Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027 Resetting education and training for the digital age(Ⅴ)


江苏科技报·E教中国 2021年5期

譯题  数字教育行动计划2021—2027:重置数字时代的教育和培训(五)

Product by European Commission  欧盟


Enhancing digital skills and competences for the digital transformation

A changing society and the transition to a green and digital economy require solid digital competences. Boosting digital skills helps increase growth and innovation and build a fairer, more cohesive, sustainable and inclusive society. Being digitally skilled and acquiring digital literacy can empower people of all ages to be more resilient, improve participation in democratic life and stay safe and secure online. In addition to digital skills, the digital economy requires also complementary skills such as adaptability, communication and collaboration skills, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, entrepreneurship and readiness to learn.

Digital literacy has become essential for everyday life. Education should more actively help learners to develop the ability to critically approach, filter and assess information, notably to identify disinformation and to manage overload of information as well as develop financial literacy. Countering disinformation and harmful speech through education and training is crucial for effective participation in society and democratic processes, especially by young people. More than 40% of young people consider that critical thinking, media and democracy are not ‘taught sufficiently in school.

Advanced digital skills are in high demand. The development of advanced digital skills is one of the objectives of the Digital Europe programme. In addition, the SME Strategy contributes through the Digital Volunteers and the Digital Crash Courses, targeting specifically the current workforce.

To improve the development of digital competences, the European Commission will pursue the following actions:

1.Develop common guidelines for teachers and educational staff to foster digital literacy and tackle disinformation through education and training.

2.Update the European Digital Competence Framework with a view to including AI and data-related skills. Support the development of AI learning resources for schools, VET organisations, and other training providers. Raise awareness on the opportunities and challenges of AI for education and training.

3.Develop a European Digital Skills Certificate (EDSC) that may be recognized and accepted by governments, employers and other stakeholders across Europe.

4.Propose a Council recommendation on improving the provision of digital skills in education and training. This will include using EU tools to invest in teacher professional development; exchange of best practice on instructional methods, including through a focus on inclusive high-quality computing education and fostering dialogue with industry on identifying and updating new and emerging skills needs.

5.Improve monitoring and support the cross-national collection of data on student digital skills through participation in the ICILS to better understand gaps and strengthen the evidence base for actions to address these gaps. This will include introducing an EU target for student digital competence to reduce the share of 13-14 year old students who underperform in computer and information literacy to under 15% by 2030.

6.Incentivise advanced digital skills development through targeted measures including scaling up the Digital Opportunity traineeships by extending them to VET learners and apprentices, and offering professional development opportunities for teachers, trainers and other educational staff in school, VET, adult and higher education.

7.Encourage womens participation in STEM, in cooperation with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT); support the EU STEM Coalition to develop new higher education curricula for engineering and information and communications technology based on the STEAM approach to be more attractive for women and increase their participation and career development in STEM subjects and IT.

8.Establish a European Digital Education Hub to: support Member States by setting up a network of national advisory services on digital education to exchange experience and good practice on the enabling factors of digital education; link national and regional digital-education initiatives and strategies; and connect national authorities, the private sector, experts, education and training providers and civil society through various activities; monitor the implementation of the Action Plan and the development of digital education in Europe and share good practice; support cross-sector collaboration and new models for the seamless exchange of digital learning content; support the agile development of policy and practice.















