量[22, 31]以及基于气象要素计算的1960-2014年潜在蒸散量[23]的分析结果均表明20世纪60年代以来该区域蒸发量呈下降趋势,这与本文得出的除夏季外、其他季节及年均潜在蒸散呈增加趋势的结论相反。这主要是由于研究时段不同导致的。本文研究表明,鄱阳湖流域潜在蒸散在进入21世纪后由降转升,且这种转折与实际蒸发量的情况一致[30],上述相关研究的分析时段均开始为20世纪60年代,前期下降时段的比例较大,因此整个时段呈下降趋势。此外,以上研究均指出日照时数和风速下降是潜在蒸散或蒸发皿蒸发量下降的主要原因。本文同样发现在2000年以前的下降时段,风速和辐射下降是主要原因,这点的结论是一致的。但由于这些研究忽视了潜在蒸散或实际蒸发存在由降转升的过程,对转折的成因探讨较少,因此没有发现气温增加的主导作用。
4 结 论
1)1981-2019年鄱阳湖流域年均潜在蒸散(ET0)呈上升趋势(1.50 mm/a,<0.05),增加趋势以春季最大(0.81 mm/a,<0.05),其次为秋季(0.64 mm/a,<0.05)和冬季(0.28 mm/a,>0.05),而夏季呈下降趋势(−0.23 mm/a,>0.05)。
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Variation characteristics and cause analysis of potential evapotranspiration in Poyang Lake Basin from 1981 to 2019
Qin Xiaochen1, Dai Zhijian1, Chen Xingjuan1, Li Bozhen1, Zhan Mingjin1,2※
(1.330096,; 2.330096,)
Potential evapotranspiration (ET0) is an essential indicator to determine the level of climate dryness and water shortage, particularly for crop water demand and irrigation. Recent studies have found that the ET0in most areas of China changed from a downward trend to an upward trend in the early 1990s, closely relating to the tendency of meteorological factors. Seasonal water deficit has been the main limiting factor for agricultural production in summer and autumn, especially in Poyang Lake Basin (PLB), one of the most important commodity grain bases in China. However, the ET0trend and the seasonal differences still remain unclear. In this study, a Penman-monteith formula was utilized to calculate the ET0in PLB during 1981-2019 using the daily observed data from 74 meteorological stations. Mann-Kendall trend test and the sensitivity-contribution method were applied to reveal the trend of ET0on an annual and seasonal scale, and thereby to compare the contribution rates of climate factors, including the wind speed, solar radiation, vapor pressure, as well as the minimum and maximum temperature. Results showed that: 1) The annual ET0in the PLB first declined and then rose during the study period, where a downward trend was found before 2000s followed by a weak downward trend after 2000 s, and an upward trend in the second half of 2000s. The ET0showed an increasing trend in other seasons except for summer and the annual scale in 1981-2019. The annual trend of ET0was 1.50 mm/a (<0.05), with the highest increasing rate in spring (0.81 mm/a,<0.05) followed by autumn (0.64 mm/a,<0.05). While the summer ET0experienced a decreasing trend (-0.23 mm/a,>0.05). 2) The ET0reduced by 3.97% in 1981-2019, with the decrease in wind speed and solar radiation, while the increase in the water vapor pressure. Nevertheless, the cumulative contribution rate of the minimum and the maximum temperature was 9.79%, which ultimately increased ET0by 5.84%. Therefore, the warming temperature was the main reason for the annual increase of ET0in PLB, where the highest temperature had the largest contribution rate (5.90%), indicating the dominant factor. Seasonally, spring and autumn ET0rising was also mainly caused by warming the minimum and maximum temperature. The contribution rate was 14.40% and 11.79% for spring and autumn, respectively. The maximum temperature was the dominant factor for these two seasons, with the contribution rate of 10.04% and 6.98% for the spring and autumn, respectively. In addition, the dominant factor for winter ET0rising was the warming minimum temperature, of which the contribution rate was 8.77% (correspondingly 5.58% for the maximum temperature). Although the high temperature increased ET0by 3.89% in summer, the contribution rate of the decreasing solar radiation was -5.34%. Thus, the decreasing of solar radiation was the dominant factor for summer ET0declining. 3) The positive contribution of warming temperature exceeded the negative contribution of wind speed and solar radiation in the decadal change of contribution rate for various climate factors. That was the main reason for the turning point of the annual ET0from falling to rising during the 2000s. The finding can provide a sound reference to regional water management and seasonal drought monitoring in the Poyang Lake Basin of southern China.
evapotranspiration; climate; season; spatial-temporal characteristics; contribution rate; the Poyang Lake Basin
秦晓晨,戴志健,陈兴鹃,等. 1981—2019年鄱阳湖流域潜在蒸散变化特征及气候成因分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(7):94-102. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.07.012 http://www.tcsae.org
Qin Xiaochen, Dai Zhijian, Chen Xingjuan, et al. Variation characteristics and cause analysis of potential evapotranspiration in Poyang Lake Basin from 1981 to 2019[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(7): 94-102. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.07.012 http://www.tcsae.org