

精细石油化工进展 2021年6期



氧和硫化物对聚合物及调剖体系性能的影响 郭 艳,乔 喜,束华东,刘 斌,王正欣,王 熙,孙林涛 1 1

酒东油田腐蚀原因分析及防护措施 李艳琦,林远平,李世文,李来红,薛新茹,潘 彬 1 6

聚丙烯酸钾在水基钻井液中的应用 李 成,谢济瑄,宁 波,王 禹 1 10

高密度油基钻井液流变性影响因素及控制措施 贾国亮,李晓岚,郑永太,张士军 1 14

鄂尔多斯盆地致密气水平井固井水泥浆优化及应用 贾 佳,夏忠跃,冯 雷 1 20

曲9-21块防膨缩膨剂筛选室内评价与研究 戴 群,尚 岩,殷文亭,张广中,王海燕,渠慧敏 1 25

膦酸体系对砂岩酸化的缓速作用室内研究 蓝 飞,陈 征,张 乐,张晓冉,宋 鑫 1 30

CO2气溶性发泡剂可视化发泡性能研究 韦 雪 1 33

川西高庙111水平井水基钻井液技术 王忠瑾,司西强,陆为纲,孙书芳,王继海,任忠新,王华梁 1 36

全液相高温调剖剂的研制 刘 强,李 瑞,马昌明,管紫君,席春婷 2 1

滨44X井钻井液井壁稳定技术 仇博识,龚 伟,周晓轩,邱春阳 2 4

聚合物对海上油田破乳剂和清水剂的影响 周伟强,郑继龙,张 宁 2 9

复配表面活性剂体系构筑三元复合驱体系性能评价 侯 岳,孔丽萍,陈士佳,阚 亮,李彦阅,田津杰,敖文君 2 13

火成岩发育区钻井液技术研究与应用 赵海建,吴广,乔中山,李庄威,秦天宝,罗 伟 3 1

海上M气井泡沫排液体系筛选及性能评价 胡 雪,郑继龙,赵 军,陈 平,吴彬彬,刘浩洋 3 6

泥页岩强抑制剂支化聚醚胺PEA-1的特性及在卫456井的应用 王忠瑾,司西强,陆为纲,王延世,张永涛,雷祖猛 3 10

核壳型乳胶颗粒逐级深部调驱剂性能 吕晓华,刘 正,贾 贝,杨力生,李二晓 4 1

海水速溶型AM/AA/AMPS三元共聚物驱油剂的合成及性能 刘观军,陈士佳,宋志学,吴晓燕,张 强 4 4

含油污泥资源化处理技术 李元庆,刘晓瑜,芦新辉,孙尧尧 4 9

智能纳米驱油剂的研究现状与应用进展 敖文君,张 宁,郑金定,黎 慧,苑玉静 5 1

聚合物微球调驱体系储层渗透率级差界限实验 魏 焜,郑继龙,刘浩洋,赵 军,梁恩武,余黄杰 5 6

采输用新型流动改进剂的研究与应用 吕红梅,余晓玲,巩佳语 6 1

原油乳化及乳液稳定性的影响因素和破乳技术研究进展 渠慧敏,吴 琼,张广中,王海燕,戴 群 6 6

临兴区块新型储层保护钻井液技术研究与应用 贾 佳,蒋官澄,冯 雷 6 11


绿色环保型微球的合成及性能评价 宗进旗,王 敏,王 斌,刘文静 1 41

EPE乳化剂在乳胶基质制备中的应用研究 赵华平,董 云,李俊杰 2 18

基于氯氧化铋光催化剂的改性方法研究进展 杨 赟,向心怡,张 志,杨水金 2 22

铜基金属有机骨架材料吸附水中污染物的应用 伍新发,邱 滢,汪 强,孙丽侠,宋忠诚 2 27

气相二氧化硅改造汽车顶棚骨架成型胶粘剂性能的研究 刘 恩,何 彬,冉忠祥,李有刚,郭 强 2 33

吡啶类农用化学品品种及其合成 谭海军,黄 林,童益利,赵 品 3 15

十八烷基醚磷酸单酯盐的合成及其性能 钟 敏,侯海育,李 翔 3 32

MOFs基铁钴镍氧化物及其复合材料在锂离子电池中的应用 邱 滢,伍新发,孙丽侠,宋忠诚 4 13

白炭黑的疏水改性及性能表征 徐壮,陈洪龄 4 20

高固含量液体石蜡纳米乳液的制备及稳定性 王柯,闫巧,马瑞花,张紫欣,程振锋 4 25

涤纶工业丝油剂的研制和性能评测 陶义清,丁 雷,戴泽青,颜梦秋,韩 博,葛盛才 5 10

长链酰基改性黄原胶的制备和增稠性能 孙凤霞,陈洪龄 5 14

CuO纳米粒子的制备及性能研究进展 柏玮琦,邱 滢,孙丽侠,宋忠诚 5 19

半胱氨酸改性芡实壳制备镉离子吸附剂 周颖梅,符艳真,蔡可迎 6 17


催化裂化轻循环油(LCO)高附加值利用研究进展 梁 宇,王紫东,王 锐,马守涛 1 46


铋系光催化剂的制备及光催化性能研究进展 张 志,杨水金 1 50

Phillips环管淤浆法聚乙烯生产工艺及其催化剂研究进展 翟昌休,高宇新,赵兴龙 4 44

Fe/ZnO光催化降解亚甲基蓝性能 张 义 5 30

Up to now, thermoelectric materials with high ZT values are essentially Bi2Te3, BiSbTe, PbTe, and Cu2Se. These materials contain very toxic elements (Te, Pb, Sb, Se) and are very expensive, which limits their uses in thermoelectric devices.

