

农业工程学报 2021年1期

臧 英,何思禹,王在满,刘顺财,王绪国,文智强


臧 英,何思禹,王在满※,刘顺财,王绪国,文智强

(1. 华南农业大学南方农业机械与装备关键技术教育部重点实验室,广州 510642;2. 华南农业大学工程学院,广州 510642)

为满足杂交稻单粒播种的作业需求,该研究结合包衣稻种设计了一种单粒气力式排种器,分析了吸种姿态对吸种精度的影响,利用稻种导流原理,设计了一种导流式吸种盘,对稻种在该吸种盘导流作用下的运动过程进行了分析,建立了吸附过程中稻种与吸种盘之间的运动模型。采用包衣稻种(杂交稻五优1179)为试验材料,采用三因素三水平全因素试验方法,在不同吸种盘转速、吸室负压和吸种盘结构情况进行试验分析。试验结果表明:在转速30 r/min、吸室负压1 400 Pa时,有导流槽和辅助吸种装置的吸种盘吸种效果最佳,单粒吸种率最高为81.58%,漏吸率为2.89%。试验结果验证了该吸种盘可有效提高单粒吸种率,满足杂交稻单粒播种的作业需求,为杂交稻单粒播种提供了一定理论基础。


0 引 言


近年来,水稻机械直播技术得到快速发展[6-7]。机械式排种器主要适合中等或大播量要求,难以满足杂交稻精少播量播种的需要。气力式播种装置具有伤种率低、对种子形状适应性高等特点,是现在实现精少量播种的主要方式[8]。Karayel等[9-12]为实现玉米、棉花、大豆等作物种子的单粒播种,利用种子的物理特性建立数学模型,采用高速摄影等仪器观察记录整个播种过程,确定了气力式播种机的最佳负压值。Singh等[13]以棉花种子为研究对象,研究了气力式排种器吸种孔的结构,采用理论与试验相结合的方式分析了孔径与倒角对吸种效果的影响,确定最佳角度为120°。Yazgi等[14]为实现棉花和玉米种子的单粒播种,针对垂直圆盘式精密排种器,开展吸种盘不同吸孔数目和播种作业速度对排种性能影响的研究,试验结果表明,作业速度为1和1.5 m/s时,排种器对不同吸孔数目均有良好适应性。张国忠等[15-17]为实现杂交稻的精量穴播要求,采用群布吸孔的吸种盘设计,通过研究真空度、孔径和清种对平均播种量的影响,得到3~4粒/穴的合格率为81.87%。翟建波等[18]为解决杂交稻直播时因芽种流动性差和细长型状造成种箱中芽种架空或者堵塞的问题,设计了一种气力式杂交稻精量穴直播排种器,满足杂交稻2~4粒/穴的播种要求。邢赫等[19]设计了一种水稻播量可调气力式排种器,通过设置不同流道,采用全因素的试验方法,实现杂交稻的播量可调,且当吸孔组数为12、吸种负压为1 600 Pa和吸种盘排转速为20r/min时,1孔播种达到最佳效果,1~2粒率为82.41%,对实现单粒播种有一定的参考价值。王宝龙等[20]为提高杂交稻气力滚筒集排式精量排种器的排种精度,设计了一种楔形搅种装置,在吸种负压为1 600 Pa、滚筒转速为10 r/min、清种距离为1.94 mm时,1~3粒的吸种合格率为86.00%。上述研究在一定程度上实现了水稻的小播量播种要求,但未涉及单粒播种技术。


1 单粒排种器总体结构与稻种吸附姿态分析

1.1 总体结构



1.2 稻种吸附姿态分析




2 关键结构设计

2.1 吸种盘

通过上述分析可知,稻种的吸附姿态将对稻种的吸附精度产生影响。吸种盘是排种器的核心部件,直接与稻种接触,其结构参数与尺寸参数将直接影响稻种的吸附姿态,如图4所示,吸种盘由吸孔、导流槽和辅助吸种装置构成。吸种盘直径165 mm,厚度2 mm,盘面均布16个吸孔,吸孔孔径为1.8 mm(根据经验公式,=(0.64~0.66)[23]计算,为吸孔直径,为稻种平均宽度,为2.85 mm)。吸种盘上设有16个导流槽,导流槽由内侧和外侧导流槽构成,分别位于吸孔两侧,整个导流槽长33 mm,宽16 mm。辅助吸种装置紧靠吸孔外侧,为长条状,与外侧导流槽平行,长5 mm,宽2 mm,高2 mm。


1.外侧导流槽 2.内侧导流槽 3.吸孔 4.辅助吸种装置

1.Outside guide groove 2.Inner guide groove 3.Suction hole 4.Auxiliary seed suction device


Note:is the rotation angular velocity of the seed sucking plate, rad·s-1.

