In Iceland, CO2 Sucked From The Air Is Turned To Rock
At the foot of an Icelandic volcano, a newly- openedplant is sucking carbon dioxide from the air and turning itto rock, locking away the main culprit behind global warming.
Orca, based on the Icelandic word for“energy”, doesits cutting- edge work at the Hellisheidi geothermal powerplant in southwest Iceland.
It is the world’s largest plant using the direct air capturetechnology (DAC), which is the least developed of thecarbon removal technologies. Climeworks, a Swiss start-upthat has just built the plant, is not deterred.
By pulling CO2 from ambient air, the plant is differentfrom more traditional types of carbon capture and storage(CCS) projects at highly-polluting industrial smokestacks.
Fans in front of the collector draw in ambient air andrelease it, largely purified of CO2, through ventilators at theback.
Project manager Lukas Kaufmann said“very selectivefilter material inside our collector containers”catch carbondioxide.
“As soon as the filter is full, we close it off, and thenwe heat it up to around 100 degrees Celsius”to separate thepure gas, Kaufmann added.
Dissolved in fresh water, the gas is then injected underhigh pressure into the basalt rock between 800 and 2,000metres underground.
The solution fills the rock’s cavities and the solidification process begins -- a chemical reaction turning it to calcifiedwhite crystals that occurs when the gas comes in contactwith the calcium, magnesium and iron in the basalt.
It takes up to two years for the CO2 to petrify.
The carbon dioxide would only be re-released into theair if the rock were to heat up to very high temperatures, asin a volcanic eruption, Didier Dalmazzone, head of thechemistry laboratory at French engineering school ENSTAParis, told AFP.
The volcanic activity level here is considered low, withthe last eruption 1,900 years ago.
The Orca plant, which cost $10- 15 million to build,can suck up around 4,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.
The amount is tiny by global standards. Climate modellingsuggests the world needs to eliminate several billiontonnes per year by 2050.
CCS is one of the methods advocated by experts to limitglobal warming to 1.5 degrees C from pre-industrial levelsby 2100. That is the bar seen as the only way to preventcatastrophic global warming.
CCS methods capture CO2 before it enters the atmosphere,pulling it immediately from highly-concentrated industrialpollution zones.
But the direct air capture (DAC) process, like the onein Iceland, aims to capture past emissions already in the atmosphere.
However, the DAC method is in its early days and ishampered by the small concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Orca has to process two million cubic metres of air tocapture just one tonne of CO2 -- a costly process that requireslarge amounts of energy, though Climeworks wouldnot divulge any details.
耗资1000万至1500万美元(约合人民币6400万到9600 万元)建造的Orca 工厂每年可吸收约4000吨二氧化碳。