合成乙酸异戊酯的催化剂研究进展 张胜余,杨水金 5 34

合成丁酸丁酯的催化剂研究进展 夏扬帆,杨水金 6 22

合成乙酸正戊酯的催化剂研究进展 陈少玻,许芳芳,孙 勇,杨 赟 6 28


调制DSC技术在聚烯烃玻璃化转变温度测试中的应用 金 毅 1 56

聚丁烯-1复合材料研究进展 吴 薇,王文燕,马 丽 4 50

变压精馏分离2-丁酮和水的工艺研究 何睿鸣,张 睿,陈国平,左 姣,聂 爽 2 37

合成对羟基苯甲酸丁酯的催化剂研究新进展 单明清,杨水金 2 42

单组分聚氨酯低VOC和低气味发泡料的研制 刘 恩 4 30


TiCl4/Al(Et)3催化混合C10烯烃合成中黏度PAO基础油的研究李洪鹏,徐显明,赵思萌,李 杰,王 波,刘 通,王玉龙,王秀绘 2 46

几种估算柴油十六烷值的方法简述 关 旭,李淑杰 3 48


中水总磷超标原因及对策研究 蒋华锋 2 51

气相色谱法测定1-(3-氯苯基)-4-(3-氯丙基)哌嗪盐酸盐中1-溴-3-氯丙烷的残留张曼玲,李朝娟,汤晓琴,杨 飞,门 靖,任亚宁 2 55

ICP-OES标准加入法测定饱和盐水中的痕量杂质 胡 芳,刘清海 3 52

原油总氯含量测定过程中产生的问题分析 徐婷婷,王宏太,冯 彬,邵 伟 4 55

酸化返排液中无机离子对电导率的影响 刘 洋,胡红福,王春林,荣新明,黄志明 5 56

乙腈萃取法在国内异丁烷装置中的工业应用 娄 芳 6 42

对硝基苯乙二胺衍生化-HPLC检测脂肽方法 时冠兰 6 47


生物质腰果酚酯羧酸盐表面活性剂的合成及性能 章 瑶,戴志成,陈洪龄 3 37

脂肽类生物表面活性剂结构鉴定及驱油性能 张 鑫,时冠兰 3 43

阴、阳离子表面活性剂构筑蠕虫状胶束体系性能研究 陈士佳,侯 岳,方月月,李彦阅,田津杰,季 闻 4 35

黏弹性表面活性剂吸附滞留特性研究 时冠兰,余晓玲,张 鑫 4 40


含乙醇废水的膜分离提纯及回收液的再利用 巫舒恬 3 55


石脑油萃取法脱芳烃的研究进展 孙 博,朱丽娜,金书含,刘 剑 5 41

甘油法环氧氯丙烷高盐废水处理方法的选择 孙成香,朱维锦,于海军,高英杰,许小飞,徐文凯,王金利 5 47

液化天然气(LNG)接收站BOG回收工艺研究 靳帅帅,庄 琦 5 50


速度管柱技术在鄂尔多斯盆地气井中的应用优化研究 刘明阳,郑继龙,赵 军,刘浩洋 6 35

南华201区块注CO2最小混相压力预测 路盼盼,徐 敏,杨昌华,薛龙龙,王佳俊 6 38


抑制锌枝晶的新型负极材料ZnSO4·3Zn(OH)2·H2O@石墨烯的制备 张 蕾,陈嘉武,侯之国,张雪倩 6 54

Collective Contents of Volume 22 in 2021

(The column order is title,author's name,issue,and page number)

Effects of oxygen and sulfide on properties of polymer and profile control system GUO Yan,QIAO Xi,SHU Huadong,LIU Bin,WANG Zhengxin,WANG Xi,SUN Lintao 1 1

Analysis of corrosion causes and protective measures in Jiudong Oilfield LI Yanqi,LIN Yuanping,LI Shiwen,LI Laihong,XUE Xinru,PAN Bin 1 6

Application of potassium polyacrylate in water-based drilling fluid LI Cheng,XIE Jixuan,NING Bo,WANG Yu 1 10

The factors affecting the rheological properties and control measures of high density oil based drilling fluids JIA Guoliang,LI Xiaolan,ZHENG Yongtai,ZHANG Shijun 1 14

