2019年12月大学英语四、六级 作文试题评析(三)


英语世界 2021年4期


四      级


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to learn Chinese. Please recommend a place to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

这道大学英语四级作文试题要求考生给一位外国朋友写一封信,向这位外国朋友推荐一个学习汉语的place。place的意思比较宽泛,它可以是一个地区、一个城市、一个乡镇、一所大学,甚至一座建筑。因此,我们不妨向这位外国朋友推荐中国的普通话之乡——河北省滦平县。这封书信从称呼开始写起,我们假设这位朋友的名字叫Alan,称呼可以写Dear Alan。稱呼要顶格写,后面用逗号。


正文下面是署名。署名一般写在信纸中间偏右的位置,分两行书写,上下对齐。由于这是一封写给朋友的信,上一行可写Yours truly(或Truly yours),假设你叫李明,下一行写Li Ming。下面请看参考范文:

Dear Alan,

I was sorry to learn that you do not do well in Chinese pronunciation. You asked me to recommend a place for you to improve your Chinese. Im writing this letter to offer you some advice.

Id like to recommend Luanping County, a hill-surrounded town about 165 kilometers to the northeast of Beijing. It is known as the hometown of Mandarin Chinese for historical reasons. Local residents, old or young, speak standard Chinese. I am sure you will pick up a flawless pronunciation studying there. Also, the county is known for its historic sites, the most famous of which is a section of well-preserved Great Wall. Still another attraction is its local delicacies, which Im sure will satiate you.

I hope you will find my recommendation helpful. Please feel free to write to me if you want any further information about the town.

Yours truly,

Li Ming (149 words)


1. Id like to recommend Luanping County, a hill-surrounded town about 165 kilometers to the northeast of Beijing. 我想推荐滦平县,它位于北京东北方向,离北京大约165公里,是一座群山环抱的县城。

2. Also, the county is known for its historic sites, the most famous of which is a section of well-preserved Great Wall. 而且,这个县以历史古迹著称,其中最有名的是一段保存完好的长城。the most famous of which… 引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰sites。

3. Still another attraction is its local delicacies, which Im sure will satiate you. 另一个吸引人的地方是当地美食,我敢保证会让你大饱口福。satiate“充分满足”。

4. Please feel free to write to me if you want any further information about the town. 你如果想进一步了解这个县城,请尽管给我写信。feel free to do sth“尽管做某事”。

六      级


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of having a sense of social responsibility. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



A sense of social responsibility refers to an awareness of ones obligations towards other members of society at large. It is of crucial importance in todays society, for it not only boosts our happiness but helps change the world for the better.

Motivated by a sense of social responsibility, we can make the world a better place through volunteering, whether it be picking litter in a local park or teaching kids in a poverty-stricken area. Besides, a sense of social responsibility contributes to our sense of well-being. For instance, realizing that the money we donate will make a great difference in someones life, we feel happy and fulfilled. A Harvard Business School study suggests that giving to others is directly correlated with an increased sense of happiness.

Apart from increasing our feeling of happiness, a strong sense of social responsibility goes a long way towards making positive changes in the world. Therefore, it is high time we launched a nationwide campaign to foster a sense of social responsibility among the public. (171 words)


1. It is of crucial importance in todays society, for it not only boosts our happiness, but helps change the world for the better. 社会责任感在今天的社会至关重要,因为它不仅增加我们的幸福感,还有助于改善这个世界。change… for the better“改善”。

2. Motivated by a sense of social responsibility, we can make the world a better place through volunteering, whether it be picking litter in a local park or teaching kids in a poverty-stricken area. 在社会责任感的激励下,不管是在本地公园里捡垃圾,还是到贫困地区支教,我们都能通过做志愿者让世界变得更加美好。whether… or… 引导一个让步状语从句,从句中可用虚拟语气,即系动词使用原形。

3. A Harvard Business School study suggests that giving to others is directly correlated with an increased sense of happiness. 哈佛商学院的一项研究表明,为他人付出与增加幸福感直接相关。be directly correlated with“与……直接相关”。

4. Apart from increasing our feeling of happiness, a strong sense of social responsibility goes a long way towards creating positive changes in the world. 除了增加我们的幸福感,强烈的社会责任感对积极地改变世界大有帮助。go a long way to/toward/towards doing sth“对做某事大有帮助”。

5. Therefore, it is high time we launched a nationwide campaign to foster a sense of social responsibility among the public. 因而,现在是时候开展一场全国性的运动,在公众中培养社会责任感。it is high time (that)…“是该……的时候了”。这是一个提建议的常用句型,后面的从句用虚拟语气,即从句中的谓语动词使用一般过去时。                   □

