Mulan Joins the Army


阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2021年10期

邓琦婧 丁雯慧

“唧唧复唧唧,木兰当户织。”“万里赴戎机 ,关山度若飞。”一首《木兰辞》,让花木兰替父从军的故事代代相传。随着迪士尼经典动画片《花木兰》的问世,花木兰成为了海内外家喻户晓的巾帼英雄。木兰这个人物有着丰富的内涵,她是家国情怀的缩影,也是中国好故事在全球传播的典范。在充分理解这些内涵的基础上,南京师范大学附属苏州石湖实验小学的同学们是如何用英语剧来演绎“木兰从军”的故事呢?我们一起去看看吧。

杨馨蕾 王 均 桂思玥 刘宇豪 洪昊阳 胡思裕

夏浩森 何东明 王子轩 郑嘉豪 周子翔 周苏逸

(Long long ago, Hua Mulan lived in the Land of Wei in Northern China. Her country was always attacked by the South. The Emperor(皇帝) had to gather his soldiers to fight the enemies back. Look! A soldier was reading the Emperor’s order.)

Soldier: Attention! Every family must send a man to the war!

Crowd 1: What happened?

Crowd 2: Who can take care of my ill mother?

Crowd 3: Who can take care of my poor wife and little children?

Soldier: This is the order!

(Hua Mulan’s father Hua Hu was too old to fight, but he still decided to join the army. Mulan heard the news and went to see her parents. )

Mulan: Father, mother, I can go!

Mother: You can’t. You are a girl.

Mulan: I can wear the soldiers’ clothes to pretend to be a man.

Father: Your voice is too soft.

Mulan: I can speak loudly, just like a man.

Father: Your motions are too gentle(温柔的).

Mulan: I can move as roughly(粗糙地) as a man.

Father: All right... but you must be careful.

(Hua Mulan took her father’s place and joined the army.)

Soldier 1: Hey, Hua Hu! Come and join us. Let’s drink.

Mulan: No, I don’t drink.

Soldier 2: What are you going to do?

Mulan: I’m going to practice swordplay(劍术).

Soldier 3: Look at you! Your arms and legs are too thin, just like a girl!

Soldier 4: Your voice is as soft as a girl’s voice. Haha!

Ye Ming: So what? Defeating the enemies is our top mission(任务).

Mulan: Thank you, General.

Ye Ming: Never mind. Be yourself.

(One day, the enemies attacked suddenly. The soldiers tried their best to resist.)

Mulan: Watch out, General! An enemy is behind you.

Ye Ming: Thank you, Hua Hu. Oh, no! My arm hurts.

Mulan: Don’t worry. Our doctor is coming.

Ye Ming: I appoint(任命) you as our new general. Please lead us to success.

Mulan: Yes, General. I will do my best. Protect yourself. Come on! Soldiers!

Soldiers: Forward(前进) ! Forward!

(But Hua Mulan and her soldiers could hardly hold on.)

Soldier 1: Look! So many high hills! Be careful, everybody!

Mulan: Hills? That’s right! Calm down! Soldiers! I have an idea. I will lure(引诱) the enemies to that valley(山谷). Then you can surround(包围) them.

Soilders: OK!

Soldiers: Yes! we made it! General Hua, you are so clever.

Mulan: Thank you. All of you did a good job

(Hua Mulan and her soldiers won the war and went back to their country. The emperor appreciated(欣賞) her courage and wisdom. He wanted to appoint her as a minister.)

Mulan: Your Majesty(陛下), I can’t be a minister.

Emperor: Why?

Mulan: I’m not good at it.

Emperor: What do you want?

Mulan: I just want to go home and stay with my family.

Emperor: OK.

(Several days later, Hua Mulan returned home. When she stepped into the house, her parents were surprised. They hugged each other for a long time.)

(One day, Ye Ming and his soldiers visited Hua Mulan. When they entered the door, they saw a beautiful girl.)

Ye Ming: Does Hua Hu have a sister?

Mulan: I’m Hua Hu.

Ye Ming: You’re Hua Hu? It can’t be. Hua Hu is a man!

Mulan: In fact, I’m a girl.

Ye Ming: I can’t believe it!

Mulan: Although(尽管) I’m a girl, I’m as brave as a man.

(Later, Hua Mulan’s story was known by more and more people. They all appreciated her bravery and wisdom. Her story has been passed down from generation to generation.)

(The End)


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