Q: Whats it like being a clown?
Clown: Well, for me, being a clown is probably the best job in the world. Ive wanted to do this job since I was very young.
Just to see the childrens faces, thats so rewarding, and it makes all the hard work and effort well worth it.
Heres my old make-up here. I mean, my face has changed a lot since then. I was very lucky I grew up in a seaside town and each year there was a clown festival, so probably age 10, I was drawn to the festival, and, you know, I really sort of caught the bug there.
Practice, practice. Its a series of patterns, erm…and theres you know, millions of tricks that you can learn. Its really important to sort of preserve the art form. You know, its a dying art form. Often people say to me “Whats your best trick as a clown?” and…and I honestly tell them “making a living.”
Well, I think one of the worst things of the job is all the travel. I spend a lot of time behind the wheel, and…and on to the next.
So, rain or shine, theres lots of work to be done before the event, in…in actually building the big top, then the real work starts and its show time.
First thing you need to do when becoming a clown is…is…is find your clown face. Yeah, and its quite tricky because theres millions of clown faces, and you dont want to copy or re-create the same…the same one exactly.
Right. Thats it. Im all ready for show time.
(performing) Hello, everyone!
I do consider myself to be a family entertainer, erm…and I use clowning as a tool to entertain those families.
(performing) Stop! Ive only just started. Look, theres a blue one next to the green one…
Often parents say to me, “My child is scared of clowns.” Generally thats not the case. They might actually have a little issue. They might have seen the Stephen King film a few too many times.
(performing)Well, the kids were impressed with that, but the adults werent clapping. There we go. Are you ready?On to the umbrella. One!Two!Three!Go!
If you look around the faces of the people, especially the children, youll see nobodys scared of me.
Boy 1: The clown is riding on his unicycle.I find it really funny.
Boy 2: I liked the…when he was riding on his unicycle, and when he was struggling.
(performing) Three, two, one, go! Hey hey…Girl: And he was doing the hats. Everyones screaming “Yes!” “No!”
Clown: Id been very happy, if either of the boys decided to do Daddys job, and to keep the clowning flag flying in the family.We do need to kind of hold onto our clowns and look after our clowns. You know, if we…if we dont support it like any other art, itll die out, and that would be a real shame.