Abstracts of Papers in This Issue


外文研究 2021年2期


ZHENGXiaomei&WUJiaping(School of Foreign Languages,North China Electric Power University,Beijing 102206,China)

Based on Fuoli &Paradis’s model of trust-repair discourse,the research discusses the dimensions of trustworthiness(ability,integrity and benevolence) and discursive strategies (to emphasize the positive and to neutralize the negative) in the apology letter by the CEO of Shuidichou.The research results indicate that ability and benevolence are mainly repaired through the discursive strategy of emphasizing the positive which is linguistically realized through evaluation and affect,while integrity is mostly repaired through the discursive strategy of neutralizing the negative which is linguistically realized through dialogic engagement resources such as adversative discourse makers,negation makers and markers of evidentiality.This research not only tests the applicability of the Fuoli &Paradis’s model of trust-repair discourse but also sheds some light on how to discursively repair trust in crisis.


YULin(Research Center for Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,Henan University,Kaifeng 475001,China)

Reciprocal events refer to events in which the actions of participants are interrelated.It is the core reflection of human social life and social cognition.Compared with other disciplines (such as biology,sociology,anthropology,quantum physics,etc.),the studies of reciprocal events in linguistics started late,and the studies in China are unbalanced,especially in the theory that lacks systemicity and the corpus that lacks empiricality.In recent years,reciprocal events have become a hot topic in the study of linguistic typology.With the aim to provide the multi-dimensional study of reciprocal events for domestic research,this paper sorts out the definition of reciprocal events,theoretical controversies of semantic and morpho-syntactic typology,and differences of their corresponding methodologies.


SONGJianhua(School of Foreign Languages,Central China Nornal University,Wuhan 430079,China)

Idioms are rich in cultural connotation and are continuous national,historical and cultural texts written by discrete symbolic language.Idioms are clear in image,beneficial to association,and have the mechanism of interlinkage (linguistic,pictorial and cultural).From the perspective of Lotman’s cultural semiotics,idiom semantics can only be formed in a specific cultural living space called symbolic domain,which is essentially the cognitive result of cultural subjects.Idiom texts perform the functions of information transmission,generation and memory.


LANLiliang(College of Foreign Languages,Henan University,Kaifeng 475001,China)

Farewell,MyBook!,which is a masterpiece of Oe Kenzaburo in his later years shows his criticism of the national violence and his deep understanding of the 9/11 event by describing the the adventures of the protagonists in their old ages.After investigating the narrative style,character creation and theme,this paper holds that Oe Kenzaburo creatively uses intertextual narration which emphasizes communication and interaction between texts,adopts various novel techniques such as watakushi novel and metafiction,and introduces a variety of genres such as poetry and interview,in order to make the text present infinite openness.The intertextual narration of the novel refers to the time context outside the text,criticizes the political conservatism tendency of the United States and Japan,and realizes the perfect fit between the novel form and the theme appeal.In this sense,intertextual narration inFarewell,MyBook!has a critical color of ideology and shows a kind of creativity which is inclusive and rebellious.It is not only the echo of the writer’s life experience,but also the concentrated expression of his personality and spiritual pursuit,and fully shows Oe Kenzaburo’s late style.


ZHUYuying(College of Foreign Languages and Literature,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China;College of Foreign Languages and Literature,Hexi University,Zhangye 734000,China)

In the context of Jean-François Lyotard’s postmodernism,history,science and other subjects are conceived and their own narratives are developed reliant on the grand narratives.Mr.Sammler’sPlanetby Saul Bellow mainly deconstructs the grand narratives of history and science.History is seen as a rational process which moves towards emancipation and progress in terms of the grand narratives of history.However,the Jewish Holocaust proves to be a disruption of the historical grand narratives and after the Second World War the intellectual’s historical explanation on the Holocaust is also attacked with doubts and refutations.The grand narratives of science claim that humanity as a whole can be liberated through science and technology,but in the novel the Enlightenment project of science turns out to be a failure and the authority of scientific rationalism is subverted as well.Meanwhile,rejecting the eschatological principle conserved by the grand narratives,the novel attempts to seek a way out by means of ethical construction.In it the Jews are regarded as the embodiment of ethics,with the ethical obligation considered a more imperative need of current human life.The analysis reveals Bellow’s criticism towards rationalism and authoritarianism,and his hope to reshape western civilization.


