

时代英语·高二 2021年6期

Backward and Forward

By  V. M.  Hillyer

——V. M. 希利尔(仲秋  译)

V. M. 希利尔(1875—1931),美国著名儿童教育家、科普作家,创建了卡尔弗特教育体系。他为孩子们编写了一套趣味盎然的历史、地理、艺术读物,即《写给孩子看的世界历史》《写给孩子看的世界地理》《写给孩子看的艺术史》。本文选自《写给孩子看的艺术史》,该书写于20世纪二三十年代。

In 1492 Columbus discovered America. Everyone knows that date. And so it is easy to remember when Renaissance architecture began in Italy. It was in the same century as 1492, the fourteen-hundreds. Some of the earliest Renaissance buildings of the fourteen-hundreds are the best. The picture below is a picture of the Riccardi Palace in Florence. It looks more like a fort than a palace and that is what it really was on the outside—a fort.

There was so much fighting going on that these palaces in Florence had to be built like forts. Notice the iron bars on the lower windows. Notice the heavy rough stones in the lower story. That kind of stone-work is called “rusticated”. The stones bulge out from the joints between them. This makes the building look strong and solid.

The top of the building is crowned by a ledge that sticks out all around the wall. Such a ledge is called a cornice. The cornice kept the building from looking like a plain box. The cornice finished off the top of a building just the way a capital finished off the top of a column. The windows have round arches, not pointed like Gothic.

The building is more like a palace inside than outside. In the middle of the inside is an open courtyard which has balconies around it. There is a big banqueting hall, a library, and other finely furnished rooms. This Renaissance building is called the Riccardi Palace because Riccardi was the name of the family who bought it from the Medici family who built and lived in it first.





And now is a good time to notice a great big difference between Gothic and Renaissance buildings. In Gothic buildings most of the lines are up and down. The eye is carried from the ground straight up to the top of the building. But in Renaissance buildings most of the lines are lengthwise—horizontal. In the Riccardi Palace your eye notices the horizontal lines of stones, the windows all in line, the horizontal ledges under the windows, and the long, straight cornice.

Several famous Renaissance architects followed Brunelleschi. One, named Bramante, made a plan for a great cathedral to be built in Rome for the Pope. It was to be the largest church in the world. And was to be called St Peter’s. But Bramante died before much work had been done. Several other architects worked on this big building, until it was finally given into the care of the mighty Michelangelo, who was the greatest Renaissance sculptor as well as a great painter, poet, and wonderful architect.

Michelangelo was an old man, but he pushed the work forward on St Peter’s so that it was almost finished at his death. Michelangelo’s plan was to have the church built in the form of a Greek cross, with a magnificent dome over the middle.




Word Study

ledge /ledʒ/ n. 悬崖岩石突出部;岩架

banqueting /'bæŋkwɪtɪŋ/ adj. 宴会的

furnished /'fɜːnɪʃt/ adj. 配备家具的

The house was simply furnished.

cathedral /kə'θiːdrəl/ n. 主教座堂;教区总教堂

sculptor /'skʌlptə(r)/ n. 雕刻家;雕塑家

He turned his artistic gifts to good account by becoming a sculptor.

Michelangelo made everything about St Peter’s so tremendously large that the cathedral doesn’t look as large as it really is. That sounds funny, I know. You’d think the bigger a thing was, the bigger it would look. That isn’t always so. It depends on something called scale. If you take a photograph of a tree, you can’t tell from the photograph how big the tree is unless there is a man or a dog or a house or something near the tree to give you some way of measuring. It is the same with a map: you can’t tell whether a town is thirty miles away or three hundred miles unless there is a scale to measure by.

The windows of St Peter’s are about four times as tall as a man. So unless you see a man near them you would naturally think they were about four times as small as they are, because most windows are about as tall as one man. That is the great trouble with St Peter’s. It lacks scale.

Long after Michelangelo had died, another architect added a new front to the cathedral, and this cut off the front view of Michelangelo’s wonderful dome. This architect also made the church a Latin cross by extending the front. Then still later another man named Bernini added two colonnades, or rows of columns, to the front. These rows of columns are built around two sides of a great circular open space out in front of the cathedral.

The colonnades by Bernini are beautiful, but they haven’t anything to help us judge their size by any more than the cathedral has. They lack scale, just as the cathedral itself lacks scale. Look very closely at the picture and you will see some people in the square. When you measure the cathedral by them, you get some idea of how big it really is.





Look at the plan of St Peter’s, showing the cathedral itself and, at the top of the plan, the arrangement of the Bernini colonnades.

Gothic columns were never very much like Roman columns. But the Renaissance architects used the Roman capitals on the columns of their buildings. Sometimes they even pulled down Roman buildings and used the columns for new Renaissance buildings. Notice, too, the columns, which are like Roman columns.

There were many famous Renaissance architects in Italy and they have left many famous buildings, but we’ll have to skip over some of them to tell you about a man named Palladio. Palladio made famous a special use of columns. The columns run from the ground up past two or three stories. This is called the Palladian style, because Palladio wrote a book about it which architects in other countries as well as in Italy found very useful. The front of St Peter’s shows columns running past two stories.

Renaissance architecture spread from Italy to other countries and has been used ever since. All styles of architecture grow out of earlier styles. The Renaissance architecture grew by looking backward toward Rome, but its use came at a time when the world was looking forward to greater things. Explorers, scientists and thinkers were showing the way to modern times, though they were getting some of their ideas from studying ancient ways. They were looking backward but moving forward.





Word Study

tremendously /trə'mendəslɪ/ adv. 巨大地;極大地

extend /ɪk'stend/ v. 使伸长;扩大;扩展

colonnade /'kɒlə'neɪd/ n. 列柱;柱廊

circular /'sɜːkjələ(r)/ adj. 圆形的;环形的;圆的

The lamp stands on a circular base.

backward /'bækwəd/ adv. 向过去;往前

He looked backward forty years.

forward /'fɔːwəd/ adv. 向将来;往后

The next scene takes the story forward five years.


