

农业工程学报 2021年22期

郭志明,王郡艺,宋 烨,殷晓平,邹彩霞,邹小波



郭志明1,王郡艺1,宋 烨2,殷晓平3,邹彩霞1,邹小波1

(1. 江苏大学食品与生物工程学院,镇江 212013;2. 中华全国供销合作总社济南果品研究院,济南 250220;3. 苏州晓创光电科技有限公司,苏州 215505)

为实现苹果多产地多品质指标的现场快速无损检测与评价,该研究基于可见近红外光谱技术研发低成本、低功耗、小型化的苹果品质手持式无损检测终端。检测终端集成宽谱LED光源和水果特征响应窄带光电探测器,接入物联网云端数据系统,实现检测数据上传和模型的远程更新维护。利用研制的检测系统可有效获取不同产区苹果500~1 050 nm波长范围内的漫反射光谱,优选光谱预处理算法消除干扰并采用不同特征波长提取算法对数据进行降维,分别建立了多产地苹果可溶性固形物含量、硬度和维生素C含量的通用检测模型,模型的预测相关系数分别为0.926、0.798和0.704,预测均方根误差分别为0.585%、1.405 kg/cm2和0.968 mg/100g。将通用检测模型载入云端数据系统作为云模型,检测样本时调用云模型进行计算并反馈至检测终端。通过多个产地独立样本的验证表明,该系统可满足苹果产业现场无损检测的实际需求,为手持式光谱检测仪的实用化设计提供参考。


0 引 言




1 苹果品质云模型的手持式可见近红外无损检测系统设计



1.1 微型光源模块

可见近红外光谱检测系统需配置宽波段的光源,一般选用卤钨灯[23],但具有高功耗、低光利用率等问题,导致检测系统大而重,限制了可见近红外光谱技术现场、户外快速无损检测领域的应用推广。定制开发宽谱LED光源,光强在550~1 000 nm波段范围内随频率变化呈连续高强度分布,可以实现苹果多品质指标同时检测。此宽谱LED构建的环形光源组具有体积小、重量轻、发光均匀、响应速度快、抗震防水能力强、功耗低、使用寿命长等特点,可以在户外环境中使用。LED光源发出的光线是定向的,总功率仅为72 mW,大部分光线能直接投射向苹果表面,具有一定的焦距和工作平面。此外,发光强度可以通过电流强弱进行有效控制,可根据苹果种类设置不同的光照强度以提高其通用性和适用性。

1.2 可见近红外光电传感器模块

随着微机电加工技术的发展,微型可见近红外光谱仪发展迅速,现有的微型光谱仪可以分为色散型可见近红外光谱仪、滤光片型可见近红外光谱仪、调制型可见近红外光谱仪等[24],具有体积小、集成度高、能耗低、便于二次开发等优点[25]。但其多数属于通用性分析仪器,成本较高,并且在特定条件下性能不够优良。本研究选用日本滨松公司生产的C14384MA-01超紧凑型可见近红外光电传感器,配置高灵敏度的CMOS线性传感器,光谱有效响应范围为500~1 050 nm,质量仅为0.3 g,具有质量轻、体积小、成本低的特点,在可见近红外区分辨率为17 nm,能够获得连续波谱,满足水果内部品质的检测需求。

1.3 控制与通讯模块

光谱信号被可见近红外光电传感器获取后,由AD8092芯片设计的电路进行信号放大及基线调整,传至SAR架构的ADC模数转换芯片将光信号转换为电信号,最后通过嵌入式单片机进行处理。集成现场可编程逻辑门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)控制整个电路的时序,保证电路正常工作,ADC器件和光电传感器的时序同步,数据平滑等预处理也通过FPGA进行处理,如图2a所示。嵌入式主板设有5G/4G和GPS模块,光谱数据被无线传输至云服务器,调用云模型进行计算,将检测结果回传至系统中并在显示屏上实时显示。在软件开发过程中,构建苹果内部品质监测平台,如图 2b所示。数据上传至云端数据系统到返回检测终端所用时间为1.5~2.0 s,测试的有效回传率达100%,检测结果记录于云端数据库,方便查询下载和统计分析,实现苹果品质原位实时检测和监测。