CAIPeishan(College of Foreign Languages and Cultures,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610207,China)

Herzog,written by Saul Bellow,is a typical novel about intellectuals,describing the spiri-tual plight of American intellectuals under the social crisis of the 1960s.The romantic tendency of Herzog has great relation to his spiritual crisis.It is because of the conflict between romantic ideals and realistic circumstances,and the separation of past memories from the present secular world,that he realizes the best way to change the reality is to try to reestablish the relationship between the past and the present,to seek and construct the romantic “memory site” in the pre-sent world.The novel mainly reveals three “memory sites”:Herzog’s treatises,letters and Ludeyville where Herzog lived,providing a reliable storage for the collective memory of romanticism.


ZHOUQuan(Global Affairs Department,Yale University,New Haven,06511,United States)

This paper examines varied forms of love and politics in Shakespeare’sTheTempestand associates political visions with relationships between characters to reveal the extent to which love can help achieve political goals.This paper expands the range of political models that are valu-able in understanding the actions of different characters to include Post-Colonialism,Utopian Commonwealth,Neo-Platonism,and Machiavellianism.The summarized connections are:1) the merging of Caliban’s sexual love and post-colonist vision leads to an inevitable failure in his attempts to attain Miranda and the island;2) Gonzalo’s utopian,free love idea is unrealizable as his utopia’s self-contradictory nature negates the possibility of its existence;3) Prospero utilizes Machiavellian strategies in his manipulation and plotting of a grand scheme to seek revenge and fulfill his parental love for Miranda;4) Prospero relies on his Neo-Platonic power to propel conspirators to acknowledge their faults and inspire Miranda and Ferdinand to cherish their innocent love.The conclusion is that,love is what helps Prospero realize his ultimate political intention of achieving reconciliation and restoring order—the blessed couple,Ferdinand and Miranda,are intended to carry their uncorrupted nature into a malevolent world where,by their rule,the process of redemption and the dispensing of justice could be carried forward.


ZHUZhenwu(School of Humanities,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China)

WUChangling(Department of Humanities,Business College of Guizhou University of Finance and Economics,Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture 550600,China)

The translation of Chinese literary works has been the talk of intelligentsia in recent years.Taking the English version ofSoulMountainby Australian Sinologist Mabel Lee as a case example,the present paper is an exploration into how the translator,through the deft use of transliteration,repetition,domestication and free translation,manages to break through the barriers in mindset and culture and as a result,achieve the perfect combination of form and spirit of her translated work.Since its publication,the English rendition ofSoulMountainwith its recommendable quality has witnessed a warm reception among readers.Its success enlightens us that it’s of vital importance to adopt flexible translation approaches to suit different contexts in the “out-going” of Chinese literature.


QIANPingyun(School of Foreign Languages,Shanghai University of Electric Power,Shanghai 201306,China)

ZHANGYiwen(School of Foreign Languages,China Three Georges University,Yichang 443002,China)

That the English renditions of Eileen Chang’s novels have in recent years been well received abroad arouses increasing attention of the intelligentsia.A meticulous comparison between and in-depth study into the original Chinese version and English translation ofLoveinFallenCity,one of the most representative works of Eileen Chang can help discover the reason behind it.The translator Karen S.Kingsbury,an American sinologist whose cultural identity belongs to the predominant cultural system doesn’t choose to impose the TL values upon the translation work as many always do.Instead,she invariably adheres to the policy of “foreignization first,domestication second” in her work.Her choice sheds light on our understanding of translation strategies in the “outgoing process” of Chinese literature.For translators,it’s unwise to cater to the TL readers by following mechanically their values or even erase SL features to the extent of being barely recognizable.Rather,translators should help cultivate in TL readers interest in and reading habit of SL culture to promote Chinese literature to the outside world with its original flavour and true identity.


WENJun(School of Foreign Languages,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China)

The translation theory and practice in dialogue model holds that theory and practice of translation are in repeated and dynamic contact and interaction,as the former can be inducted from and modify the latter whereas the latter can offer feedback and revise the former.This also suggests a constant cyclical process,where changes in translation practice necessitate the renewals or revisions of theory,which,in turn,brings about new or altered practices in translation.A study of translation variation via the dialogue model reveals that translation variation theory is firmly grounded on the observations of translation practices and inductions of translation facts and thus has great explanatory power.In light of the model,more in-depth research should be conducted on questions,such as whether it is necessary to amend or revise the existing theoretical model or methods in the face of changing environments,manners and tools of translation practices,in what ways translation variation theory guides practice,and how the theory operates,with a view to refining translation variation theory.