Optimization and application of cementing slurry for tight gas horizontal wells in Ordos Basin JIA Jia,XIA Zhongyue,FENG Lei 1 20

Selection anti swelling and compressive-expansion agent of Block QU9-21 and evaluation in laboratory DAI Qun,SHANG Yan,YIN Wenting,ZHANG Guangzhong,WANG Haiyan,QU Huimin 1 25

Laboratory study on the retardation effect of phosphonic acid system on acidizing sandstone LAN Fei,CHEN Zheng,ZHANG Le,ZHANG Xiaoran,SONG Xin 1 30

Study on visualized foaming properties of CO2gas soluble foaming agent WEI Xue 1 33

Water based drilling fluid technology for horizontal well Gaomiao 111 in western Sichuan WANG Zhongjin,SI Xiqiang,LU Weigang,SUN Shufang,WANG Jihai,REN Zhongxin,WANG Hualiang 1 36

Preparation of high temperature profile control agent of whole liquid phase LIU Qiang,LI Rui,MA Changming,GUAN Zijun,XI Chunting 2 1

The drilling fluid wellbore stability technology of Bin 44X Well QIU Boshi,GONG Wei,ZHOU Xiaoxuan,QIU Chunyang 2 4

Effects of polymer on demulsifiers and water clarifiers on offshore oilfield ZHOU Weiqiang,ZHENG Jilong,ZHANG Ning 2 9

Performance evaluation of alkaline/surfactant/polymer(ASP)flooding system constructed with compound surfactant system HOU Yue,KONG Liping,CHEN Shijia,KAN Liang,LI Yanyue,TIAN Jinjie,AO Wenjun 2 13

Research and application of drilling fluid technology in igneous rock development area ZHAO Haijian,WU Guang,QIAO Zhongshan,LI Zhuangwei,QIN Tianbao,LUO Wei 3 1

Foam discharge system screening and pevaluation of M gas wells offshore HU Xue,ZHENG Jilong,ZHAO Jun,CHEN Ping,WU Binbin,LIU Haoyang 3 6

Application of branched polyether amine PEA-1 for drilling fluid in well Wei 456 WANG Zhongjin,SI Xiqiang,LU Weigang,WANG Yanshi,ZHANG Yongtao,LEI Zumeng 3 10