1.4 软件开发

苹果品质手持式可见近红外无损检测系统软件基于嵌入式实时操作系统Real Time-Thread进行模块化开发,使用C语言编写。模型调用具有两种模式,模式一为直接调用内置于检测系统中的模型实现单机实时获取结果,模式二为调用置于云服务器中的云模型便于模型的更新与维护。此外,检测结果存储于云端数据库,每条数据设置单独的序列号,方便查询下载分析,实现产区苹果品质评价。

2 苹果内部品质检测云模型的建立

从国家现代农业(苹果)产业技术体系各苹果实验站共获得来自17个产地的富士苹果529个,如表1所示。将苹果样品运输到实验室后,将其存储在4 ℃的冰箱中。试验之前,将苹果从冰箱中取出并在室温(25 ℃)下放置24 h,以减少由于温度变化而引起的测量误差。用湿纱布将所有样品擦拭干净并自然风干,然后将样品逐一编号,分批选择不同产地的样品进行试验。

表1 苹果来源统计结果

2.1 苹果品质测定

苹果中的可溶性固形物含量(Soluble Solids Content,SSC)、硬度(Firmness)和维生素C含量(Vitamin C content)是评价苹果品质的重要指标。苹果SSC测定参考NY/T 2637—2014,采用折射仪法。使用的折射仪为ATAGO RX-5000α(ATAGO Company),测量前用蒸馏水对折射仪进行校正,用取样器取苹果赤道位置直径约1 cm果肉,用纱布挤压,将汁液滴入折射仪检测窗口,获得其SSC含量参考值。苹果硬度测定参考NY/T 2009 —2011,采用硬度计法。使用TA-XT plus物性仪(Stable Micro System Company),采用P2探头,预压速度为1.5 mm/s,穿刺速度为1.0 mm/s,压后上行速度为10.0 mm/s,测试距离为10 mm,触发力为0.049 N。苹果维生素C含量的测定参考GB 5009.86—2016,使用2, 6-二氯靛酚滴定法。


表2 苹果品质测定统计结果


Note:The units of range, mean value and STD are indicator units.

2.2 苹果可见近红外光谱采集与数据分析

检测系统经优化设置平均次数为5,曝光时间为75 ms,采样频率为10 Hz,为消除暗噪声所带来的试验误差,采集水果光谱的同时采集其暗光谱与全反射光谱,并将光谱强度转化为相对吸光度lg(1/),得到光谱与样品组分含量的线性相关关系,其中为样品的相对透过率。删除无响应和噪声较大的光谱边缘区域,选择波长范围515~870 nm的光谱进行处理。

在可见近红外光谱区域,苹果中存在水和碳水化合物的C-H、O-H、N-H等化学键对应的典型重叠吸收[26]。图3为原始可见近红外光谱图,可以看出所有苹果样品的光谱特征都表现出类似的变化趋势。675 nm附近的吸收光谱与苹果皮中的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和花色苷有关[27]。760 nm附近的吸收峰与水和碳水化合物的含量相关[28]。因此,基于可见近红外漫反射光谱技术建立多产地苹果品质预测模型是可行的。

在光谱采集过程中,由于受到仪器和样品本身的干扰,原始光谱易受到谱峰重叠、基线漂移等影响,所建立的模型稳定性差、精度低。通过比较不同的光谱预处理方法发现Savitzky-Golay smoothing(SG平滑)可以有效提高模型的精度,经前期试验SG平滑多项式次数设置为2,窗口数设置为7。其原因为SG平滑有效消除了基线漂移和倾斜。

2.3 多产地苹果内部品质通用检测模型的建立

可见近红外光谱带包含无信息变量,变量选择算法可以对光谱信息进行优化组合以降低模型计算量,从而达到简化模型的目的。本研究使用无信息变量消除算法(Uninformative Variable Elimination Algorithm,UVE)[29],遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)[30],连续投影算法(Successive Projections Algorithm,SPA)[31]以及竞争性自适应重加权采样算法(Competitive Adaptive Reweighted Algorithm,CARS)[32]选择特征波长,利用偏最小二乘法(Partial Least Square,PLS)分别建立多产地苹果可溶性固形物含量、硬度和维生素C含量预测模型。模型性能使用训练集均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error of Calibration,RMSEC)和预测集均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error of Prediction,RMSEP)以及相关系数(RR)进行评价,其建模结果如表3所示

