Driving in the UK
British roads are the safest in the world: in 2010 only 3.8people from every 100,00o died in road accidents. This number is lower than any other country. If you go there, you should try to drive the same way as British people, so this is some advice for visitors who plan to go driving in the UK.
1. Drive on the left side of the road. In most countries, people drive on the right side and many visitors have problems because they forget.
2. If there is a queue of cars, don't try to go past other people to get to the front. If you do this, other people will get angry with you.
3. Stop at traffic lights. In the UK, drivers always stop when the lightis red, even if there aren't any other cars or people around.
4. Don't use your horn too much. If you do, people willthink you are not polite.
5. If you have an accident, then don't try to pay money to the police! If you do, then you might finish your visit in prison!
Activity 1
Now read again and find words a-c. What do you think they mean? Choose 1-3.
1. Where people stay after the police catch them doing something wrong.
2. A line of cars or people waiting for something. The people at the front go first. 3. The part of a car that makes aloud noise to tell other people you are there.
Activity 2
Finish advice 1-5 with words a-e.
1. If the traffic light is red,stop your car.
2. Remember not to drive on theside of the road.
3. When waiting in a line, let the people atthego before you.
4. British people will not like it if you use thea lot.
5. You could go to prison if you try to pay themoney.
Activity 3
“If you go there, you should try to drive the same way as British people." Give advice using should and shouldn't.
Read 1-4 and choose how to finish, a or b.
1. You
2. You
use your horn to make a lot of noise. stop if the traffic lights are red.
drive on the left side of the road.
go before the people at the front of a queue.
Activity 4
“British roads are the safest in the world... this number is lower than any other country."
What grammar is right? Read 1-5 and choose a or b.
1. Driving a car in the UK is [a. the safest, b. safer than] driving in other countries.
2. Travelling by aeroplane is [a. the safest, b. safer than] way.
3. Motorbikes are [a. the fastest, b. faster than] bicycles.
4. Riding motorbikes is [a. the most dangerous, b. more dangerous than] driving cars.
5. Walking is [a. the best, b. better than] way to travel.
Activity 5
What advice would you give to a visitor who is going to drive in your country?
Activity 1
Activity 2
1.d;2.e;3.b;4.a;5.c Activity 3
1.b;2.a;3.a;4.b Activity 4