Research on stepwise deep profile control and flooding technology of core-shell latex particles LYU Xiaohua,LIU Zheng,JIA Bei,YANG Lisheng,LI Erxiao 4 1

Synthesis and properties of seawater instant AM/AA/AMPS terpolymer oil displacement agent LIU Guanjun,CHEN Shijia,SONG Zhixue,WU Xiaoyan,ZHANG Qiang 4 4

Treatment technology for reutilization of oily sludge LI Yuanqing,LIU Xiaoyu,LU Xinhui,SUN Yaoyao 4 9

Research status and application progress of intelligent nano oil displacement agent AO Wenjun,ZHANG Ning,ZHENG Jinding,LI Hui,YUAN Yujing 5 1

Experimental study on the permeability differential boundary of polymer microsphere flooding system WEI Kun,ZHENG Jilong,LIU Haoyang,ZHAO Jun,LIANG Enwu,YU Huangjie 5 6

Development and application of new flow improver for mining and transportation LYU Hongmei,YU Xiaoling,Gong Jiayu 6 1

Progress of effects on crude oil emulsification and emulsion stability and demulsification technology QU Huimin,WU Qiong,ZHANG Guangzhong,WANG Haiyan,DAI Qun 6 6

Research and application of new reservoir protection drilling fluid technology in Linxing block JIA Jia,JIANG Guancheng,FENG Lei 6 11

Synthesis and performance evaluation of green and environmentally friendly microspheres ZONG Jinqi,WANG Min,WANG Bin,LIU Wenjing 1 41

Application of EPE emulsifier in preparation of emulsion matrix ZHAO Huaping,DONG Yun,LI Junjie 2 18

Research progress in the method of modifying BiOCl photocatalyst YANG Yun,XIANG Xinyi,ZHANG Zhi,YANG Shuijin 2 22

Application of copper-based organic framework materials to adsorb pollutants in water WU Xinfa,QIU Ying,WANG Qiang,SUN Lixia,SONG Zhongcheng 2 27

Properties of automobile roof framework molding adhesive modified with gas silica LIU En,HE Bin,RAN Zhongxiang,LI Yougang,GUO Qiang 2 33

Pyridine agrochemicals and their synthesis TAN Haijun,HUANG Lin,TONG Yili,ZHAO Pin 3 15

Synthesis and properties of octadecyl ether phosphate monoester ZHONG Min,HOU Haiyu,LI Xiang 3 32

Application of MOFs-based iron-cobalt-nickel oxide and its complex materials in lithium-ion batteries QIU Ying,WU Xinfa,SUN Lixia,SONG Zhongcheng 4 13

Hydrophobic modification and performance characterization of silica XU Zhuang,CHEN Hongling 4 20

Preparation and stability of high solid content liquid paraffin nanoemulsion WANG Ke,YAN Qiao,MA Ruihua,ZHANG Zixin,CHENG Zhenfeng 4 25

Development and performance of finishes for polyester industrial yarn TAO Yiqing,DING Lei,DAI Zeqing,YAN Mengqiu,HAN Bo,GE Shengcai 5 10

Synthesis and thickening properties of xanthan gum modified with long chain acyl SUN Fengxia,CHEN Hongling 5 14

Progress in preparation and properties of CuO nanoparticle BAI Weiqi,QIU Ying,SUN Lixia,SONG Zhongcheng 5 19

Study on preparation of cadmium ion adsorbent by cysteine modified euryale ferox shell ZHOU Yingmei,FU Yanzhen,CAI Keying 6 17

Research process on high-value utilization of light cycle oil(LCO) LIANG Yu,WANG Zidong,WANG Rui,MA Shoutao 1 46

Research progress in preparation and photocatalytic performance of bismuth-based photocatalyst ZHANG Zhi,YANG Shuijin 1 50

Research progress on catalyst development and production of polyethylene by Phillips loop tube slurry technology ZHAI Changxiu,GAO Yuxin,ZHAO Xinglong 4 44

Fe/ZnO photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue ZHANG Yi 5 30

Recent progress in catalysts for the synthesis of isoamyl acetate ZHANG Shengyu,YANG Shuijin 5 34

