Unit 4?Why don’t you talk to your parents?


时代英语·初中 2021年2期



1. allow  v.  允许;准许

allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事

be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事

Mr Smith allows Mike to drive there.


He should be allowed to have a break.


2. deal  n.  协议;交易

make/do a deal (with sb) (与某人) 达成一笔交易

deal  n.  大事;要事

Its not a big deal.


3. communication  n.  交流;沟通

Doctors do not always have good communication skills.


communicate  v.  交流;沟通

communicate with sb 与某人交流 (信息、消息或意见等)

The couple cant communicate with each other.


4. argue  v.  争吵;争论

argue with sb (about/over sth) (为某事)与某人争辩

Were always arguing with each other about money.


argument  n.  争论

have an argument with sb 与某人争论

5. elder  adj.  年纪较长的


He is my elder brother.





My younger son is five and my elder son is nine.


Tom is two years older than Mary.



My elder brother joined the army when he was only fifteen.


This dog is older than any other dog here.


6. instead  adv.  代替;反而;却

instead 为副词,通常放在句首或句末,在句首时常用逗号隔开,表示前面的事没做,而做了后面的事。

He didnt reply. Instead, he left the room.


Last summer I went to Qingdao. This summer Im going to Dalian instead.


7. offer  v.  主动提出;自愿给予


常用结构:offer sb sth 给某人提供某物

offer to do sth 主动提出做某事

She offered me a cup of tea.


Its very kind of you to offer to help us on the weekend.


8. explain  v.  解释;说明

explain+that/what/why... 解释……

explain sth (to sb) (向某人) 解释某事

Can you explain what this means?


Please explain it to me.


9. return  v.  归还;回来;返回

She left South Africa at the age of 15 and has never returned.


(1)return  v.  归还;退还

return sb sth=return sth to sb 把某物归还给某人

Dont forget to return me the keys.


(2)return  v.  返回;回到 (出发地)

return to+地点名词

Blair will return to London tonight.


10. compete  v.  竞争;对抗

Hes hoping to compete in the singing contest.


compete against/with sb 与某人竞争

We cant compete with them on price.


competition  n.  比赛;竞赛

11. compare  v.  比较

We compared the two reports carefully.


compare... with... 把……和……做比较

compare... to... 把……比作……

He never compares himself with others.


People often compare the life to a stage.



1. work out 成功地发展;解决

Is it possible to work out the problem?


Mike worked out the difficult problem by himself.


2. get on with 和睦相处;关系良好

注意:get on with相当于get along with。

The child doesnt get on well with others.


3. cut out 删除;删去

You should cut out these unimportant details.



1. My ____ brother is 8 years ____ than my younger

sister. (old)



2. The TV shows are boring. Why not play cards ____?

3. I dont want to ____ with you. Its a waste of time.

4. Please ____ to her how to use a computer.

5. We dont allow ____ in our offices, but we allow

people ____ in the smoking rooms.

A. to smoke; to smoke B. smoking; smoking

C. to smoke; smoking D. smoking; to smoke



可以用Why dont we/you do sth? 来提出建议,表示“何不……?”

缩略形式: Why not do sth?

Why dont we stay here another day?


二、连词 until, so that, although/though 的用法

1. until




(3)not until (与否定词连用) 直到……之前,直到……才。

The hot weather lasted until September.


I will stay here until he comes.


I didnt wake up until I heard the alarm clock.


2. so that

so that 用来引导目的状语从句,意为“以便,为了”。 so... that 用来引导结果状语从句,意为“如此……以至于”。

He got up early this morning so that he could catch the early bus.


He got up so early this morning that he caught the early bus.


3. although/though


Although I gave him some advice, he didnt take them.


Though he tried hard, he was not successful.



