

风景园林 2021年3期


1 总平面图Master plan

Bosjes(荷兰语,译为“灌木丛”)是一个位于南非西开普省Breede山谷山麓处的精品葡萄酒农场。这里夏季气候炎热,冬季多雨,水源充足。地理上独具特色的水源条件给景观设计带来了丰富的灵感。客户要求创造以本地树种及其他乡土植物为主的景观,同时能够隐晦地表达其与历史、《圣经》之间的密切关联。参考的《圣经》篇章包括《葱郁花园——伊甸园》(Lush Garden: Garden of Eden),《水花园——红海之别》(Water Garden:Parting of the Red Sea),《干山——西奈山》(Dry Mountain: Mount Sinai),《绿洲——巴比伦空中花园》(Oasis: Hanging Gardens of Babylon)以及《燃烧的灌丛》(Burning Bush)和《石生水》(Water from a Stone)。


2 被新景观所环绕的标志性Bosjes小教堂,前景是宽阔的反射水池The iconic Bosjes Chapel, anchored by the new landscape, with the expansive reflection pond in the foreground



硬质景观使用了自然素材以及当地建筑材料,其表面线条清晰而整洁,并具有开普省传统的空间造景特色,包括白色水洗墙与蓝色板岩,以及处理成与周边山体背景颜色相称的特殊包装的奥弗伯格石(Overberg Stone)。设计师也谨慎设计了综合的景观照明系统,灯光、阴影和水中的倒影相结合,为郁郁葱葱的景观增加了新的观景视角,并带来难忘的夜间游览体验。设计师专门设计并定制了一套以天然木材和阳极氧化铝为材料的景观构筑物与标牌。







结构工程师:Henry Fagan & Partners


机电工程师:Solution Station

造价工程师:De Leeuw

遗产顾问:Graham Jacobs,Elzet Albertyn,Lize Malan

摄影与图片: 图1、3 © Cndv风景园林事务所;图2 ©Sean Thompson Photography;图4~6 ©Vantage Point;图7~8 © Coco van Oppens Photography



Cndv风景园林事务所位于南非开普省,致力于在景观、工业以及产品设计领域创造卓越的创新设计,已成立31年。其负责农场的所有外部设计,其中Tanya de Villiers负责概念规划布局,Herman de Lange负责设计并完成项目。

3 鸟瞰:以雄伟山脉为背景的小教堂周边景观Aerial view of the Chapel landscape with the majestic mountain backdrop

4 鸟瞰:从“干山”顶部拍摄,展现了包括“郁葱花园”以及“水花园”等不同景观“房间”的独特性Aerial view, taken from the top of the “Dry Mountain”, showing the different and unique landscape “rooms” to including the “Lush Garden” and “Water Garden”

5 鸟瞰:小教堂花园及反射水池与毗邻的“郁葱花园”,溪流汇聚到位于焦点的苹果树处Aerial view of the Chapel garden and reflection pond with the adjacent “Lush Garden”. Streams converge at the focal apple tree

Bosjes is a boutique wine farm on the foothills of majestic mountains, in the Breede Valley,Western Cape, South Africa. The climate is harsh and hot in summer with rainy winters. The farm is blessed with ample water. It is this geographically unique water source that inspired much of the landscape design. The Client’s brief was to create a landscape using predominantly indigenous tree and plant species with strong but understated ties to historical- and biblical references. Biblical references used, were theGarden of Eden,Parting of the Red Sea,Mount Sinai,Hanging Gardensof Babylon as well as theBurning BushandWater from a Stone.

