

传感器世界 2021年6期


注:国家自然科学基金项目(No. 21727810)


单位:中南大学化学化工学院,湖南长沙 410083

摘要:使用33 MHz压电石英晶体作为传感元件,基于DDS固定频率激励与智能化相位响应,研制了一款高频相移压电石英传感系统。采用凝血试剂干粉修饰法制备了一次性血凝检测片,提出了一种基于微分数据处理方式监测凝血时间的新方法。与标准的凝血时间相比,该方法的测量误差低于10%,表明该系统具有即时检测凝血时间的潜力,为小型便携式血凝检测仪的开发提供了一种有效方法。


中图分类号:TP212;R446.11 文献标识码:A



A High-frequency Piezoelectric Quartz System Based on Phase Shift for Monitoring Blood Coagulation

FU Mei, SI Shihui*, FENG Langxia, ZHANG Run

College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China

Abstract:A high-frequency piezoelectric quartz sensing system has been developed using 33 MHz piezoelectric quartz crystal, which is based on DDS fixed frequency excitation and intelligent phase response. In addition, a disposable blood coagulation test chip was prepared by a dry modification way of the coagulation reagent. Meanwhile, a new method for monitoring blood coagulation time was proposed according to the differential data processing. The measurement error of this method is less than 10% compared to the standard blood coagulation time, indicating that the system has the potential to detect blood coagulation time immediately, providing an effective approach for the development of small portable blood coagulation detectors.

Key words:high-frequency quartz crystal; sensor; phase response; blood coagulation detection




单位:山东交通学院,山东济南 250357



中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标识码:A



Design of Embedded Driver Fatigue Monitoring Terminal Based on Image Vision

HU Guanshan

Department of Information Technology, Shandong Jiaotong University, Jinan 250357, China

Abstract:Fatigue driving is a major factor leading to vehicle accidents. In order to effectively prevent the occurrence of fatigue driving, the paper studies an embedded monitoring terminal device that uses image vision recognition to detect driver fatigue status. The design uses a single-chip microcomputer as the core controller, uses a camera installed in front of the driver to collect the driver's facial image, uses the HOG-SVM algorithm to locate facial features, uses the PERCLOS algorithm to determine the driving state of the person and realizes the fatigue state voice alarm prompt, and at the same time, the device send the status of the driver to the remote management platform.

Key words:embedded system; fatigue driving; image vision


注:北京市教育委员会科技计划重点资助项目(No. KZ201711232030); 北京市传感器重点实验室开放基金资助项目(No. 2021xxx)


单位:北京信息科技大学传感器重点实验室,北京 100101

摘要:为满足大量程低温漂的MEMS加速度计性能需求,研制了一款宽量程MEMS组合加速度计,并完成了量程、线性度、交叉耦合、分辨率性能参数的测试。针对加速度计在高低温工作环境中的零漂过大的问题,分析了影响因素,设计了一种零位温度补偿算法给出解决方案。实验结果表明:零位温度补偿算法实现了加速度计在-45~+85 ℃温度范围内零点漂移小于3 mV,满足项目需求。


中图分类号:TN379 文献标识码:A



Design and Optimization of a Wide-range MEMS Combination Accelerometer ZHAO Yao, ZHANG Wei

Key Laboratory of Sensors in Beijing University of Information Science and Technology, Beijing 100101, China

Abstract:In order to meet the performance requirements of MEMS accelerometer with large range and low temperature drift, we developed a wide range MEMS combination accelerometer and completed the testing of range, linearity, cross-coupling and resolution performance parameters. In order to deal with the problem of excessive zero drift of the accelerometer in high and low temperature working environment, we analyzed the influencing factors and designed a zero temperature compensation algorithm giving the solution. The experimental results show that the zero position temperature compensation algorithm achieves the zero drift of the accelerometer in the temperature range of -45~+85 ℃ less than 3 mV, which meets the project requirements.