Unit 4 跟踪导练

第一课时(Section A 1a—2d)


1. My parents didnt ____ (允许) me to go out at night.

2. There is something ____ (有毛病的) with the computer.

3. He had a ____ (打架) with Mr Smith yesterday.

4. Now you can give me some ____ (建议).

5. Tom ____ (猜出) the right answer to the question just now.


Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished high school, he found work in a shop. Usually he works until ten oclock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon fall asleep (睡着). His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfied with him.

One day, on his way home, he met Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to his house,she agreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her. And they talked about their school,teachers, classmates and their future. They talked for a long time.

“Have a look at your watch, please,” said the girl. “What time is it now?”

“Sorry, something is wrong with my watch,” said Jack. “Wheres yours?”

“I left it at home.”

Jack thought for a moment and found a way. He began to stamp his foot on the floor, “Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, “Its twelve oclock in the night, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?”

1. How old is Jack when he finished high school?

A. Sixteen. B. Eighteen.

C. Twenty. D. Fifteen.

2. Why is the old woman satisfied with Jack?

A. He is her grandson. B. He is clever.

C. He can keep quiet. D. He gets home on time.

3. What is the relationship between Mary and Jack?

A. Husband and wife. B. Sister and brother.

C. Classmates. D. Neighbors.

4. What does the underlined word “stamp” mean?

A. 蓋印 B. 跺 C. 贴邮票 D. 承认

5. Why does Jack stamp his foot on the floor?

A. To wake his grandma up.

B. To make his grandma angry.

C. To let his grandma tell him the time.

D. To let his grandma buy him a watch.

第二課时(Section A 3a—3c)


1. Weve got no coffee. Lets have tea i____ .

2. Can you e____ why you arrived late for school this


3. Dont be n____ . Your daughter will be back soon.

4. The teacher showed us how to c____ with each other.

5. He is ready to help others, and he always o____

money to the people in the poor villages.


A: Youve been to Australia, havent you?

B: Yes, I have.

A: How long did you stay in Australia?

B:  I liked my work there.


B: I was teaching traditional Chinese things—kungfu and paper cut in a school.

A: Cool!

B: Yes, of course. One weekend when I was driving in the countryside, I saw a kangaroo jumping right next to my car!

A: Wow! Amazing! And what was the best place you visited in Australia?

B:  Its also a very special place for Australians.


B: Yes. I missed them, but I will never forget the experience in Australia!

A. For two years.

B. A red mountain.

C. Where are you from?

D. Did you see any kangaroos?

E. I hope you can have a good trip.

F. What kind of work were you doing there?

G. Did you miss your family while you were in Australia?


I returned home to spend the holiday with my mom happily. I would like to sit on the sofa, watching TV and talking with her  midnight.

Not long after I arrived home, one of her friends asked her to go to a party and she left home at once. She came back late that night. I didnt  she loved me.

During the following days, I didnt speak to her. When she spoke to me, I said nothing. But later I  to feel sad. Sometimes I  wanted to say sorry to her, but I couldnt speak out. So I helped  some housework. I did  I could when my mother wasnt at home. When she returned, she felt .

On the last day, my mother drove me to the train station. At first we said nothing. Then she said, “Sorry for that . You know that you are the most  to me.” I couldnt say a word and I tried not to cry. Before getting on the , I finally said sorry to her. She cried. But I knew she was happy.

( ) 1. A. before B. until C. unless D. though

( ) 2. A. explain B. compare C. think D. hope

( ) 3. A. started B. wanted C. hated D. forgot

( ) 4. A. almost B. still C. just D. really

( ) 5. A. to B. for C. with D. of

( ) 6. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything

( ) 7. A. sad B. nervous C. happy D. lonely

( ) 8. A. noon B. afternoon C. morning D. night

( ) 9. A. difficult B. important C. excited D. different

( ) 10. A. bus B. plane C. subway D. train

第三课时(Grammar Focus—4c)


( ) 1. Im going to take a vacation. Could you please ____

me ____ some information about interesting places

to travel?

A. offer; to B. offer; for

C. provide; with D. provide; for

( ) 2. My sister ____ go to bed until my mother came

back last night.