对比经过不同特征波长选择算法处理的PLS模型结果选取最适合该样本的特征波长选择方案。以预测集相关系数为判别依据,当结果相当时选择变量数较少的为最优模型。苹果可溶性固形物含量模型的预测效果表现为CARS-PLS> SPA-PLS > UVE-PLS > GA-PLS。对于硬度模型,预测效果表现为GA-PLS>SPA-PLS>CARS-PLS> UVE-PLS。对于维生素C含量模型的预测效果表现为GA-PLS>SPA-PLS>UVE-PLS>CARS-PLS。SSC的CARS-PLS模型、硬度和维生素C含量的GA-PLS模型与全谱PLS模型相比,预测能力未有显著提升,但变量数减少近3/4,简化了模型。其模型散点如图4所示,使用训练集和预测集的分布表示模型的相关性。

表3 不同变量选择算法的建模效果


Note:RandRare correlation coefficients of calibration set and prediction set, RMSEC and RMSEP are root mean square errors of calibration set and prediction set, and the unit is each indicator unit. Same as below.


GA是通过模拟生物进化过程搜索最优解的方法。对光谱区间515~870 nm间93个波长点进行二进制编码,将进化后选择的波长点进行建模,以RMSEC作为评价标准。在对硬度和维生素C含量编码过程中分别选取频率大于10和6的变量建立PLS模型。硬度GA-PLS模型的R=0.830,RMSEC=1.391 kg/cm2;R=0.798,RMSEP=1.405 kg/cm2,维生素C含量GA-PLS模型的R=0.732,RMSEC= 0.944 mg/100g;R=0.704,RMSEP=0.968 mg/100g。


2.4 云模型的载入与验证

为评价云模型的适用性和稳定性,计算通用检测模型的多项式系数方程,手动输入至云端数据系统的模型数据库中,调用云模型进行了多产地验证应用。选取2个产地的红富士苹果样本各30个,使用手持式检测终端获取其光谱信息,调用云模型进行计算,利用独立预测相关系数R和独立预测均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error of Independent Prediction,RMSEI)评价模型的性能,结果如表4所示。

表4 单一产地通用模型验证结果

两个产地可溶性固形物含量、硬度和维生素C含量的独立预测相关系数R平均值分别为0.931、0.794和0.755,独立预测均方根误差平均值分别为0.596%,1.563 kg/cm2和0.942 mg/100g,通用模型在预测单一产地苹果品质时,由于其他产地品种影响,更多的生物特异性被考虑,预测精度对外部因素的变化并不敏感,使得检测模型对未知样本的检测更加稳健。

2.5 云模型的更新与维护


3 结 论


2)以17个产地的苹果为样本,使用检测系统获取其光谱,经过Savitzky-Golay平滑预处理后使用竞争性自适应重加权采样算法和遗传算法分别进行特征波长提取以简化模型,分别建立多产地苹果的可溶性固形物含量、硬度和维生素C含量偏最小二乘通用检测模型可溶性固形物含量竞争性自适应重加权采样-偏最小二乘模型(Competitive Adaptive Reweighted Algorithm- Partial Least Square, CARS-PLS)预测相关系数R=0.926,预测均方根误差RMSEP=0.585%。硬度遗传-偏最小二乘模型(Genetic Algorithm- Partial Least Square, GA-PLS)的预测相关系数R=0.798,预测均方根误差RMSEP=1.405 kg/cm2,维生素C含量GA-PLS模型的预测相关系数R=0.704,预测均方根误差RMSEP= 0.968 mg/100g。