图4 吸种盘结构示意图

Fig.4 Structure diagram of seed sucking plate

2.2 导流槽

2.2.1 导流槽深度



式中f2=μF,为吸种盘与稻种间的摩擦系数,取0.36; F1=Ftan,为种子的自然休止角,通过试验求得=31.87°。



根据前期不同稻种的三轴尺寸测量结果,稻种的长轴尺寸一般在6~9 mm之间,为提高吸种盘的适应性,取为9 mm,代入式(3)求得导流槽深度为1.5 mm。根据文献[24],结合包衣稻种的物理特性,导流槽斜面倾角取45°。

2.2.2 内侧导流槽






当稻种随导流槽向吸孔处运动时,为使稻种长轴方向与吸孔切向方向保持一致,的值应大于45°。为保证导流槽离开堆积的稻种前,带动吸种室内侧稻种从点运动至吸孔上方点,依据所使用的气力式排种器排种壳体结构[26],取0为45 mm,依据吸种室内的种层高度,取为0°~50°。将上述参数代入式(6)中,求得转角速率系数为0.1。

2.2.3 外侧导流槽




根据前期试验结果,稻种在不锈钢板上的滑动摩擦系数=0.36,吸孔所在圆的半径=70 mm。根据田间作业效率要求,水田作业机具的行走速度一般在0.5~1 m/s,对应排种器转速在20~40 r/min之间[19]。故的取值范围为2.09~4.19 rad/s,求得的范围为31.15°~55.87°。取值越小,越有利于提高稻种的流动,同时为了便于加工,设计为35°。

2.3 辅助吸种装置


如图8所示,通过前期试验研究,辅助吸种装置设计为长条状,长5 mm,宽2 mm,高2 mm,粘附在吸孔外侧,长轴方向与吸孔相切,且与外侧导流槽平行。








3 播种性能试验

3.1 试验材料



表1 稻种物理参数


试验装置如图10所示,主要包括排种器、驱动电机、风机、电子气压计和高速摄影机。试验采用微差压变电子气压计进行气压监测,采用美国PHOTRON公司生产的FASTCAMSUPER 10K型高速摄像机对排种器的吸种情况进行连续拍摄记录。

3.2 试验设计

吸种盘转速是影响播种精度的因素之一[33]。根据田间作业速度要求,气力式排种器吸种盘的转速一般为20~40 r/min。为提高排种器适应性,研究高速作业状态下不同吸种盘的吸种情况,排种器转速设置为30、40和50 r/min。

参考现有垂直圆盘式排种器的研究,吸附1~3粒稻种的最佳工作负压为1 600 Pa[34],由于本文所设计的排种器只吸附1粒稻种,负压要比多粒吸附的负压值小。根据预试验(如表2所示),当负压值过大时,吸种合格率下降,重吸率增大,因此负压真空度取1 200~1 600 Pa。

表2 吸种盘转速30 r·min-1时的吸种效果



表3 试验因素与水平

3.3 评价指标


4 结果与分析


表4 全因素试验统计结果

由表4的漏吸率可知,各吸种盘的漏吸情况均随负压的增大而减少,随转速的增大而增大,符合气力式排种器的吸种特点。其中a盘受转速和负压的影响最大,在试验参数条件下,漏吸率为15.46%~46.87%;b盘的漏吸率为7.86%~22.85%;c盘的漏吸率为2.11%~12.71%。在相同条件下,c盘的漏吸率受转速和负压的影响最小,漏吸率最低,在转速为30 r/min、负压为1 600 Pa时,最低漏吸率为2.11%。其原因在于,c盘通过导流槽实现稻种吸附姿态的调整,辅助吸种装置带动吸孔处的稻种,降低了漏吸率。a盘没有辅助吸种装置,稻种的吸附仅靠负压流场的作用来实现,在负压较低和吸种盘转速过快时,稻种很难被吸附;b盘由缺少导流槽对稻种吸附姿态的调整,漏吸率高。



表5 方差分析


Note: ** is extremely significant (<0.01).