6 鸟瞰:下沉的“绿洲”花园配有茶室,是一个多功能草坪。滴水的墙壁令人想起巴比伦空中花园Aerial view of the sunken “Oasis” garden with tea room which is a function lawn. The dripping wall is reminiscent of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Landscape Architects designed the various interconnected and distinctive landscape“rooms” within the overall garden, each to evoke varying emotions in the user whilst exploring,experiencing and contemplating. The iconic Chapel connects to an existing historic graveyard and via a strong axis through vineyards to the original Bosjes Manor House. Water, which is sourced on site and re-used, is purposed for reflection, evaporative cooling effect and as a sacred linking element between experiences. An expansive pool reflects the iconic Chapel and four streams link to the central apple tree in the “Lush Garden”. The wet vertical walls of the “Water Garden” is followed by a meditative spiral walk up the high man-made“Dry Mountain” leading one to 360 degree views of the mountains and valley in the distance, with the visitors’ experience terminating in the sunken green “Oasis” tea garden with vegetated dripping stonework.

An on-site plant search and rescue operation was conducted prior to the commencement of construction with several plant species, endemic to the area, being propagated and re-introduced as part of the overall plant palette. Biblical plants had to be researched and specially propagated for the project.A total of 540 trees were pre-booked and maintained by the nursery until the site was ready for the commencement of planting. 126 mature fruit bearing Olive trees were planted, adding to the harvest of olives for the production of oil for use and sale at the farm. Other fruit bearing trees include figs, almonds,honey locusts, citrus and pomegranates. These trees, along with other tree species (trees mentioned in biblical text) such as willows, cypresses, thorn trees and many indigenous trees species assist with ameliorating the harsh climate.

7 以雄伟山脉为背景的“葱郁花园”,其内种植着圣经特别提及的植物The “Lush Garden”, seen against the backdrop of majestic mountains, contains plants specifically noted in Biblical texts

8 “水花园”巧妙地描绘了“红海之别”,纸莎草的种植参考了摩西的故事The “Water Garden” subtly depicts the Parting of the Red Sea. Papyrus planting references the tale of Moses

The existing topography was manipulated through extensive cutting and filling to create interest in the otherwise flat landscape. A portion of the material excavated to create a basement level under the Chapel to house services such as the extensive pump and filtration systems for all water elements,was used to create the “Dry Mountain”, rather than removing the material from site at great cost.

Hard landscape surfaces have clean uncluttered lines using natural and locally sourced materials in the classic tradition of Cape rural place-making and include white-washed walls combined with blue slate and packed Overberg stone that were specifically sourced to match the colours of the surrounding mountain backdrop.Discreet and integrated landscape lighting design adds a new dimension to the landscape and a memorable night-time experience. The combination of landscape lighting and the play of shadows as well as reflections in the water features add another dimension to the lush landscape. A bespoke set of landscape elements and signage was purpose-designed for the development by the Landscape Architects, using natural timber and anodised aluminium.

Disabled users are especially catered for through meaningful design interventions to include,wheelchair access throughout, wide pathways with easily trafficable surfaces, the incorporation of varying textures for a tactile experience, scented planting and informative braille plaques.

Professional Team Credits:

Landscape Architect:Cndv Landscape Architects

Architect:Steyn Studio (United Kingdom)

Architect (Technical):TV3 Architects & Planners (South Africa)

Structural Engineer:Henry Fagan & Partners

Civil Engineers: BVi Consulting Engineers

Mechanical & Electrical Engineers:Solution Station

Quantity Surveyor: De Leeuw

Heritage Consultants:Graham Jacobs, Elzet Albertyn, Lize Malan

Photograph / Image Credits:Fig. 1, 3 © Cndv Landscape Architects; Fig. 2 © Sean Thompson Photography; Fig. 4-6 ©Vantage Point; Fig. 7-8 © Coco van Oppens Photography

Translator:ZHU Yining

Proofreader:GU Xiang

(Editor / WANG Yaying)

Cndv Landscape Architects is a vibrant Cape Town(South Africa) based firm committed to innovative design excellence in the fields of landscape architecture,industrial and product design. The firm has a 31 year track record in the industry. Cndv Landscape Architects were responsible for all the external design, with Tanya de Villiers conceptualising the layout and Herman de Lange developing the design and taking the project to completion.

