You’ve got questions? she’s got answers
Its now discouraged to travel during the Spring Festival due to the pandemic, but I miss my family so much! What should I do?
Homesick Henry
Whats the matter with you? Youve finally got a solid 借口 (ji-k6u, excuse) to avoid all the usual 家庭闹剧 (ji`t!ng n3oj&, family drama)! No 唠叨 (l1odao, nagging) from parents about you being single; or, if youre married, 吵架 (ch2oji3, arguments) over whose parents to spend the holiday with this year. You avoid the 凡尔赛 (F1n0rs3i, “Versailles style,” humblebragging) distant relatives trying to compare their kids with you, and the 30-hour-long 麻将 (m1ji3ng, mahjong) marathons that end with you 输钱 (sh$qi1n, losing money). Heck! It may even be the biggest 贡献(g7ngxi3n, contribution) you will ever make to your country. So, just stay where you are, and plan to 云过节 (y%ngu7ji9, celebrate the holiday online) with your family. After all, 距离产生美 (j&l! ch2nsh8ng m0i, distance makes the heart grow fonder).
Dear Ayi, please advise me! Im a junior in college and cant afford to pay back debts from loan apps. I just bought a few things and it was so easy to borrow money.
Dani in Debt
Ive been telling people for ages, dont trust 信用卡 (x#ny7ngk2, credit cards) and 网贷 (w2ngd3i, online loans); not even 银行 (y!nh1ng, banks)! Thats why Ive put all my savings in plastic bags and buried them in a super safe location. How dare you be 大手大脚 (d3sh6u-d3ji2o,“big hands and feet,” extravagant)? At your age, Id have starved to death if I try to 寅吃卯粮 (y!nch~m2oli1ng, eat the next years grain)! Now its time for you to 勒紧腰带 (l8i j@n y`od3i, “tighten the belt,” be thrifty) and take responsibility. Get a
兼職(ji`nzh!, part-time job), confess to your parents, and stop buying crap you dont need!
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