A. wasnt B. doesnt

C. didnt D. isnt

( ) 3. He should ____ the teacher why he was late.

A. explain B. explain to

C. explained D. explained to

( ) 4. You could save some money ____ you can buy a

gift for your mother.

A. in order to B. because

C. although D. so that

( ) 5. He has two sons. They are Jim and Tom. Jim is Toms

____ brother.

A. old B. older

C. oldest D. elder


1. Why dont you ask your teacher for help? (改為同义句)

____ ____ ask your teacher for help?

2. These fans arrived very early. They could see their

favorite stars. (合并为一个句子)

These fans arrived very early ____ ____ they

could see their favorite stars.

3. After the rain stopped, they went to the zoo. (改为同义句)

They ____ go to the zoo ____ the rain stopped.

4. 他正在浏览一本杂志。(完成译句)

He is ____ ____ a magazine.

5. 他昨天解决了那个难题。(完成译句)

He ____ ____ the difficult problem yesterday.


Sun Yan said she felt upset when she saw her score report last term. She used to be a top student.

She felt she couldnt face her parents, and cried many times. The 15-year-old worked even harder after that and broke back into the top 10, though she lost some time for friends.

Wang Shiwei from Nanning, Guangxi thinks it is hard to make friends in middle school.

“Girls dont talk to boys very often. Top students have their own circles (圈子) that you can hardly get into,” the 14-year-old said.

Wang decided to work on changing the situation. As the class monitor, he organized several activities to help the class get to know each other better.

Like Sun and Wang, todays middle school students have to deal with many problems: study pressure, friends, weak confidence, etc. Some students, including Sun and Wang, were lucky enough to be able to fix the problems themselves. But others werent and ended up with serious mental (心理的) health problems.

That is why several weeks ago a new guide came out to help students deal with mental problems. The guide asks schools and teachers to care more about students mental health by having special classes and organizing activities like class parties. In the future, there will even be special textbooks on mental health.

So next time, if you have a problem, dont hide (隱藏). Remember you are not alone. Talk to your teachers and parents. Ask for help.

( ) 1. What is Sun Yans main problem?

A. She has poor health.

B. She lost all her friends.

C. She has difficulty in learning.

D. She has a lot of pressure in studies.

( ) 2. What is Wang Shiweis main problem?

A. He has too much homework to do every day.

B. He is afraid to speak in front of girls.

C. He finds it difficult to make friends.

D. He doesnt get high scores.

( ) 3. What is the new guide?

A. A movie. B. A book.

C. A report. D. A teacher.

( ) 4. To deal with mental health problems, students can

____ .

A. read more books

B. always stay at the top

C. go out for a walk every day

D. take part in more class parties

( ) 5. What does the writer want to say about school students?

A. The new guide is good for them.

B. Teachers should organize more activities for them.

C. They should talk about their problems with others.

D. Parents should ask them about their problems.

第四课时(Section B 1a—2e)


1. All the ____ (communicate) with the outside world

was broken.

2. Jim is a doctor. His ____ (old) brother is an engineer.

3. Would you mind me ____ (ask) you some questions

about your family?

4. Its very kind of you to offer ____ (help) us on the


5. What are your plans for the _____ (develop) of your



1. Teenagers are under too much p____ nowadays.

2. Everyone had an o____ on the subject.

3. The rain c____ falling all afternoon.

4.Kids dont want their parents to c____ them with other kids.

5. He p____ his chair back and stood up.


Sometimes, kids dont think their parents are fair to them. When you want to  in a modern (新式的) way, your mom doesnt like you wearing a mini-skirt. When you are making phone calls, they  if youre speaking to a boy or a girl. Sometimes it seems that youre not as  to your parents as you used to be. How can you change such a situation?

Closing the Gap by the American author Jay McGraw gives advice on how to have a better  with your parents.

Both parents and children have needs. They need to feel they are  and loved. You should tell your parents your needs, and  out what their needs are. To get your parents to know what youre doing and what you want to do, you could talk about your school life now and your dreams for the . It helps your parents know more about you. Maybe you can think of a way to make all of you .