Progress in catalysts for the synthesis of butyl butyrate XIA Yangfan,YANG Shuijin 6 22

Research progress of n-amyl acetate catalyzed by catalysts CHEN Shaobo,XU Fangfang,SUN Yong,YANG Yun 6 28

Application of modulated DSC technology in the measurement of polyolefin glass transition temperature JIN Yi 1 56

Progress in polybutene-1 composite materials WU Wei,WANG Wenyan,MA Li 4 50

Separating 2-butanone from water by pressure swing distillation HE Ruiming,ZHANG Rui,CHEN Guoping,ZUO Jiao,NIE Shuang 2 37

Research progress of butyl p-hydroxybenzoate catalysts SHAN Mingqing,YANG Shuijin 2 42

Study on single component raw materal of low VOC and low odour PU foam Liu En 4 30

Study on poly-alpha-olefin synthesis with mixed C10olefins catalyzed by TiCl4/Al(Et)3LI Hongpeng,XU Xianming,ZHAO Simeng,LI Jie,WANG Bo,LIU Tong,WANG Yulong,WANG Xiuhui 2 46

Several methods for estimating cetane number of diesel oil GUAN Xu,LI Shujie 3 48

Reasons and counter measures for the total phosphorus in reclaimed water JIANG Huafeng 2 51

Determination of 1-bromo-3-chloropropane residue in 1-(3-chlorophenyl)-4-(3-chloropropyl)piperazine hydrochloride by gas chro

matography ZHANG Manling,LI Zhaojuan,TANG Xiaoqin,YANG Fei,MEN Jing,REN Yaning 2 55

Determination of trace impurities of saturated brine by standard addition method on inductively coupled plasma optical emission

spectrometry HU Fang,LIU Qinghai 3 52

Problems and thinking in analysing the total chlorine content in crude oil XU Tingting,WANG Hongtai,FENG Bin,SHAO Wei 4 55

Effects of inorganic ions in acidified effluent on electrical conductivity LIU Yang,HU Hongfu,WANG Chunlin,RONG Xinming,HUANG Zhiming 5 56

Industrial application of acetonitrile extraction in isobutane plant in China LOU Fang 6 42

The nitrobenzene ethylenediamine derivatives-HPLC method to measure the fat peptide SHI Guanlan 6 47

Synthesis and properties of biomass cardanol-based carboxylate surfactant ZHANG Yao,DAI Zhicheng,CHEN Hongling 3 37

Structure identification and oil displacement performance of lipopeptide biosurfactant ZHANG Xin,SHI Guanlan 3 43

Study on the performance of a worm-like micelle system constructed by anionic and cationic surfactant CHEN Shijia,HOU Yue,FANG Yueyue,LI Yanyue,TIAN Jinjie,JI Wen 4 35

Viscoelastic surfactant adsorption retention characteristics research SHI Guanlan,YU Xiaoling,ZHANG Xin 4 40

Membrane separation and purification of alcohol-containing wastewater and recycling of recovered liquid WU Shutian 3 55

Research progress of naphtha extraction dearomatization SUN Bo,ZHU Lina,JIN Shuhan,LIU Jian 5 41

Selection of treatment methods for high salt wastewater from glycerol epichlorohydrin SUN Chengxiang,ZHU Weijin,YU Haijun,GAO Yingjie,XU Xiaofei,XU Wenkai,WANG Jinli 5 47

Research on BOG recovery process of natural gas liquefied(LNG) JIN Shuaishuai,ZHUANG Qi 5 50

Research and application of velocity string technology in gas wells in Ordos Basin LIU Mingyang,ZHENG Jilong,ZHAO Jun,LIU Haoyang 6 35

Prediction of minimum miscibility pressure for CO2injection in Nanhua 201 block LU Panpan,XU Min,YANG Changhua,XUE Longlong,WANG Jiajun 6 38

Preparation of new anode material ZnSO4·3Zn(OH)2·H2O@graphene to suppress zinc dendrites ZHANG Lei,CHEN Jiawu,HOU Zhiguo,ZHANG Xueqian 6 54