3)将通用检测模型上传至云服务器作为云模型,采集新样本光谱数据后调用云模型进行了单一产地的验证。两个产地可溶性固形物含量、硬度和维生素C含量的独立预测相关系数R平均值分别为0.931、0.794和0.755,独立预测均方根误差平均值分别为0.596%,1.563 kg/cm2和0.942 mg/100g,可以满足实际检测需求。


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Design and experiment of the handheld visible-near infrared nondestructive detecting system for apple quality

Guo Zhiming1, Wang Junyi1, Song Ye2, Yin Xiaoping3, Zou Caixia1, Zou Xiaobo1

(1.,,212013,; 2.,,250220,; 3.,215505,)

Inner quality of fruit has been widely concerned as the impacts of a transition in lifestyles of different consumer segments in recent years. The grading fruits can be used to improve the added value in a fruit industry, according to the internal quality. It is urgent to rapidly detect the internal quality of fruits using non-destructive testing (NDT) grading evaluation. However, the practical application of current NDT technology was restricted seriously, including the low ability of anti-interference in a complex environment, high modeling cost, low model applicability, and complex sensor system. Alternatively, the near-infrared spectrum technology has been by far the most powerful NDT fruit internal quality, due to the easy operation, high precision, and objective condition. But the technology cannot be conducive to the popularization and application in the food, agricultural products processing industry, due to the high cost and energy consumption. Specifically, the spectrometer was integrated for the secondary development, while the light source was the tungsten halogen lamp. A small, low-cost, low-power multi-origin NDT system can be highly required for a broad application prospect in the apple quality evaluation. In this study, a novel portable near-infrared NDT detector was developed to estimate the inner quality of apples using a cloud model. The near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy was used to integrate the broad spectrum LED light source and fruit characteristic response narrow band photo detector. 14 LED light sources were also symmetrically arranged on a circle, where the luminous intensity was effectively controlled using the current intensity, according to the light intensity for the different types of apple. The detection section was designed with rubber gaskets and shielding rings for better use in the outdoors. The system software was adopted the modular design to import different Apple models, according to the needs of users to achieve multi-use of one machine. A prediction model was loaded onto the cloud server, and then the system transmitted the data to the cloud through built-in 5G/4G and GPS modules. The cloud model was invoked to realize the data storage, result feedback, and display for the detection suitable for the remote sharing and updating of the model. Taking the fruit quality handheld near-infrared NDT system as a sensing terminal, a design scheme was built for the fruit quality Internet of Things (IOT) monitoring platform. Online communication technology was also selected to detect and monitor the fruit quality in real time, providing support for fruit quality control during the intelligent development of the fruit industry. The apples from the 17 producing areas were selected as the research objects, in order to verify the performance of the system. The diffuse reflectance spectra of 500–1 050 nm were obtained by the detection system, and the soluble solids content, hardness, and vitamin C content were determined by the destructive experiments. 529 apple samples were randomly divided into the calibration set and prediction set in a ratio of 3:2. The calibration set was used to establish the model, and the stability of the model was then tested by the prediction set. A Savitzky-Golay (SG) smoothing pretreatment was then used to eliminate the baseline drift and skew for the more stable model. The competitive adaptive re-weighted sampling and genetic algorithm (GA) were also used to extract the characteristic wavelengths, in order to simplify the model for better applicability. The quantitative prediction models were determined for the soluble solid content, firmness, and vitamin C content of apples in different regions. Specifically, the predicted correlation coefficients were 0.926, 0.798, and 0.704, respectively. The predicted root mean square errors were 0.585 %, 1.405 kg/cm2and 0.968 mg/100g, respectively. Consequently, the testing system can be widely expected to realize the rapid nondestructive detecting of apple quality indexes in multiple production areas. This finding can provide a strong reference for the inspection of fruit quality using near-infrared spectroscopy.

nondestructive detection; near infrared spectroscopy; apple quality; cloud model; multi-origins; handheld detecting system

郭志明,王郡艺,宋烨,等.手持式可见近红外苹果品质无损检测系统设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(22):271-277.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.22.031

Guo Zhiming, Wang Junyi, Song Ye, et al. Design and experiment of the handheld visible-near infrared nondestructive detecting system for apple quality[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(22): 271-277. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.22.031










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