The book gives you lots of ideas, such as making time to , keeping a diary and showing your parents you are growing up. If you follow these steps, you will be able to make your  a happier place.

( ) 1. A. dress B. look C. work D. act

( ) 2. A. know B. decide C. discuss D. ask

( ) 3. A. close B. far C. fine D. different

( ) 4. A. idea B. relationship C. environment D. time

( ) 5. A. outgoing B. comfortable C. important D. interesting

( ) 6. A. find B. bring C. give D. call

( ) 7. A. past B. present C. future D. guide

( ) 8. A. fun B. happy C. tired D. bored

( ) 9. A. study B. exercise

C. communicate D. play

( ) 10. A. school B. home C. room D. class


You may love to see tigers at the zoo. But what if you had to stay with one on a boat on the open sea for over 200 days? Life of Pi, the movie from American Chinese director (导演), Li An, tells an amazing story. Pi is a boy. He lives happily with his family in a beautiful Indian town. His father has a zoo, so Pi knows a lot about animals.

But one day, his father decides to move to Canada. He will sell all his animals there. The family begin to sail (航行) on the Pacific with all the zoo animals. But a big storm hits their ship at night. Finally, Pi finds the only survivors (生存者) are himself and a large tiger called Parker on an 8-meter boat.

To keep himself alive, Pi has to keep feeding the tiger so that he himself is not eaten. He tries to get on well with the tiger during a 227-day sail on the sea. The movie is from a Canadian writer Yann Martels book of the same name. The book has sold 7 million copies worldwide. It discusses not only hope but also relationship between humans and nature. It took Li An four years to make the movie. He also used 3D for his first time. He hopes the movie will make the people think.

1. Where does Pis father decide to move?


2. What happens when they sail on the Pacific at night?


3. Why does Pi have to keep feeding the tiger?


4. What does the movie discuss?


5. How long did it take Li An to make the movie?


第五课时(Section B 3a—Self Check)



Height is just one of the thousands of features your genes (基因) decide. In fact, because you have two parents, your genes provide you with a height that usually lands somewhere between the height of each parent.  But if you have questions about how tall youre going to be, ask your doctor if he or she can help you find it out.

For example, eating an unhealthy diet can keep you from growing to the expected height. But getting enough sleep and exercise will meet your need. Its certain that youre wondering how fast you should grow. It depends.  Generally speaking (一般而言) , kids grow about 2 inches (6 cm) a year between age three and the time when they start adolescence (青春期).

Everyone has a time to grow fastest during adolescence. The age for starting adolescence is about 10 for girls and about 11 for boys.  Youll usually begin to notice that youre growing faster about a year or so after your body starts to show the first changes of adolescence.

A. But genes dont decide everything.

B. Theres no perfect or right answer.

C.Dont be scared if you seem to have grown a lot in a very short time.

D.If both your parents are tall, then most probably you

will be tall, too.

E.But it can be earlier or later—between 7 and 13 for

girls and 9 and 15 for boy.

1.   2.   3.   4.   5.



Now more and more Chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents. They dont know how  (do) housework because their parents almost do everything at home. That is a big problem.

Joy is  fourteen-year-old girl. One day, her parents went away on a trip, so she was alone at home. At first she  (think) she would be happy because her parents were not . She could do what she liked. But when it was six oclock in the afternoon, she felt  (hunger). “Oh, its time  (have) dinner. Where can I get my dinner?” she said to  (she). Later she found some meat and  (vegetable) in the fridge (冰箱), but she didnt know how she could cook them. At that moment, she missed her parents very much. At last she could only go to the supermarket to buy some food to eat.

Many teenagers have the same problems. So I think they should learn some life skills, like  (cook), tidying up their rooms or dressing themselves. They shouldnt depend too much  their parents.




参考词汇:smoke 吸烟;cigarette 香烟

Dear Mike,


Li Ming

