

葡萄酒 2021年4期

David Aiien Mw

葡萄酒大师( Master of Wine):葡萄酒信息搜索网站Wine-Searcher(葡萄酒搜索引擎)的葡萄酒总监。从业近30年,具有丰富的葡萄酒销售、推广、培训、品鉴等方面的知识。

常说喝酒是需要合适的场合的,但碰上合适的地方,在合适的时候,有合适的食物,喝啥酒反而好像没那么重要了。这期,David Allen MW跟我们分享了一个小故事,看一瓶便宜且普通的葡萄酒是如何让这位葡萄酒大师回味30年吧。

It needs a specific occasion to taste aspecial wine, but when we encounter a fineplace,a fine timing and fine food, to tastewhich wine seems not that important. In thisissue, David Allen MW share with us a story,which remain in his memory for 30 years.


那时的我是一名年轻的,有闯劲的葡萄酒商,在读了一本介绍意大利葡萄酒的手册后,了解到Rocca di Papa的葡萄酒值得一试。这个小镇是阿尔本山脉的几个小镇之一,地处罗马之上,那里富有的居民在更凉快、更高的地方置有避暑别墅以躲避城里的热浪。例如,教皇的夏宫就占据了Castel gandolfo的阿尔巴诺湖。







There is a belief that some wines“donot travel" and clearly wine can sufferfrom rough handling during shipmentMost wines acquire some bottle-shockas vibration and temperature variationduring transport can cause sort-termissues for newly shipped wines that arenot allowed time to recover befo re sale

Another aspect of wines “not travelling”is that often they show at their best in theregion of production, consumed in theatmosphere where they were crafted, witha local cuisine which developed alongsidethe wines l first saw this 30-years ago, inltaly, when visiting the town of Rocco diPapa with friends

As a young, eager wine-merchant l wasreading a guide to ltalian wines whichsuggested Rocca di Papa' S wines wereworth trying The small town is one ofseveral in the Alban HillS above Rome- where the city'S wealthy residentshave summer residences allowing themto exchange the city'S heat for cooler,higher-altitude locations The Pope'Ssummer residen ce, for instance, is across

Lake Albano in Castel gandolfoLazio' s Colli Albani is not a famous wineregion - nearby Frascati, making similarfresh, dry white wines from Trebbiano andMalvasia, is better known For red wineswe found pleasant drin king from a localva riety, Cesenase, at the co-operative inOleva no, 20 kilometers to the northwestOne of my companions who knew thetown, on hea ring I wa nted to try the wine,set out to organize lunch for us First,he found a cafe making the local “pigsandwiches” . This was not fine-dining,comprising hunks of piping-hot, roasted-pork between thick slices of freshly-baked rustic bread

Next, we visited the cantina for wineA more stereotypical image of ruralItaly is hard to envisage - the old, stonebuilding' s interior was dark and cool,despite scorching heat outside Elderlymen in flat caps silently sat round smalltables with red check tablecloths, playingca rds The proprietor was a mature ladywith a head-scarf, her weather-beatensk: n was heavily lined On our request forwine she opened a coarse wooden doorat the back of the room, which creakedatmospherically, and descended into thedark cellar

The bottle she carried when she returneddisappointed me This wine I had sought-out came in a 15 litre plastic mineral-water bottle! It was clearly a mineral waterbottle as it still bore the mineral waterlabel Nor was it the first time this bottlehad held wine either, as there appearedto be wine-stains dried onto the labell Wepaid the equivalent of 25 pence and left

A short walk along a dusty path borderedby parched grass led to Lake Albano,where we picnicked The magnificenceof that rural meal, in the shade of cedartrees, beside the lake, remains vivid inmy memory The beautifully chilled wineensured the plastic bottle glistenedwith condensation Consumed fromsimple glass tumblers, the wine had adeep lemon-gold colour and straw andpear aromas that perfectly matched thesucculent pork, whose juices infused thebread The wine' s sharpness cut throughthe pork' s fattiness, slight oxidativetouches and phenolic bitterness playedwonderfully against the tender meatLowish (c11 %) alcohol made this a perfectlunchtime-wine

Clearly pairing it with juicy pork flatteredthis rustic white wine, but it also playedits part by complimenting the food Thecombination of place, climate, atmosphereand culture made this a sublime occasion,enhanced by the simple wine Recapturingthis combination elsewhere would beimpossible!