Key words:MEMS accelerometer; zero drift; compensation algorithm



单位:中国船舶集团公司第七一五研究所,浙江杭州 310000



中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A



Research of Winch Automatic Cable-arrangement Algorithm Based on Bang-Bang Control

LIN Shangfei

No.715 R&D Institute, CSSC, Hangzhou 310000, China

Abstract:In order to provide a simple and effective control algorithm for winch automatic cable-arrangement, firstly, the paper introduce the control principle of automatic cable-arrangement, build the model of winding drum pulse and cabling pulse, introduce the concept of cable-arrangement deviation and the principle of deviation value under different working conditions of the winch. Then, proposed the control algorithm based on Bang-Bang control and describe the motion control strategy of cabling. Finally, the performance of the control algorithm is verified by simulation. The results show that this control algorithm displayed quick and stabilized response for cable-arrangement control, and it is an economical and practical control algorithm.

Key words:Bang-Bang control; automatic cable-arrangement algorithm; simulation



单位:福州理工学院计算与信息科学学院,福建福州 350000


关键词:智能机器人;ROS;网络通信;消息中间件;松耦合;网络服务中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A



Design and Development of Smart Robot Remote Collaboration System

XIA Shengming

School of Computing and Information Science, FIT, Fuzhou 350000, China

Abstract:With the applications of artificial intelligence becoming popular, all kinds of smart robots come into people's lives. There are a lot of kinds of work the smart robot can do, including the home automation, visitor help service, storage transportation, even in the aspect of security patrol, inspect and handle dangerous packages. In the in-door environment, the smart robot need to move independently sometimes, by recognizing surrounding environment, locateing itself precisely, the smart robot can move by itself. With its self activities in such environment, the smart robot also needs to be supervised by the user. The user usually need to access the smart robot's service, obtaining the smart robot's status information, in the meantime, the user also need to configure the control parameters and settings, to guide the movement of the smart robot. In the paper, a remote collaboration system for the smart robot is introduced. By using this system, the user can access the service of the smart robot from network and can manage the smart robot's activities remotely.

Key words:smart robot; ROS; network communication; message middleware; loosely coupled; network service




单位:北京信息科技大学自动化学院,北京 100192

摘要:介绍了一种适用于电力系统次同步振荡在线监测的非平稳信号模态辨识算法,该算法综合了经典IIR窄带滤波器组算法及经验模态分解(empirical mode decomposition,EMD)算法的优点,利用次同步振荡分析获得的预知频率信息,对可能导致模态混叠的相邻模态做数字滤波器(Infinite Impulse Response,IIR)预处理,再经EMD获得无混叠的固有模态分量IMF1。该算法具有理想的窄带选频特性,且能够快速反映次同步振荡及机组扭振发生最初的时域过程,计算量很小,可用于现场在线提取SSO模态特征,有利于更好地实现对次同步振荡的稳定性判别及闭环控制、机组扭振保护等。最后,利用PSCAD产生的仿真数据及某电厂发生次同步振荡的现场数据验证了该算法的有效性。


中图分类号:TM712;TH17 文献标识码:A



An Online Modal Identification Algorithm with Good Time-Frequency Performances for Subsynchronous Oscillation in Power Systems

LI Jing, LI Juan, BAI Shuhua

College of Automation, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China

Abstract:A modal identification algorithm of the non-stationary signal is designed for the online Subsynchronous Oscillation (SSO) monitoring in the power system. Combining the advantages of both the classical Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) narrow band filter bank algorithm and the Empirical Modal Decomposition (EMD) algorithm and making use of the known frequency information gained through the SSO analysis, it does IIR pretreatment for adjacent modes which may cause modal aliasing, and then obtains the first Intrinsic Mode Function (IMF1) without aliasing by way of EMD. The IIREMD algorithm has the ideal performance of distinguishing the modes whose frequencies are very close to each other. Meanwhile, it can effectively reflect the initial dynamic process of the SSO and the generator unit torsional vibration and has a small computation amount. So it can be used to extract SSO modal characteristics online and is advantageous to the better implementation of the judgement of SSO stability, closed-loop control and the protection against generator unit torsional vibration. Finally, this paper uses the simulation data generated by PSCAD and the field data of a subsynchronous oscillation in a power plant to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm.

Key words:SSO; torsional vibration; IIR; EMD; modal identification algorithm

