People unsure about “virtual” doctor visits “虚拟”就医,众说纷纭


疯狂英语·爱英语 2021年3期



Being able to find high quality health care at an affordable price is a problem to be solved in many countries. In the United States, Walmart, a large chain store, is trying to help. It is offering something new to its employees: cutting the cost of a doctors appointment to only $4 instead of the usual $40 for the same service.

Walmart is the latest major business in the

United States to push its workers toward a high?tech way to be examined and treated by doctors. Thanks to telemedicine, people can talk with medical experts from the privacy of their own homes, often using a secure video connection.

Supporters say online visits make it easier for patients to see an expert or quickly find help with problems considered non?emergencies. Some health care needs are well?suited for telemedicine. It can help people seek treatment for insect bites or skin conditions. Patients who have had medical treatment and cannot move around easily can use telemedicine for their follow?up visits. Also, people seeking help with mental health issues can benefit from the privacy that telemedicine gives.

But still, many people do not use telemedicine. They continue to go to the doctors office when they are sick. 80 percent of middle?size and large US companies offered telemedicine services to their workers in 2018. However, only 8 percent of their employees used telemedicine at least once in 2017. Compared with seeing a real doctor in person, some people may think the quality of telemedicine is not as good. Parents, for example, may feel they are not giving their children the best care if they take advantage of a virtual doctor appointment. Another reason why some adults may not use telemedicine services is trust. Tom Hill, aged 66, says he has no plans to ever use telemedicine. He says, for him, it is important to look at his doctor in the eye and shake hands.

However, for some people, especially young people and busy students, telemedicine might be a good choice. It can cut down on the time away from work. It can also cut down on the cost of doctor visits.


1. What do we know about telemedicine?

A. It is increasingly popular with people in America.

B. It is an online service provided by most companies.

C. It enables the patients to see a doctor at home for free.

D. It makes it easier for people to receive medical treatment.

2. Who is most likely to use “telemedicine”?

A. Katherine, a shy woman who suffers from mental illness.

B. Robert, a grandfather who fell off a bike and got injured.

C. Jackson, a firefighter who got seriously burnt in a big fire.

D. Susan, a mother whose kid is suffering from a strange disease.

3. What is the authors attitude towards telemedicine?

A. Doubtful. B. Positive. C. Uncertain. D. Concerned.


Difficult sentence

Supporters say online visits make it easier for patients to see an expert or quickly find help for problems considered non?emergencies. 支持者说,在线访问使患者更容易见到专家,或者对非紧急情况下的问题迅速寻求帮助。

【点石成金】这是一个主从复合句,online visits make it easier for patients to see an expert or

quickly find help for problems considered non?emergencies作动词say的宾语,省略了引导词that。it是形式宾语,不定式结构for patients to see an expert or quickly find help for problems considered non?emergencies是真正的宾语。


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