建筑功能:歌剧院(1 600个座位),音乐厅(1 000个座位),多功能剧院(700个座位),艺术展览馆,电影中心
首席设计:佩卡 · 萨米宁
项目面积:153 000平方米
摄影:Marc Goodwin, Virgile Simon Bertrand, Zhang Yong
Year of completion: 2018
Client: Mawei New Town Construction Development Co., Ltd.
Programme: Opera house (1 600 seats), concert hall(1 000 seats), multifunctional theatre(700 seats), art exhibition hall, cinema centre
Architectural and interior design: PES-Architects
Chief designer: Pekka Salminen
Local architects: CCEDGC Co.Ltd.
Size: 153 000 m²
Photography: Marc Goodwin, Virgile Simon Bertrand, Zhang Yong
场地中共有五个场馆,就似五瓣茉莉花花瓣一般。场馆里包括歌剧院(1 600个座位)、音乐厅(1 000个座位)、多功能剧院、艺术展厅和电影中心,这五个体量由一个共通的文化大厅(Cultural Concourse)和一个大型的屋顶露台相连。
观众可以通过位于茉莉花园(Jasmine Gardens)和中央茉莉花广场(Central Jasmine Plaza)的两个坡道进入屋顶露台,这样的动线设计将文化艺术中心与一旁的岷江河滨空间紧密地连接了起来。在地下层,沿着梁厝洪水河修建了一条景观廊道,从而开阔了室内的空间,并将该文化艺术中心连接到附近的地铁站。
PES建筑师事务所的创始人佩卡 · 萨米宁这样描述该项目的设计理念:“我们将文化艺术中心这个大型的综合设施划分为更加人性化的小单元,使观众们能自由地出入室内和室外空间。我们为每个单独的体量设计了一个半公共的弧形走廊,它是每个体量的核心区域,将公共室内空间与建筑物周围的茉莉花园的景观融为一体。与此同时,将整个文化艺术中心与其前方的马杭洲岛自然保护区连接起来。”
陶瓷被用作该项目的主要建材,因为它是中国海上丝绸之路的标志之一,象征着中国与世界各国的贸易连接。 PES建筑师事务所与台湾陶瓷艺术家 Samuel Hsuan-yu Shih合作,使用著名的“汉白玉”材料为两个主礼堂设计了艺术陶瓷内饰,并采用了全新的科技以满足场馆的声学要求。另外,所有的立面也都覆盖着白色的瓷砖和百叶窗。
The Fuzhou Strait Culture and Art Centre was the winning entry in an international invited competition in 2014.Constructionstarted in early 2015, and the complex was completed in October 2018.
The five separate venues of the Strait Culture and Art Centre - an opera house, concert hall, multi-functional theatre, art exhibition hall and cinema centre - unfurl around the central plazalike the petals of a jasmine blossom, the city flower of Fuzhou.Dividing the large complex into smaller units creates human-scale spaces and makes it easy for users to navigate both indoors and outdoors.
The venues are linked by a large roof terrace and concourse lobby.The lobby and spacious venue foyers are open all day to allow for flexible use of the spaces and foster local art production.The hybrid complex also incorporates commercial services as well as recreational areas and gardens on the Minjiang riverfront.
Ceramic was used as the main material due to its historical significance in the context of the maritime silk road trade link between China and Europe.
The glazed main façades are screened with ceramic louvres, creating a unified, translucent white skin for the buildings.Complex scripting was used to determine the optimal angle and distance between the louvres to provide shading and transparency as required.
The ceramic interiors of the opera and concert halls were designed together with Taiwanese ceramic artist Samuel Hsuan-yu Shih, using the legendary China White material.Optimal acoustics were ensured through the use of 3D-modelling and acoustic raytracing scripts.
The double-curved wall surfaces of the opera hall are clad with topographic ceramic tiles in shades of warm grey,combining 13 floral motifs to create a continuous 3,000 m2 jasmine branch pattern.In the concert hall, the convexly curved walls are clad with three-dimensional white ceramic tiles, engraved with a floral pattern inspired by the scrolling peonies pattern of the Yuan Dynasty.
Another traditional and renewable Chinese material,technical bamboo, was extensively used for other surfaces, flooring, details and furnishing.The multifunctional performance hall is clad with CNC-cut massive bamboo blocks.