5 讨 论




6 结 论


2)选取杂交稻五优1179的包衣稻种为试验材料,在不同吸种负压、吸种盘转速和吸种盘结构条件下进行三因素三水平全因素试验,试验结果表明:导流槽加辅助吸种装置的吸种盘结构单粒吸种率高,吸种精度受转速和气压的影响小,在转速30 r/min、吸室负压1 400 Pa时,单粒吸种率最高为81.58%,相较于另外2种吸种盘结构,漏吸率较低,为2.89%,满足杂交稻单粒播种的技术要求。

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Design of pneumatic single seed metering device for coated hybrid rice

Zang Ying, He Siyu, Wang Zaiman※, Liu Shuncai, Wang Xuguo, Wen Zhiqiang


Direct seeding of rice is widely expected as one of the most important technology in mechanized rice planting. At present, two ways were mainly divided into the transplanting and direct seeding. The direct seeding can reduce the input of procedures and costs, while the growth cycle. In the complex field environment, direct-seeded rice seeds are easily affected by diseases, pests, weeds, and flooding, leading to greatly reduce the emergence rate and the yield. Alternatively, the seed coating technology can be used to provide micro-fertilizers, growth regulators and pesticides for the germination of seeds and the growth of seedlings. Specifically, the film-forming agents, adhesives, and other ingredients are generally used to uniformly bond the active ingredients on the surface of seeds. Since its convenient application, low cost, as well as resistance to pests and diseases, the seed coating technology can greatly contribute to enhance the seedling rate in the field, and the growth potential of seedlings. Particularly, small environmental pollution can meet the harsh requirement of ecological agriculture. In recent years, the mechanical direct seeding technology of rice has been commonly used in a large area in China, one of which the precision hole direct seeding technology of rice has good ventilation and permeability in the paddy field. The rice seeds are distributed evenly in the field, according to the agronomic requirements of rice varieties. The main types of direct seeding rice are the conventional rice and hybrid rice. The sowing rate is normally 5-10 per hole of conventional rice, while the sowing rate is generally 2-4 grains per hole for the hybrid rice with strong tillering ability. With the emergence of super hybrid rice and some high-quality rice varieties, the single-grain sowing has become particularly important, due to it meets the requirements of agronomic planting. In this study, a single-grain pneumatic seed metering device was designed for the coated rice to meet the demand of single-grain sowing of super rice. The physical parameters of coated rice seeds were measured. A movement model was established between rice seed and diversion suction plate during adsorption, according to the movement process of rice seed under the action of suction tray. The optimal negative pressure was calculated under the ideal condition of seed suction disk. Taking the coated rice variety (Super Rice Wuyou 1179) as the experimental object, the three-factor and three-level all-factor test was used to analyze the seed absorption of rice varieties at the speed of suction tray, negative pressure of suction chamber, and structure of seed suction tray. The experimental results show that the seed suction effect was the best, when the rotating speed of diversion suction tray was 30 r/min, and the negative pressure of suction chamber was 1 400 Pa. The seed sucking effect was best in the seed sucker structure with diversion groove and auxiliary seed sucking device, where the maximum of single seed sucking rate was 81.58%, and the leakage rate was 2.89%. Therefore, the suction tray can effectively improve the seed absorption rate per grain, suitable for the needs of single-grain sowing of super rice. The finding can provide a theoretical basis for the rapid development of single-grain sowing of rice.

agricultural machinery;design; test; coated rice seed; pneumatic; single seed seeding;diversion groove; hybrid rice; sucking posture





臧英,何思禹,王在满,等. 气力式包衣杂交稻单粒排种器研制[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(1):10-18.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.01.002

Zang Ying, He Siyu, Wang Zaiman, et al. Design of pneumatic single seed metering device for coated hybrid rice[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(1): 10-18. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.01.002








20220503 双粒花生精量穴播排种器设计与试验