My mom s surprise妈妈的礼物
Step 1 感知·阅读导航
1. 梳理故事的情节,把握故事的开始、发展、高潮、结局,培养阅读叙事类语篇时的主线意识。
2. 分析语篇中的细节描写,如语言描写、动作描写和心理描写等,推测语篇中母亲及“我”的性格特征。
3. 体谅母亲的不易,思考母亲给孩子带来的巨大变化,理解母爱的伟大。
4. 体会“我”情感变化的过程及原因,体会成长的真正含义,不断形成强大的内心力量,做一个内心充实、不役于外物的人。
Ⅰ. Brainstorming
Have you ever received any presents from your mother on your birthday? What present would you like on that day? What if you received no present from your mother then?
Ⅱ. Exploring a story
Do you like sharing stories with others? The following diagram for a story may help you to be a top storyteller. Look at it carefully and then discuss the following question with your partners: how can I narrate my story in a plain but complete way?
1 I lay on my bed, legs leaning against the wall, desperately wishing my mother would call. But I remembered the last time Id seen her, right before the train for Providence pulled out of the station. “You know how expensive it is to call,” she said, and then hugged me tight and said goodbye.
2 This was my first birthday away from home. I missed my mom, missed my sister, and most certainly missed the special pound cake my mother always made for my birthday. Since getting to college that year, I would watch jealously as the other freshmen received care packages from their parents on their birthdays—and even on ordinary days. Big boxes containing summer slacks and blouses, packages of M&Ms and Snickers, things they needed and things they didnt. Instead of feeling thrilled about my upcoming eighteenth birthday, I felt empty. I wished my mom would send me something, too, but I knew that she couldnt afford presents or the postage. She had done her best with my sister and me—raising us by herself. The simple truth was that there just was never enough money.
3 But that didnt stop her from filling us with dreams. “You can be what you want to be,” she would tell us. “Politicians, dancers, writers—you just have to work for your dreams; you have to get an education.”
4 Thanks to my moms sacrifices(犧牲) and big dreams, Id made it to the Ivy League: Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.
5 As I was recalling these things, my roommate joined me on the bed. “Hey. After we study, lets buy ice cream and cake.” I nodded, closed my eyes, and imagined the cake Mom would have made. Mmm. I could see the golden yellow of each of the twelve eggs, and I could almost smell the vanilla (香草) filling the house while the cake baked.
6 As I daydreamed, there was a knock on the door. My roommate opened it to find a deliveryman asking for me. He handed her a large box, which she carefully placed on the desk near my bed. “Open it.” I did, and inside was a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting. In icing were the words: “Happy Birthday, Sande!Love, Mom.” I was filled with excitement, as if Mom were right there hugging me close.
7 How had she managed to afford it? I felt as if I were back at home with her, safe and secure while she sang and told me how much she loved having me in her life. I ran out to the hall and knocked on my dormmates doors. “Birthday cake,” I called. I cut cakes for the dormmates gathering in my room and watched their faces as they ate, because I didnt need to eat to feel both full and rich inside.
Step 2 理解·文本解读
Ⅰ. Read for some basic elements of the story
Ⅱ. Read for the plot
Complete the story mountain with the best choice for the plot.
A. I wished for my moms call or presents desperately.
B. I shared the cake with my dormmates.
C. Mom asked a deliveryman to send me a vanilla cake.
D. Mom couldnt afford to call me or buy me a present.
E. Id spend my first birthday away from home.
Step 3 运用·读写整合
Situational writing
Supposing youre the author of this narrative, with the annual Mothers Day drawing near, you hope to write a narrative about your mother with the title “My moms surprise” and contribute to Crazy English. Please write a narrative to the magazine.
Writing essentials:
1. narration of the story;
2. your evaluation.
Writing requirements:
1. your narrative should be about 100 words;
2. your narrative can include some details if necessary.
My moms surprise
Step 4 提升·素养建构
《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版2020年修订)》要求学生“接触和学习不同类型的语篇,熟悉生活中常见的语篇形式,把握不同语篇的特定结构、文体特征和表达方式”。记叙文的写作是普通高中英語课程语篇类型内容要求在必修阶段的重要内容之一,在近年的高考中也屡见不鲜。对记叙文的写作,同学们要使用合理的语篇策略,有效地推进故事的叙述。记叙文中的叙述通常要包括who、when、why、what、where以及how六大要素。在叙述过程中可采用“Setting—Beginning—Cause/Climax—Resolution—Ending—Evaluation”的Story mountain模式,推进对故事的叙述。当然,有些环节可以根据故事的情节予以灵活处理,或详写,或略写,或省略不要。
(2013·浙江卷)请以“One Thing Im Proud of”为题,用英语写一篇100—120个词的短文,记述一件自己认为得意的事情。要求如下:
1. 记述事情经过;
2. 简要说明你感到得意的原因或从中得到的启示。
One Thing Im Proud of