FENGQuangong(School of International Studies,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China)

As an important term in extended rhetoric,rhetorical cognition has been successfully transplanted into translation studies and presented as a key topic of translational rhetoric.This paper manly introduces the original definition of rhetorical cognition in extended rhetoric,its definition and extension from the perspective of prototype theory in translation studies,its family members (metaphor as prototypical member) and eight major features,key research topics about rhetorical cognition in literary translation,such as patterns,effect and motives of conversion between rhetorical cognition and conceptual cognition,and some potential research topics and fields in translation studies,such as translator’s style,cognitive mechanism.Rhetorical cognition,referring to both a kind of anti-logical,esthetic cognitive mechanism and its corresponding linguistic representations,can hopefully become a key term in translation studies and provide insights into studies on both translated texts and translators.


LIUHu(School of Foreign Studies,West Anhui University,Lu’an 237001,China)

Drawing on a bibliometric analysis ofChinaTranslator’sJournalregarding its theoretical articles in the past twenty years,this paper endeavors to explore the general landscape of translation studies in Chinese context to provide a detailed diachronic reference for academic research.The results of analysis show that these articles fall into five categories:studies on western translation theories,those on Chinese translation theories,those on empirical translation,those on translation and cultural communication,and those on translation pedagogy.In general,studies on western translation theories take the pivotal position,while its development slows down with a slight decline since 2009.Studies on Chinese translation theories come in second,and show a steady upward trend since 2010.Empirical translation studies start from scratch and gradually grow stronger from 2004 on.Translation and cultural communication studies attract continuous attention from the academia,with a steady increase of momentum from 2010 on.Studies on translation pedagogy start smoothly and become a hot topic since 2009.The paper offers a “three combination” solution to the defect of “ecological disequilibrium between Chinese and western discourse” and maps it into the framework of descriptive translation studies,opening up a new way for the future development of Chinese translation discourse.


SONGJie(School of International Studies,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China)

Based on text world theory,ATextWorldApproachtoLiteraryReading:AnInterfacebetweenCognitivePoeticsandLiteraryCriticismdiscusses three issues in the process of literary reading—literary narrative,fictional mind of characters and emotional responses,and analyzes three representative American black—humor fictions—Catch-22,Slaughterhouse-FiveandTheFloatingOperathrough a text world approach.It integrates multidisciplinary knowledge and broadens the research paradigm of literary criticism,which embodies the characteristics of interface studies.Different from traditional literary criticism,this study focuses on actual reader’s natural reading so as to explore the cognitive mechanism of literary reading;the monograph will enlighten other scholars since it is issue-oriented and full of creative thinking.In a word,with great theoretical significance,original research paradigm,unique perspective and mature writing skill,the monograph provides a good example for domestic scholars to conduct cognitive literary studies.


XIONGJinru&WANGShaoshuang(School of Advanced Translation and Interpretation,Dalian University of Foreign Languages,Dalian 116044,China)

With the advent of the digital age and the application of artificial intelligence,language service industry has undergone profound changes.In this context,a systematic investigation of language ser-vice industry is not only of disciplinary value,but also of epochal significance.The bookTheBloomsburyCompaniontoLanguageIndustryStudiesconducts a detailed analysis of language service industry in the digital era and makes reasonable predictions of the future development of the industry.With high academic value and practical value,the book is a model of the language service industry studies.Based on the review of the book’s content,characteristics and academic contributions,this article derives some enlightenment for China’s language service studies.


WANGWeifen&DENGYu(School of English Studies,Sichuan International Studies University,Chongqing 400031,China;College of Language Intelligence,Sichuan International Studies University,Chongqing 400031,China)

CognitiveLinguistics-KeyTopicswas edited by Professor Ewa Dabrowska and Professor Dagmar Divjak in 2019.As one of three books co-edited by the two professors,this volume focuses on current key topics in cognitive linguistics,involving semantic typology,polysemy,space,time,motion,prototype effect,construction,tense and aspect in cognition,multimodality,and emergentism.By introducing the main content and demonstrating the critical views,this review can help the researchers to have a systematic understanding of the current fields in cognitive linguistics as well as develop the research scope.